
Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 8th September 1945 ON THE FOOT. BALL GROUND Limon Junior Makes Barcelona Weep Three goals against a single Last Sunday afternoon we Best came with one goal for witnessed a fiery oven for the the leaders and hili for the baking of the weekly football Barcelonians. Pie. The participants were the On the resumption things Limon Junior fand the Barce became a little calm: Barcelona began to bring on their chamThe Cacao Farmer Friend lona WE ALWAYS buy Cacao Dashing from their respecti pion tactics. The ball was kic.
ve camps, the blaze quickly got ked to left wing and the shot RAICILLA. IPECACUANA underway. The Junior seemin Was earned spectacular ely had their feet touched with chuffle came on the scene. all RUBBER the magic wand: judging by the nerves were tightened: the way they were out manoeuvring pigskin was pounced here and the Barcelonians, there; the Juniors notched up a We are Agents for There were loopings sum gear and Harry Jackson again mersaultings and dive bombings registered. In vain did the Bar THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. UF THE GOVT until Harry Jackson with a celonians try to shake off the dribbling shot earned the first defeat, but ill wind again blowed OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE. goal for the Juniors. Then, Barce against them and Berchel earned lona, as would have been expec. the third and last shot for the ted turned on their heat valves Juniors. The match was termibut as it with a coat of mail the nated with three goals for the WANDERER CRICKET TEAM DROPS ATOMIC BOMB ON temperature did not affect Alfon Junior and one for Barcelona 50 Taylor, the Juniors goalie.
PATHFINDERS Last Sunday forenoon on was filled by Findlay Tay. the Pathfinders went to bat NEW HARLEM CANTINA the cricket oval at plaza lor who played an admira but seemnigly from the out.
Iglesias, the Wanderer crick ble and formidable innine set their fate way sealed.
et taem and that of the Ps for thirty runs: unfortunate The opening pair Ambrose AND RESTAURANT thfinder Sport Club werely he was sturbed by the Hammond and Lewis A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE witnessed in a contest for wicketkeeper in trying to were short lived. The first OFFERS: supremacy in the defence step at one of Vincent Wal named was dismissed B.
The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons. of six upright sticks placea ker short deliveries D and his partner was bow in triplets at eastern and xon took position of the bal led by Big Boy, the bomber NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN westen positions, respecti. and gained the honour for pilot for the Wanderers; he AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
vely. ball made of leather having dislodged Wareham began to drop Atomic was entrusted to bowlers after his score of twenty ni Bombs; destroyer six. wisof both sides and with each ne runs.
kets for eleven runs while APPROACHING INAUGURATION OF bent on beating the man At the fall of the other his co pilot, a lety: Le who faced the hurting with six wickets, the tins read wis dropped two of the de COSMOPOLITAN DANCE CLUB his bat; an experience which 117 runs for the loss of mine vastating rackets Ben Esrather costiy to the wickets.
coe the last batsman was We are in receipt of the in the Hall of the Universal Pathfinders. Characteristi After the peril of rest stumped. The inning termi fine compliment of Messrs Negro Improvement Assocally the Wanderers every nated for sixteen runs Amos Hall and Ben Escoe, ciation.
attempt in their trying VERY GOOD Messrs. Moure and the Chairman and Secreta There are reasons to belie find a Path. The veteE. Chambers were the um ry respectively of the Cos ve a Red Letter nigha is rans, Wareham and Asie CITIZEN LEAVES THIS pires.
mopolitan Dance Club, to in the making for the mem Knott went in at the start; attend the inaugural cero bers of the club and their thew treated the deliveries CITY BIRTHDAY mony and dance slated for guests. We hope everything of Howard. the night of Friday thc will shape in full harmony wart and Lows with GREETINGS 21st September, proximo, with the plans.
scant courtesy. The vacancy We report with mingled feeling of regret the transfer of Mr. Oscar Tenorio In the apartment of Mr.
Orozco to San Jose He left Fitzroy Grant and Mrs on Sunday the 2nd. instant. Iris Birch de Grant the briga Mr. Tenorio was the very tness of the lights were in formidable right extreme creased on Saturday, eight of the Barcelona Football days ago when another birh HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY Team. To see him in action day of Mrs. Grant became was always a charm to the uppersmost on the calendar THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY teye. His absence on the of time team, we entertain no doubt, We are told that a few will buy all your Rubber at thevery fat price of will be greatly felt. of their specia friends par.
Cur good friend Oscar will ticipated in the joyous ce.
be greatly missed, however, lebration.
it behoves us to wish him May many more birth an every possible sudcess in his niversaries be her blessing At Limon in The Caribbean Packing Company Building: new sphere of life.
is our very fond desire In their Commissaries at Guáp iles. Siquirres. Vesta and WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON Penshurst. The Price will be was 10 ita LI is DE RA e to, pos, ci va ell ut RUBBER RUBBER no cl C1 178. 00 For Each Quintal REPUBLIC OF PANAMA 173, 00 Per Quintal SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW Agents: SMYTH COMPANY Port Limon and San José Costa Rica Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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