
PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, RESTAURANT LA GUARIA THE CALIFORNIA HOTEL, SAN JOSE lla Ale sul todo pat cor alg del liai dad ta veli Tr раа tra der ye Página ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 8th. September 1945 WITH THE METHODISTS our youth than Intemperan ce. The prelude brought for The yearly anniversary of snging items. The Reverend tunetul numbers; interesting ward many of the children in San José.
the Sunday school associated P. Holmes, the Minister of recitations as well as many hu APDO. NO 1779 TEL. 6128 with the city Ma hodist the Circuit officiated Church was celebrated inter The sacred edifice was brigh mourous sketches. Not in singular appreciation, but ro wovenly with the divine servi tened again on Monday night OFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, ces of lost Sunday the 2nd of the week in course when ther befittingly we mention REGULAR STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING the name of little Millicent Instant. The young people ad the youngters staged effecti Francis who proved herself a ded to the joys of the comme vely a concert that was cliMATARAL. live spark.
morative event by the presen moxed with the debate ALKALINE TABLETS.
Obviously, the congregation tation of a splendid program Resolved that Unemploy MUL EN OL me seasoned with reciting and ment has done more harm to was yeorning for the debate; it came with Mr. Edmund Jack FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC.
son as leader of the Affirmati ve, supported by the Misses Moore KUBANOLA IMPORTANT Linda Brown and Hazel Gray.
HERB TEA FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANT POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon The Negative was championed and Vanilla Visitors from Limon and other line towns triumphantly by Mr. Herbert Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women, will not miss their home prepared meais Vanhorn, the Misses Pearl Ed Ecuadorian products.
when in San José by eating and drinking at words and Enid Lettman.
Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags, The leader, Mr. Jackson in large as ortment Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches, nice designs, treating on his role. That gold filled Unemployment has done more Native coffee wood souvenirs, fine assortment of designs.
horm to our youth than Intem Rafael Tuck Sons universally known christmas greet 100 yds. North Teatro Adela ing cards (British manufacture. peronce was not sufficiently Fine Assortment of po cards. American manufacture. forceful nor toctful Miss Large assortment of La Valliere Toilet articles includ.
Brown his second gained a ing. leykol Lotions and other fine perfumes, face creams, few points while Miss Gray toothpastes, powders, etc. eto chimed in harmoniously. Mr.
Gator Roach hives and other insecticides for ants roaches and mosquitos We have had the satisfee, to date. The building is Vanhorn affected a very br tion of listening to many conveniently located 200 llant dash with his opening re Why contract MALARIA?
praise worthy comments re yards south and 50 east of mraks; and although not be garding the new accom the Atlantics Railway Sta ing 1 in exactitude with u e our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and avoid mosquitos introducing Inalaria into your SYSTEM.
modations provided in San tion Anivals by the the subject at issue, he had, Jose for travellers, particu trains con, consequently, however swamped his oppo Send us your orders immediately.
larly those of this Zone. easily walk to the hotel nent. His second, Miss Pearl Judging from the utteran which being provided cons Edwards climbed the summit; For your importations of any and every kind of mer ces, the California Hotei, tantly with hot and chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products, cold very convincingly she defined CONSULT US Conducted by our widely es water in tub and shower, is orally the two phases of the Eeemed ex Limonense, Mr always is readiness for re argument and brought into the unced to the congregation; Thomas and Miss Vera GH Sydney Cox, is verily a ho freshing the travellers after picture very plain every day they were not assigned any ing.
me in the Capital for the a long train ride. The expen actions by youthful practices ravellers from our Provinse of a taxi is also saved of intemperansce. Miss Latt conspicious position; each jud Ee. This has been substan when the travellers leave man of very tender age deser dently: a verditet when given Superintendent of the gment was effected indepen Mr. Herbert Vanhorn, the iated by our good friends, for the railway station on Sun Ir. and Mrs. Herbert Char the return trips, laden with ves much credit for her part by Reverend Holmes wos un day School and Mr. Edmund contributed es, who had the distinction packages and other baggaanimously a trium. pn for Jackson, the organist The judges were not anno the Negative. They were of being the first of our cive. According to these rewere pleasingly eulogized by the izenry to be accommodat ports, Mr. Cox has apparen Messrs. Leslie Angus Jos. Minister, on the very day the ho tly driven the nail aright el was opened. Mr Char and merits the wolehearted ECHOES ON THE es has assured us that the co operation of everyone ooms are spick and span, who appereaites worth while he beds comfortable and efforts. From page 2)
AGRICULTURAL AND BUILDING CORPO the general furnishings up lians and other prisoners of war who fell in the hand of the cruel Japs.
RATION OF 28 MILES HEAD OFFICE NOTICE This is said to be the sta Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de ing Requirements to MADRE DE DIOS Ingeniería dirijase tement of released Austra.
lian prisoners by the Ar To the Officers and Members of ROIG mies of occupation; claim ing that more than six hus the above named Society: Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos dred of their comrades have You are hereby notified to attend the annual BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319 3201. or 25 died as flies by being over shareholders meeting of the Corporation which will worked on the railroad un be heldt at the usual meeting place der tropical forest; treat ed by the Japanese guard Madre de Dios at 10. 30 am. Sunday HOTEL CALIFORNIA working a 24 hour day: Starved and denied medical September 9th. 1945 Avenida Central Facing Botica Primavera treatment and other human for the purpose of having a final undertanding re considerations.
necessary to the benefit of the shareholders 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station This meeting calls for all shareholders: in case San José MR BURT of failure to attend, the directors will not hold Conveniently situated. Confortable Jooms Slot (From page 7)
themselves responsible, if any thing should happer and Cold Water Baths. Eycellent Sanitary Service tive comments on the ad.
to the Society Homelike environment. New furniture and dress.
Important: you can be represented by a repreequipment. Varied and wholessome Food. He is slated to deliver in sentative or proxy.
Respectability and Courtesy.
the same hall tomorrow WARD FARQUHARSON Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests Sunday the 9th commene Gerente.
President Reasonable Prices ing at seven o clock ano. GIBB. Secretry SYDNEY COX. Proprietor ther lecture. The public is August 15th. 1945.
cordially invited.
trol hor est Led Rar trol en tan ron ро tro sop ran ERC. ficoli unil das sive gue del el tar dijd TOR las Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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