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Page 12 220 ATLANTIC VOICE aturday, 1st. September 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAINL of State warned ra own.
and BRITISH RELIEF ATOMS, RUSSIANS PROPOSED FEDERA SWORDS TO FOOD RATIONING FOR ITALY AND MOUNTBATTENTION OF WEST INDIAN PLOUGHSHARES CONTINUES In the excitement of the COLONIES Reconversion in Britain is LA Despite the severity of its atomic destruction of two Ja o be Sir. own supply position, the Uni panese cities and the entry of cult than in the United Sta Food in the new Labour Can AR ted Kingdom has been playing powerful Russian forces into note was recently addressed tes because a much because a net, recently announced that by the Secretary to factor, an important part in relieving Monchuria, another much greater proportion of there is no immediate prospee several Italion distress during and equally as important, has been the Governors of the British industry has to be re of any improvement in food ri West Indian colonies: Bahamas, following the expulsion of the overlooked in the assessment Barbados, British Guiana, British ion and for a variety of other There may be more cres, and La Es converted for civilian produc Нео tions, and little likelihood recent Germans from the country of leading to the Japa cuts being restored de in Honduras, Jamaica, Leeward The United Kingdom, with Ca nese surrender.
Islands, Trinidad and Wind. reasons. The shortage of buil food supplies from the Fall bar nada, has procured mors than This factor was the carefu ward Islands, suggesting the ding labour is one of the gre East, he declared, but half of the total civilion sup lly planned and potentially possibility of a West Indian fe atest bottlenecks, and it is that there are millions of addi plies sent to Italy, mainly formidable invasion of Mata deration. The object would be upon this that the entire phy tional mouths to feed, even from Empire sources. ya and the subsequent follow to speed the development of a sical aspects of reconversion shipping becomes available. The LA This rate of supply was ma through to the South China selfgoverning unit within the depend Japan surrender Eastern peoples will have the intained throughout the pe Sea which was only halted by British Commonwealth. will not mean immediate rettest claim Limo on all additional riod when Britain was the ba the sudden acceptance of the It is not, according to the Se lease for everybody; ermies in suplies of rice from the libe se for the preparations for Potsdam Declaration cretary, desirable to proceed in Europe will have to be main rated countries. The new Minis the invasion of France, when Because pf this excitement it mediately or hastily with such tained; very large forces will ter is determined to see the pro el she was supplying a big pro is not generally known that oa federation, nor to imposs the be needed to clear up great sont rationing standards main Jos portion of the needs of the Un huge amphibious force had idea upon the communities con ited States forces besides her, been assembled and was reo cerned, since such political unity areas of South East Asia attained.
San dy to carry out, at a moment must develop from within. How. present occupied by the ene Supplies for Italy have been notice, what would have been ever, it was felt that a lead ta my. Meanwhile labour is un obtained by the United Sta the biggest single operation enable this colonial Legislatures fbomb damage, building mi ough time to build stores, the En ken by the Government would gently needed for repairing pose. Even if there was en muy tes, the United Kingdom and since Day in Europe, to debate tho question and consillions of new houses, and con re is no available labour.
Canada from many parts of dia There is no doubt the Ja der the obstacles and their pos verting war plants for peace Many war plants will have Curso the world, including the Ar panese High Command were sible removal.
time production to be entirely readjusted be de la gentine, North and South, Au: acquainted with this great dri The last named in particu fore they can be used for pejado tralia, Mauritius and the Mave and that their decision to An important point mphsized Protecció diterranean area. The total sue for peace wasin fluenced in the despatch is that attention for the reconversion of fac ocetime production vil suplies sent during the po by it. far they have had plenty should not be concentrated sole. teries presents unique di tion against attack from the read riod from 1943 to the end of experience of previous homly on thy political aspect of fe. Ifficulties. Both plants and ma air created the necessity for Lucí derations; administrative chines must be realigned for dispersal; for instance, they peru of February, 1945 wos mer blows from Admiral Mo cconomie matters are of major peacetime production. Due to had to stagger their machines, men 404. 966 gross gons, of untbatten South East Asia significance. Much progress on bombing there is no available otherwise one bomb on that me which 544, 551 (39 per cent) Command in the past these lines has already been sorage spacein which to hou section might have brought men was procured by the United During the last two years made during the helped se surplus machinery, and mi the entire works to a stop mo United Kingdom, 168. 704 (12 the British Indian Fourte greatly by the wartime impro llions of square feet are ur Production lines had to be depan Per cent) by Canada, and enth and lately the Twelfth vment in air communications. gently needed for this pur liberately split up so that da por 691711 (49 per cent) by the Armies have defeated the lar mage could be localized, and tanti United States. That is, the gest and most experienced Jo crmies have a record of three what was left of ten Japane blast walls were built round de United Kingdom and Canada panese for ever assembled smashed Japanese armies and se divisions. It is estimated certain sections of machinery por together sent 51 per cent of on one battlefront. These two have wrecked and onnihilated they inflicted over 300, 000 tolack out arrangements, city se the total supplies. These figu casualties including 128, 000 raid shelters, and security me Senco res exclude coal supplies and counted dead and 3, 000 pri asures have still to be remo tores the United Kingdom and Usoners.
Yed. Very large arears of ma nited States army stocks han ded over for civilian needs, Against these enemy losses intenance that have accumu the British Armies set their lated during six years of war totalling 360, 000 tons Gu own at 20, 000 in killed are now a vital problem, missing a ratio of six to one The future distribution of in their favor.
URANIUM CITY industry is another problem.
In one year they liberated in allowing civilian industry to VE on area one third greater than start up again the Raw material for the atom the entire British Isles, fight ment hos agreed that they will str bomb comes from a shaek seting in territory which has been have a special responsability tlement, formerly Radium called the worst in the world in dealing with the Town, now Uranium City, former and suffering disease ord eli depressed areas, the Echo Bay. on the shores of the war motic conditions in addition blitzed areas, urban areas that Sol Great Bear like, Northwest Territories.
to a cunning and resourceful have grown too large, and Uranium City, once privately enemy depressed agricultural Pc owned, is now the property of Their task, even after the creos. Cut backs will release LO the Crown. All capital of the surrender, is not complete. In labour from war factories in mines and associated refineries their area there are 80. 000 some parts of the country whe Sr was recently acquired on the Allied prisoners of war and cire it will be impossible to ro recommendation of the Canadian vilian internees to be rescued employ it immediately. Seed Din Minister of Munitions and Sup.
and repatriated after medical ing to pockets of unemployed, La plies, and yested in the King.
while in other areas there will Muy Another important potential By far their greatest task be shortages of labour. No mo source of uranium is Cornwall, England. Back in the seventies, in the future will be to dispo ter how urgent the demand, when the Cornish copper mining se of the estimated three luck of transportation facili filio industry was in full produetion, quarters of a million armed Ja ties and shortage of housing haric the chief waste product was ura.
panese left in the theatre and will in some cases make it im Fco.
nium. One mine, as recently as of clearing up the mess the possible to bring unemployed putad The British flying Boat Shetland has an overall length of 110 the early twenties, produced ft, with wing span of 150 ft. It weighs 58 tons and has a range would be Japanese conquerors and employment together for Lima 114 tons of uranium a year.
of 650 miles with a payload of 620 lbs.
have left Live a time, war, tan or pros Govern at Pa Qu Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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