
SECA SARIO Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Saturday, 8th. September 1945 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Pagina 11 CALLING ALL CHURCHES AND WESTIES OF LIMON by Horace Prendergast When Jesus came on Negroes in Limon and the carth, he came to call all West Indian colony in gene sinners to repentance. He de ral, do not try to put a stop legated his Apostles to teach to the evil education. theHis Doctrine as set forth in se children are obtaining on the 5th 6th and 7th Chapters the streets day by day, in the of Saint Mathews Gospel, to next years we all will be be found in the Holy Writ. confronted with a great dilecalled the Bible.
ma. No one will be able to sa His doctrine is one of Love fely walk the streets without in all its phoses, Love of being in danger of some yoGod, Love of every human be ung hold up men in gangs.
ing (our neigbours. Not even our homes will be In the Churches is vested safe. Decently brought up the right to reform Gods lit young men and women tle and big ones; but sad to teen ages will be in danger.
say and hope my readers Sad prediction you may say, will not be sore the Churches But FACT IS FACT.
are dealing with a slack hand The obscene language ut in matters of reformation. tered day by day by children There is a growing tendency of from to 12 years old, so toward vandalism, radicalism, ailed under parents guidanand every evil ISM concievace. is shocking to the ear.
ble among the majority of the Some of the expressions children of West Indian paren scrdid enough to drop their tage in this city No one who young teeth out. These ugly cares speak the truth con obscene expressions, coupled deny the fact that if the le. with their love of fight and no them (poor unfortunates) to HAVE MERCY ON YOUR. Your delay on this question aders of the Churches, lod restraint by those who are au think of major lawlessness to OWN, DONT ALLOW OTH means DANGER. PREACH ges and every other charita thorized to curb these evils, our chagrin, in a short while. ERS TO continue saying that ERS PLEASE DO SOMETHING ble institution, directed by will eventualy pave a way for 0. PEOPLE. We are NO GOOD ANYHOW. FROM PULPITS.
Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra. RUBBER of REMEMBEP WE PAY THE BEST PRICES are were ta ISDE RA POS.
CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK ANOTHER IMPORTANT DISCOVERY BY BRITISH SCIENTISTS IS NOW OPEN According to a press relea experiements being made of England without being de The Medical Consulting Office of the se, we have the information known to the Ministers of tected and pursued by DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA that within a few days after War and Marine they Radar. The Germans were the poojles of the world had sent to the specialists at the terrified and confused in not MEDICO AND SURGEON been given the surprise of the Experimental Station. An ex being able to follow the move existence of the terrible death ceedingly large amount of ments of British planes dedi situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel Hispadealing Atomic Bomb by the cash is said to have been ex cated, at the convencement of no America, next door to the Dental Parlour Anglo American scientists, the pended by England in the ex the war, to attacks on light of Dr. Jose Pacheco.
British government acknowled periments and for the purcha houses and ship lights on the ged another transcendent disse of the necessary material; coost, in the growth of which Hours of Consultation: to p.
covery that of an apparatus and at the outbreak of the the government had classified as Radar. which war, she was in a position to ossigned a group of marvello performs the work of radio lo lead the world in the art of usly trained observers.
fficient powerful ray of short freely as a ray of light Such calization.
radio localization, mocking the hopes of the German scien Radio waves, equal to the waves it is possible to direct are the starts of the rodar.
The experiments started in tists, who had also been worse of sound waves, created on echo which repels any ob AMONG THE BAPTISTS 1935 when much interest was king along similar lines, evinced in the matter along From the month of Aprilject which comes in its way very pleasingly we have oby, we are of the belief that the coasts of England.
On 1939, none of the enemy pla end if one could obtain a su Iserved that several carpen the Baptist can rely on the the value of the results of the res could approach the coast ters and masons have com further support of their own menced the repair to the dongregation, their friends city Baptist Church. The and the public in general YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE THE SINCERE NOTE OF foundation work is now to hold up their hands and being undertaken and see enable them to successfully CASABLANCA WELCOME mingly a much greater res accomplish the task to ma ponsibility confronts the ke God House of worship, LIMON NEW SPOT IS NOW OPENED The Atlantic Voice adopts Church than was anticipat beautiful, entire and dean.
TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC this medium to tender itsed. However, betwhat it may This New Bar and Restaurant is the sincere welcome to Spot You Had Been Looking for Aubrey Lopez of Colon and DO YOUR SHOPPING AT YOU WANT GOOD SERVICES his esteemed wife, Mrs.
YOU NEED LOWEST PRICES Ruth Gray de Lopez, a for YOU NEED PLEASANT DEALINGS mer Limonense. They are THE CASA BLANCA GUARANTEES TO the house guest of their paPLEASE YOU AT ALL TIMES: rents, Mr. and Mrs. Hibbert DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
Situate: Corner of 4th. avenue and seventh street: our good citizens.
NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO (Former Atlantic Bar)
Again we express our plea PLEASE YOU Beresford Duncan and Clarence Mitchell Bure in having their presen (CHICKLET)
ice in our community and PROPRIETORS wish for them a very comLIMON fortable and enjoyabe stay. d Mr.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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