
ATLANTIC 2 AT Pagina 11 Limón Trading Company Saturday 22nd. September 1945 LA VOZ REAL MILITARY SECRET WAS KEPT There was a scene which furnisher height in viewing the grandeur prep the evidence that the Surprise party red in her honour; her eyes were arranged in honour of Mrs. Mirjam thien cleared.
Ronse de Williams on the occasion Mr. Rufus Blake effected the opof her birth anniversary which was ening and closing remaiks. Appro on the thirteenth isntant was indeed prate culogies were showered on kept as a military secret. the honource by many of the invi The plot as we gather was laid tees. The song hit ll dream of by Messrs. Hurdley Allen. Sam you was charmingly rendered by Watson. Miss Daisy Goodwin, and Miss Daisy Goodwin.
of course, her mother, aunt, relatives At the close of the feast table and friends were all set in the dram. the participants were entertained Our very good friend Mrs. Al with rich swing and sanding numblen of the Siquirres township was ers by Bests. Ferdinand Brown and assigned as the leading conductress: the White Brothers The happy she played her role tactfully and celebration terminated long after the when Mrs. Williams returned to midnight hour.
her residence she jumped her om PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES two on WHERE ABOUTS THE FISTIC ART TOOK ON NEW LIFE IN dal movements of his feet and the BANK OF BLOOD YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE THE CASABLANCA LIMON NEW SPOT IS NOW OPENED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC This New Bar and Restaurant is the Spot You Had Been Looking for YOU WANT GOOD SERVICES YOU NEED LOWEST PRICES YOU NEED PLEASANT DEALINGS THE CASA BLANCA GUARANTEES TO rounds while the remaining to the fact that the third man ined a little longer and finally yained PLEASE YOU AT ALL TIMES: were awarded to Alvany.
the ring was Panama Al Brown, an leits and rights in the middle of Situate: Corner of 4th avenue and seventh street In very aspiring pugilistic manex Champion of the World, and he, the seventh. Gamez took the canvas. Former Atlantic Bar)
her the eye was relished with the unquestionably knew what was right up went the count; the limit was Beresford Duncan and Clarence Mitchell Exhibition between the Young Speed and what was wrong. Game diz reached, but Gamez was unable to (CHICKLET)
King, Pino and Tony Vargas. They ily rises from the mat: al toy rise from his lowy place PROPRIETORS entertained for three rounds: The main bout was centered Cesar Leal of Panama and Rafael Game of the Capital. With electri The British Vice Consulate in this city desires Mi tobe informed on the Whereabouts of the Mr.
battery in both arms the Panama THIS CITY following men.
Cere nian youthful boxer tauglit Gamez Lambert Barnett, formerly of Jamaica, Thanks to our very good fellow od 110 pounds. These two fighter his boxing lessons Cesar Leal car British West Indies Theophilus Hall, citizen, Don Ramon Acufia, the of the ring presented four lively ries a wallop in each glove and as niew owner of the Teatro Moderno rounds: the conflagration was tens he jabs he dances away, spring on formerly of Demerara.
sted in this city, the Fistic Art took oned; surely the hearts of many were the ropes; returns to the center of new life on the night of Saturday set ablaze in witnessing thc claret the ring: there teased Gamez the 8th instant. Hhe Fans in aten spilling from the mouths and noses another comer position. The milling THE ATLANTIC VOICE is ex The President of the Red Cross dance had their full.
of both fighters. Martinez carned, was slated for eight rounds: Leal ceedingly pleased to publish the Committee suggests that Limon, too, The Ring, although somewhat two points; Mottey one; the fourth hazed the trait; sent his oppo cow extract of the very praise should celebrate a week of Bank off hand had cffectively served was even.
nent to the canvas for six in the worthy suggeston di Mr. Alfredo of Blood and by so doing solicit Wit its purpose Like two very angry bulls we sixth round the scene became bois Cañas, our esteemed fellow citizen all willing persons and botti labbra The fight cards were rather ad witnessed the go between Pambele, terou by a few spectators around and President of the Limon Auxi tories could examine, free of charge mirably and appreciatably presented Jr. of Nicaragua and Frank Alvathering: they apparently had no liary Red Cross Committee; an ei the blood of those effecting the of Curtain raisers were Mary of San José. This bout was knowledge of the rules of the exer fort to have the medical faculties fer, then classify the extraction, in tinez and Mattey; cach weign full of sensation Pumbele had fourcise and did not even give thought of this zone co operate in some groups; each laboratory would record tangible manner with the San Juanthe name and classification of each de Dios Hospital proposal for the person examined. Immediately af Bank of Blood.
terwards the Auxiliary Red Cross Mr. Cañas states that our city. Committee would proceed to the fatit regrettingly has not the necessary Laboration of the various lists by facilities to maintain perfect groups sanguined and in tumi fut form a Bank of Blood. a service mish a detailed report of the classit ito be utilized and which at the mo ication to each Medico. a copy of ment given may save many lives. which to be given to the person in The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao He says it was his desire to continue charge of the Ambulance, to co operate with all that tends for the betterment of the health of our Don Alfredo further suggested phat people and wih all respect this thought in case transfusion be found néces in the matter was submitted for the sary the attending medico could consideration of Dr. Oscar Pachecall the ambulance service station co, Superintendent of the Costa Rica and give the instruction in conjunc We are Agents for Banana Company hospital Dr. tion with the sanguined group requir Baldermero Fernández, Director of fod; such an order would be im thic United Medical and Sanitary mecljately complied to; in all it Department; Dr. Sergio Vindas, phases; finally, the proposal if ask Official Doctor and Chich of Sanita proved by the physicians would OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE tion and Dr. Rafael Ruano, Chicf provide a Bank of Blood for of the Medical Seption of the Social mon.
We بار وما لا Go Caribbean Packing Co.
in CACAO RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER mo THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP, UF THE GOVT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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