
ECA NA Uo7 EDITORIAL TYNO ATLANTIC VOICE THE NATIONAL DAY the tuga bastiek 1945 Siem the than four Saturday eight days ago, we celebrated the Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 patriotic Fifteenth. The great delight of One (EAR LIMON, 22nd September 1945. 432 Hundred and Twenty Four Years of Independence was marvellously strengthened with the THE MILITARY BAND ENTERTAINS WITH BANANA GROWERS realization that universally, humanity was free; a liberation that Costa Rica in common GALA CONCERT ASSOCIATION TO with the other peace loving nations had conTo the entertainment of Homage to Dr. ITA HOLD MEETING tributed her bit Those lenghthened years of the greatest number of per rosemena March. Galiseparation from the Vice Royalty of New sons assembling in the varmany.
At the eight o clock hour Spain and have been enjoying freedom and gas Park of this city in many The Carrion Company. tonight, Saturday the 22nd.
a Moon, we witnessed jor. Fantastic Planquetto. the Banana Growers Assi. liberty since, has no doubt enshrined the fully that panoramie vier Quartette and Bolenesa ciation will hold a meeting hearts of our people to help to set others free.
on the night of the feen Bellin.
in the office of the Secretary The universe was set on fire since Septemth with the Military Band Trivitation of the Waltz Matters of paramount imber 1939 and while the blaze was alive no real QUEZ as the center of attraction Weber.
portance to the best interest happiness could abide in the soul of any people and admiration Intermission of the cultivators are slated who appreciated civilization; justice, liberty The lovely new Autumn France Patriotie Overture for discussion. Members are and righteousness.
lo Moon beaming through the Brest.
urged to attend and should Our National Day of September 15th, 1945 vee palm fronds and other na Dance ofthe Hours. Las encourage others who are ture adornment.
Gioconda Ponchielli, not yet indentified with the was celebrated with the mind clear of fear from Colonel Jose Quesada and Guatemala Anthem organization the possible scattering sparks of war reaching proble his musicians were Tops. Salvador Anthem In the meantime the ma our Republic and so gladly we tuned our harps the great crowd cheered lus: Honduras Anthem. nagement desire to reiterate and sounded our timbrels.
sidons tily at the close of each ren Nicaragua Anthem. the fact that the aims and The patriotic observance in this city under dition, Below is the progra Costa Rica Anthem.
objects of the Atlantic Ba the guidance of the Educational Department Retenestame: Fin.
nana Growers Association was high in magnitude and magnanimity.
is destined for the betterMR. RICHARD HORACE PRENDEIGAST ment of the growers and the With the dawn of day the Military Band had Industry on a whole taken command of the avenues and streets and and LEADS NEW ASSOCIATION free of malice to all concern with clarion notes the important celebration ed.
Lifting from his sheil of Beresford Duncan was ushered in.
y observation, Mr. Richard Ho Stanley Blake and At the hour of seven thirty in the morning racio Prendergast explained Stanley Dixon the line of march was strangely taxed with parto his fellow countrymen of co Mr. Prendergast, the Presi THE ARCH NAZI ticipants as well as spectators; all centered on lour his vision of unification dent, in well chosen language the colourful and impressive procession of the for the Young People born in unfolds the aims and objects MURDERER boys and girls who are to be tomorrow guarthis Republic of alien pa of the new organization, and Luxemburg press releases dians of this grand Independence. Both official rents appealed for the urestricted information that more This was made public in support of the illegibles for million persons were assassinated in and private schools were represented in the the Hall of the Universal Ne membership as well as march accompanied by the Boy and Girl sym the Auschwitz concentration Scouts of St. Mark and the First Limon Cadet gro Improvement Association pathizers In keeping, the Vi and with Josef Kramer as the arch on the night of Saturday the ce President Mr. Egbert Crow nazi murderer. It has been stated that Troop. The children of the Cieneguita School 8th instant by the medium of ford delivered a very witty spe Kramer had maintained a regime were escorted by the Scouts from their point to. Mass Meeting over which ceh, strossing here and there of horror at Belsen and for plaza Yglesias.
Mr. Jos. Thomas presi the great need for such a mo crimes he was known as the Beast At the Vargas Park the playing of the Band ded.
vement; seeing, above a!
of Belsen. He is now before the and the soul stirring singing of the National The meeting had its start things the economic opportu British tribunal which has been esta Anthem initialed that feature of the observawith the singing of the Renities that are now being gra blished in the Gynasium in the center tion; followed with the allegiance to the flag, public Anthem.
sped by foreign interest whi of Luxemburg where he will Terminating his opening re le the sons and daughters of made to answer for the crimes by by Don Walter Cambronero, an illustrious dismarks, the chairman in turn the Republic stand and con himself and forty three of his ha!
course by Don Gonzalo Cordero, the Inspector introduced the officers of the template nothing of importancet men. We gather that the prose of Schools and several choruses by the scholars Association as named below: ce in the line of improve cution can furnish thousands of pris and the band concluded the 1945 Indepen lo ment chers from all the Allied Countries dence Day celebration; one that will linger in Founder and President, The audience was further in proof of Kramer crimes. memory Richard Horacio Prendergast electrified by Mr. Sylvester Cunningham who basod his TRE ATLANTIC VOICE hearti Vice President, appreciative address on the THE COLON ly welcomes the tourists and desire EXCURSIONISTS 10 Egbert Crawford pressing need to assure them that the characteris of education for the culture tic hospitalities of Costa Rica will Secretary, which he visualizes as the fun Mr. Ernest Tho bourne, formerly mount; the early Autumn season not fail them during their stay.
Sylvester Cunningham dcmental medium to the colo a Limonense has won his spur by was advanced to Springtime; dames ured Costarrican if they are having brought to this city approxi. maidens: old and young men THE NEARBY Assistant Secretary to be lifted to a higher plat mately two and a quarter hundrel were seen bedecked in gay Frank Drummond form excursionists from the neighbouring ment: the confraternity on a whole Mr. John Mitchel, a spe and friendly Republic of Panama soch became charming: the diver Treasurer cial guest speaker was lustily The service was efected by two sions notched up extensively and Cyril Earle Edwards Everything listed on the theered not the close of vessels. che arrived at the three popularly agenda for the nearby festiFiscals his well experienced discourse o clook aiternoon hour of Friday Danilo Acosta ve days of October 12 to which was hinged on racial is the 14th and the other having show We have listened to ve y praisewor 14th. are said to be splendid Edwin Jackson sues; the onerou incombent ed up beyond the Port hour; the thy comments in conjunction with ly shaping up.
Rodolph Johnson on the leaders and that there landing of the latter party was was the very courteous and comely treat The Day of the Races being John Babb should always be the expres ed for Saturday morning. metit extended the visitors by our set as the commencement of Victor Smith sed thought of unity in words Obviobsly, the key of the city was Port and other officials who carried the festivities it should be Ripton Hotel and purpose.
handed to these tourists. They were out the duties of desembarcatión. ushered in with outstanding Erric Parris The closing remarks of the made to feel at home. Carresses of Many of the visitors have extender numerical and other worClaudius Scott chairman and the fering of parents, relatives and other loved the tours to some of the line towns thwhile support. There will Reginald Steele the bendiction brought the me ones were greetingly spread. In the Capital and othet. localities in be diversions for all ALL Cyril Hunter Icting to its termination fact happy welcome became para the Interior osios should get ready camp his be masses; a attire FESTIVE DAY BLE RES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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