
ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The overcoming of hardships brings life out of mediocrity and makes it worthwhile.
The individuals from whom destin demands much are infinitely the gainers as compared with those of whom it asks but little. BOX 199 Editor: JOS THOMAS YEAR LIMON, SEPTEMBER 1st. 1945 481 in ADMIRAL te.
TH los on en 10 TO ac es car OCCUPATION OF JAPANESE TERITORY BY ALLIED FORCES IN SUPPORT OF MRS. CHURCHILL FUND STARTED LAST TUESDAY WITH UT AN UNTOWARD ACT In our last Saturday impression, we carried TAKING PLACE an appeal for contributions to the Fund being The final phase of the terri on Thursday morning accom raised by Mrs. Churchill, the universally esble worfare in the For Eastern panied by 500 airborne sold teemed wife of England Man of the Hour. Regions of the Pacific begon iers. At this same time thir for the praiseworthy purpose of providing the on Tuesday of the week teen thousand infantry and mediums where the British women on service course with the arrivals of the marines were listed to occu with the Forces of the Commonwealth in air transported one hundred py the forts on the islands in ond thirty two North Ameri the Bay of Tokyo anil the na Germany, Austria, Italy and the South East can engineers, technicians, me vol base of Yokosuka, direc Asia Command can secure proper food, rest, teorologists, and other person ted by Admiral Halsey from recreation and other mucho needed convenien nel of the serial divisions at the Battleship Missouri.
the base located forty three The Eighth army, common The call has come to us by way of His kilometers from the palace of ded by Lieutenant Genera! Ei Britannis Majesty Charge Affaires resident the Emperor Hirohito This ad chelberger, were listed to dis vonce force will conclude pre embank in Yokohama and Ta in San José, through the Vice Consulate in parations for the landing of tevamo in the Bay of Tokyo this city, who has specially invited the wholeThe large number of forces yesterday.
hearted co operation of the religious denomiwho are listed to occuply the who will représent President CHESTER NIMITZ Tomorrow. the 2nd Sep nations, fraternal societies, clubs and other territory of the Empire of the Truman at forman ceremony of tember will be the red let the auspices of British Nationals. Rising Sun. in keeping with Japan Surrender ter day as it is then that Coming at this time when the closing the demands of the pact of the formal act of the uncondi surrender Not a single unto Douglas MacArthur would ha tional surrender of ihe Japa phase of the titanic struggle and signal vicward act is said to have taken ve reached Okinawa last Wed rese will it expected be tory is being effected in the Far Eastern reploce.
nesday night on his way to effected aboard the North Agions of the Pacific, we are confident that At this time of writing it Tokyo. He was due to land merican battleship Misouri despite the financial difficulties from which was announced that General at the aerodrome at Atsugi PASA a la pág. OCHO our community, in general, suffers, an unusually generous response will be given the RAILWAY CO NEWLY CONSTRUCTED TUNNEL AT 4872 MILES appeal 2 INAUGURATED YESTERDAY In view of the fact that the appeal is being made on behalf of thousands of the members As is well known to almost of the Northern Railway Com the closing period of the past of Britain womanhood, who have left their every resident in this Zone, pany with much prejudice; year, that the Management homes, their relatives, and friends to give of the torrential rains which fall blic of the Company decided on their best in the cause of suffering humanity, periodically have, from time So serious was this ton the the construction of a tunnel regardless of personal sacrifices and inconve to tme caused interruptions occasion of the last interrup at the locality known as 48 organizations operating in this Zone, unde.
in the transportation service tion, which occurred during PASA a la Pág. OCHO niences, it should awaken an honest pride in the heart of every true and patriotic member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
20. The cessation of hostilities has by no means reduced the need for the services of these Ministering Angels. rather, it has increased the demand, by reason of the fact that a far TO MEMBERS OF THE CACAO CO OPERATIVA AND larger number of sick. wounded and maimed BANANA CULTIVATORS OF PENSHURST persons are falling under the care and protec tion of the British and other of the United The Cacao Cooperativa, which had a promise made by the Nations in the territories being occupied by them Minister of Agriculture for the administration of the Penshurst Tram.
We hope that this most deserving effort line System, views with surprise that the Contract has been given of Mrs. Churchill will receive a maximum to the International Trading Corporation, Ltd.
success We cannot admit nor tolerate that a foreign entity should obtain such a privilege over a Cors oration which is Costarrican and is protected by the Laws of the Republic.
NEW SAN JOSE HOME FOR LIMONENSES The people of this city the coastal and line towns We must now depend on a Tram Line service by a company are now provided with repudiated by the Banana producers. We must defend what has taken place and we must prove to the Secretary of Fomento that their own home in San Jose at the his informed action, does not give account with the confidenc SYDNEY COX HOTEL which by his dominion of property in this Zone having acquired legitimate rights which cannot bz so easily trampled, facilmente situate on Front Street modern structure with large airy and comfortable rooms RAULA VELAZQUEZ equipped with shower bathg anh tubs constantly supplied baths ar with cold and hot water.
General Manager, Carao Co operativa 320 Come and help us grow.
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