
ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK For better for worse, we are each a part of the surge and swell of all great economic and political movements. Whatever we do, as individu as nations, deep y afects everyone els NA Step Editor: JOS THOMAS YEAR LIMON, BOX 199 SEPTEMBER 8th. 1945 482 EDITORIAL ATLANTIC BANANA GROWERS SHOULD NOT BE NEGLECTED THE CIENEGUITA BRIDGE IS VERY UNSAFE BY DE CULTIVATORS.
na 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 Up and down swinging to and fro; right and The Manegemtn of the ground under his own feet. In these days of world eco Atlantic Banana left; stepping over large openings in the wooden Grower Al businessmen in this momic review, the motives Association as we gather very highly enlightened are and achievements, anticip pathway. such is now the experience in crossing the are upward toiling in order prefer to deal with co ope tingly, by Banana the Cieneguita bridge a public way that is veto have a well laid founda rative or collective groups. Growers Associatidn may ry unsafe for the large traffic frequently traversing tion for this all important there is the realization that no doubt seek and provide it.
Istructure in the agricultu their interest is best served insurance against nature The impending danger is there written for the ra! life of this zone. The quite naturally there will upheaval for the products fact cannot be consciencioas be accompanying dependa ofthe cultivoator; this eye to see; the rotten planks, the weakening wire ly denied that if Limon is bility and well founded mu and more in within the cope supports and with the water continually burrowto again take its place in the tual understanding of the Atlantic Banana Cro ing its way at the bridge foundation: in fact front line of progress, the By uniting as a wlole the wer Association and which ihat part of the roadway is being used at the habanana industry must be in very cultivators will find is now on the threshold nt zard of human lives and property.
tensified; this means a who that there will be greater its Registration under the It is obvious that the danger is greatest at le hearted unity and homo advantages derivable by col laws of this Republic.
nights and time of inclement weather, the area geneous support by those lective bargaining: they wil who cultivate the fruit.
find also effective ways It has been announced then envelope with darkness making it very diffiand means to secure laour that a meting will be held cult for the pedestrians to safely step over the ruts.
Any indifference on the saving devices; they will at the office of the Secreta This bridge connects the city proper with me part of any grower to the without doubt find themsel ry on the night of Saturday ny very important points beyond, such as our air general interest of the new ves in a position to better te 22nd instant All memport. one of the official schools. as well as the 30 ly organized Atlantic Bana guard against being cemple bers are urged to be in atte: large settlements of Cieneguita and Westfalia and 10 Growers Association tely swamped by keen pur dance. would only tend to cut the chasing markets.
many commercial industries.
In view ofthe circumstances in the premises 30 MR. BURT SPEAKS TO ARGE AUDIENCE IN HALL OF we beg to invite the immediate attention of our well esteemed Municipal Fathers to effect the neces UNIVERSAL NEGRO sary inspection and to have the repairs attended to while it is yet day and thus dispel the impending The hall of the Universal tower Bible and Track Songsional and internation: gloomy shadow in which the foot walker and the Negro Improvement Associa ciety, Inc. giving the pubtic podies and the collision of driver of whee led vehicle are hemmed in passin30 tion in this city was graced address on the subject. world shaking events upon on last Sunday night the Thy Kingdom Come. mankind since World Wa gl over the bridge.
10 2nd. instant with a special At the very outset he com 1914. 1918, stressing that lecture under the auspice of landed the minute attention the time has come to orga o the Port Limon Company of his hearers due to the ve nize the world for truth ECHOES ON THE JAPANESE CAPITULATION Jehovah Witnesses, and y clear and concise right and Chri 100 with Mr. Burt, her the proponded his sub tianity.
Representative of the Watch ect, accompanied AND SIGNATURE Bible Since the termination ef acts to bear cut his messe his messege we have been It has been reported from their signing of the docu.
e listening to highly apprecia THE APPROACHING Mr. Burt refers in Moscow that the Russian ments in conjunction to the Mart High Command, has declafour Allied Powers. the political councils of Cotinued on page 8)
FESTIVE DAYS ed September the third as a Primier Stalin is said ta national day of rejoicing an have paid glowing tribute are glad that our Mu COSTA RICA BASEBALL SELECTION tribute to the Russian arn to the officers and men nicipal Council has approved forces in view of the comprising the forces of ed the solicitation of We are in receipt of the lier days of the Air. Land and Seacoming pitulation and unconditic commercial citizens to cele pleasing information that month.
nal surrender of Japan an emphasing that Japan the brate in this city three days the Baseballers who are ex last of the aggressive of festivities; October 11 12 pected to participate as retions has fallen; final victory, and 13, inclusive.
has been achieved; and it The observance of these in the Worlds Amateur Seis befitting to observe infestive days, will, without ries, slated to take place so doubt bring a ray of light in metime during the month of VOICE is your newspaper Remember, THE ATLANTIC. in front of the Roman Catholic yously the trimuph in their beloved national capital of and Church in this city.
the comercial and other acti October proximo in Caracas the only survivor which repre.
Moscow Remember the grand dance on vities of this zone.
Climaxing the celebra The Committee appointed our city on the 15th.
Venezuela, wll be visiting seny. this zone. We have on Independence Eve, Friday night and the fifth of the month in course the 14th. under the auspices of tion the report states that to effect the preparations 16th. instant, and not 24 salutes were discharged passed another anniversary unour two esteemed young townsare said to have whole hear the 9th. as previously an der the new ownership of 1942. men, Mssrs. Sydney Walters from 324 cannons, followtedly started their assigns. nounced.
ed with utterance of Eter.
Your continuous and incresed and Roel Johnson, The setting respectively, giving rise to the fact that we can look for think, afford our citizens a hit ther ea desire to maintain our hall of the Universal Negro Im Russian comrades who ha This later fixture will we support will be highly necessary will be in the airy and spacious nal Glory for those of the ward to those approaching better opportunity of witnes champloning your cause. provement Association, ve perished heroically in all days of novelties and pleasing and we hope, appreciat Rememper also that the struggles in defence of this sure.
ing, the capabilities of the Weedly can be secured at the Remember the Old Fashioned the honour of their beloved In the meantime the co. Selection, to protect the ho grocery shop of Mrs. Rose at Lawn Party which will be stag country lumns of the Atlantic Voice nour of our Republic, in the entrance of the street lead ed on the grounds of the day It has been reported that are at the disposal of those this internationally regarding to the Cieneguita official school of the Roman Catholic the Railroads of Birmania in the realm of commercialed line of sport school. Bear also in mind that Parish on the nights of Monday and Tailandia have been business; tell us what yon if you do not contact our deli and Tuesday the 17th, and 18th, constructed literally over the have to offer and we shall The team w7l leave for very boys on the streets, please inclusive.
dead bodies of the Austrain turn let the public know. Venezuela during the ear. call at our office, Room No. (Cotinued on page 8)
טס na presentatives of Costa Rica SOME OF THE THINGS TO REMEMBER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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