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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 8th. September 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Fer Seere Polich noso!
Jebra trias ofreci ELE SO now of FIRST FRUITS BRITISH CIVIL UNIO BRIEFS LEND LEASE FACT AND FICTION The following extracts are did as civilians. There must OF VICTORY AVIATION The Polish Air Force, bet from the President of the be available for each so dier The pooling of resources Some impressive facts about ween July 1940, and E Day United States Nineteenth for example, three times as by Lend Lease and reverse the wartime achievements of accounted for 1, 113 enemy Report to Congress on Lend much meat as he ate as a Lend Lease has speeded vic the British automotive indus plones and 33 Boats. The Lease operations, dated May civilian.
tory, but it has had grove try were given recently by Sir force lost 2, 025 airmen, 1945: The sharp rise in consumer effects upon the British eco William Rootes, head of the 57 of of whom were Brit Since the beginning of incomes during the war has.
well known motor firm of Roo ish.
the end lease programme made it possible for most tes, Ltd. in a speech at Maid in March, 1941, rumours and people to buy more food When the war began, Bri stone, Kent.
o reports which are either in than formerly. People in the tain planned on producing for As early as 1936 a num correct or exaggerated, have higher income groups have herself almost everything to ber of British firms had joi The former Italian luxury circulated thoughout the not been able to obtain the equip her armed forces. Apart ned the Shadow Factory Sche liner Saturnia (now re nam United States and frequently same quantities of foodstuffs from food and raw materials me. When war came, they ed Francisco Slanger. among our a med forces which they purchased before which had to be drawn from were in full production and has ben converted into the abroad. These rumours and the war, while the many overseas and some manufac had delivered, among other world largest hospital ship reports have been based lar more people in the lower intured prodcuts from the Uni products, a large number of and is now being used to ta gely, on misinformation or come groups have been able ted States, Britain planned aeroplanes.
on misunderstanding of the to increase their consump ke home casualties on fghting a self sufficient Then came plunkirk, and basio purpose of Tend lease, tion. The net result has var. With the fall of France, the loss of the greater part which is the effective utili. been that the average the situation changed comple of the army mechanized zation of the manpower and civilian has consumed more tely, and Britain had to plan transport, and much of its resources of all the United food each year during the for a sudden increase in the equipment.
More than 150 uni Nations, war than he did in the presize of her armed forces.
The following are some of war period.
This emergency called forth versity professors and instruc FICTION From that moment, produc the industry tremendous re tors have arrived to staff the fictions about lend lease tion was insufficient to sus sources. They have produced Army university centres and the true facts regarding The shortage in the Unit ed States of domestic beef tain the military effort, but since then over one million at Shrivenham, England and each.
FICTION and veal supplies has result the gap was met temporarily transport vehicles for the ser at Biarritz, France, There is an impresion chied in the misconception that by taking over the French convices 75 of all the track and the part of some people, in large quantities are tracts in the United States armoured fighting vehicles being this country that the furnish lend leased.
and increasing her own. To made in Britain and 80 The US. Fi pay for the munitionse, Bri of all the aero engines.
FACT Air ing of foodstuffs under lend lease is the principal reason Only per cent. of our tain speeded up the sale They have also made, in Transport Commnad is foreign assets, drastically li quantities never before seen running daily flights into Lon for short food supplies here domestic beef and per FACT cent. of our veal supply was mited imports, and increased in Betdin, tanks, aircraft, don, Prestwick, Paris, Marsei exports to the utmost. Bulacro engines, guns and ammu lles, Brussels, Berlin, Bremen, in the year 1944 the United entd lease in the first three Of our total food supplies ivered to our allies despite these measurers, her nition, and assorted equip Frankfurt Munich Stock dollar resources were almost ment ranging from mines and holm, Athens, Geneva, Rome, States armed forces got 12 months of 1945. American per cent, the United States forces stationed in the South exhausted a few months la torpedoes to trailer pumps Naples. Copenhagen and os civilians 80 per cen, lerd. Pacific haye received from ter.
for the NF. lo lease exports accounted for Australia and New Zealand At that point Lend Lease Sir William revealed for the per cents, and commercial under reverse lend lease, came in to redress the balan first time that approximately exports for the remaining two thirds as much beef and ce between Britain production 80 of all the units in the per cent. American farmers veal as we have eported un and her military effort. It ena British and Imperial armies The third in a series of con have succeded in increasing den lend lease to all coun bled a larger army to be kept were at the end of the Euro ferences held over a period of food production substantially tries.
than could be equipped with pean war fully mechanized, two years to consider the uni during the war; our total FICTION out outside aid. More than whereas with Germany the fication of engineering stan food production in 1944 was Americans who have stood that, it enabled her to cut her comparative figure is 15 dards will open in Ottawa on about 35 per cent larger in long lines in recent mon exports drastically and to in This gives the measure of the September 24 next, under the than the 1935 39 average purchas cigarettes crease her war production and achievement of the British mo, auspices of the Combined a large proportion of this have sometimse heard that the size of her armed forces for industry.
Production and Resources increase has been required, one reason for the shortage by shutting down or convert Board. It will be attended by by the Army and Navy, as was the large number furni.
ing the export industries.
Conadian, British and men in the armed forces con hed to other countries urder Lend Lease therefore enabled delegations.
sume more food than they lend lease.
Britain to maintain armed for it while the export industries FACT ces almost 25 per cent larger are restarted. This week Bri Our lend lease exports of than would otherwise civilians told cigarettes in 1944 required been possible.
that sugar supplies for manu only abous 114 per cent. of The price for this increased facturers were to be cut our production. For every effort, which is being paid meaning less beer, less jam, cigarette which we lend now, is heavy for the British ice cream, chocolate and con leased in 1944 we sent 20 to economy is completely depen fectionery. They were also our armed forces abroad and dent upon large imports of told that the clothes ration the people in this country food and raw materials. Befo will be cut; that there will be smoked 60. No cigarettes have been supplied under te the war Britain imported fewer stockings for women, a lend lease for civilian use two thirds of the food supply severe shortage of woolen Some have gone to the and most of the raw materials goods, no relaxation of style French forces in Africa; the for factories. She must export restrictions and an overall re remainder have been furto pay for these supplies, but duction of civilian clothing su nished to British armed for the loss of export markets du pplies to about 36 per cent of ces on various war fronts ring the war means that it the pre war supply. This is lo Our total wartime exports of will be some time before the wer than at any point in the cigarettes, both commercial volume of overseas trade ne war.
and lend lease have taken cessary to pay for the needed a smaller proportion of to will be achieved.
For British civilians the tal production than in the These supplies are vital first fruit of victory has been HMS HOTSPUR pre war period.
and British civilians must wolatill greater musterile la Biblioteca Nadonal Miguel ObreTHE BRITISH. HERO. CLASS. DESTROYER. Costa Rica. to be continued)
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