
Saturday 22nd. September 1945 Página ATLANTIC VOICE SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING METHODIST CHURCH, SAN JOSE Limón Trading Company Raicilla de Ipecacuana HULE Cacao, Cocos y Copra mi IMPORTANT RESTAURANT LA GUARIA Prelude by Miss Mildred In these days of robot and Johnston atomic bombs, these words President Truman pro of Jesus are applied to the clamation was read by Mrl need for world unity. Lin.
Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS Clinton Wood coln problem of unity was Followed by the singing closely linked with a vigious the hymn: God our help and unjust economic system In ages past: the system of slavery. Our solo was rendered by world unity also is threatenMiss Margaret Neeley. ed by inequalities of wealth Scripture lesson was real and opportunity. Lincoln by Corporal Robert Ander said This nation cannot son exist half slave and half And the sermon was by tree. Suanley Jones says the Rev. Ralph Kesseling. This world cannot exist half Paster of the Church. stuffed and half starve The sermon subject was: The major problem of this World Divided Against age is to achieve a unity bas.
Itself Cannot Stand. It wased on justice.
Þased an the text found in second thing in this Mark 3:25 If a king fight for unity must be world NO LO OLVIDE be divided against itself it wide democracy. The world cannot stand. If a house be still sees too many minne divided against itelf. that durants at large, some of more than enough people to house cannot stand.
them quite near. The reea see that this is done and that After an expression of tablishment of the European perhaps even many innuerta Thanksgiing for the return colonial system in the Far will suffer. The Christian Visitors from Limon and other line towns of peace to the world, the Fast will be a denial of what doen need to worry about minister referred to the writ we have been fighting for this in any case for it will will not miss their home prepared meals ings of Abraham Lincoln The world cannot exist halt be adequately taken care of when in San José by eating and drinking at whose words, he said, have democratic and af under on the contrary the Chrisproved to be in harmonyymany.
tian will need to worry lest with the word of God as third note in Lineoin no attempt be made to put applicable to all nations ara meseages was a note ofre the decent people in power all ages. In particular Lan conciliation. Some people and leat we make no attempt 100 yds. North Teatro Adela coln own use of the above are worried that war crimi to rise above the passions en text was pointed to as Linnals will not be punished gendered by war. Dincoln coin applied it to his own suficiently. It is the polics of reconciliation, had THE UNITED CRICKET CLUB OF mi nation and its need of unity. nister belief that there are it been carried out, would have united the nation fifty OLD HARBOUR ENTERTAINS years sooner than the stupid poliey carried out after his The very jolly excursio We are told the match had death. Today the same truth nists who left oor shore by a very late start as conse San José, needs to be driven home launch on the morning of quence of the time ami APDO. NO 1779 TEL. 6128 The way of love shown to Tuesday the fourth instant val condition which did ua by Jesus Christus the bash included the Wanderers not permit the United team OFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, only way to build a world of Sport Club. They had effect to finish their side the peace Until we have madeed the voyage to the coastal play: so far five wickets REGULAR STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING our enemies our friend own of Old Harbour as the for the score of the MATARAL, have no real wictory. Bernard guests of the United Cricket runs; the batsmen weiny ALKALINE TABLETS.
Shaw said after the last war Club Hunter 6, bowled by Seott that the only one to com According to the progra Myrie 7, bowled ad MULE OL cut of it with an increassemme of sports announced caught by Lewis; this FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC.
reputation for common sen for the days pleasure was a bowiler vepeated the perfor se was Jesus Christ. In these Erienily contest of the grand mance on Brown for.
Moore KUBANOLA days of destructive power, kingly game of Creet. yanvas stuned for HERB TEA, FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANT these words are more true It has been reported that 1. Myzie earned seven POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon than ever. Men have trie he toss was gained by the rons, bowled by Patterand Vanilla.
Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women, to so ve their problems by home team, but preference son Marshall was the Ecuadorian products.
militarism, and greed and was given to the Warderers not out batsman with 6euns Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags, what they call realism. But to bat This hard fitting to his credit byes three.
large as ortment.
common sense tells us that team accumulated a total of Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches, nice designs, if we do not want civiliza 116 runs, all out. The hig gold filled.
Native coffee wood souvenirs, fine assortment of designs tion to perish from this earth hest individual scores being SALVATION ARMY TO Rafael Tuck Sons universally known christmas greet we shall have to turn to His Wareham 139 Tay or ing cards (British manufacture. way of Love Unless wede. 127 Senior 18 mot ut Fine Assortment of post cards. American manufacture)
PRESENT CONTEST dicate ourselves to this, the and Tomlinson 15: the Large assortment of La Valliere Toilet articles includ.
25 million who have died aggregate includes 12 extras, ing. leykol Lotions and other fine perfumes, face creams, toothpastes, powders, etc. etc.
the past eight years will have Bowlers were Brown There is listed for Tuesday Gator Roach hives and other insecticides for ants roaches died in vain. Smith and Marshal: night October the 9th. a ju and mosquitos.
venile elocutionary contest under the auspices of the Why contract MALARIA?
NOTICE Salvation Army dayschool we our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and nvold mos. TO VIS It has been mentioned at quttos introducing malaria into your SYSTEM.
Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos do Major Lynch has socited ing Requirements to Ingeniería dirijase a the co operation of the GoSend us your orders immediately.
vernmental authorized anR. ROIG For your importations of any and every kind of mer glish Language school funchandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products, Charges Reasonable. Precios Médicos tioning in this city, and active CONSULT US rehear sals are said to have BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5819, 3201. or 25 commereed.
PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, а 11 tard Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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