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MAE SOL E Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 22nd. September 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN now an LEND LEASE FACT AND FICTION BRITISH MOTOR EIGHT TONS OF MERCY SHIPS OF THE credit in the country in INDUSTRY IN GOOD MONEY ATLANTIC (Continued from last issues which the goods are used.
FICTION WARTIME One version was to the effect British civil affairs authoThe corvette. the Royal that the British had used Ita persistent fiction con lian work battalions to remo industry was concentrated dupated the temporary inilayed such a great part in the The whole British aircraft rities in Malaya have anliei Navy little ship which pla cerns lend lease shipmenta ve American trade marks ring the long conflict on the tion caused by Japanese cu guarding of convoys through, of butter. The story appear from goods of American ori ed in various parts of the gin and apply British trade needs of war. Now the chan rrency having suddenly beco out the world has turned from me valueless and are able to its war time role of boats country that American tou marks before the goods were geover has come so swiftly do a certain amount to coun Killer to that of mercy ship.
that detailed plans for con teract it. They have alrea rists in Canada have been distributed in Italy.
Many of these little ships able to purchase all the but version from war to peace ha dy landed eight tons of our which battled Atlantic gales, ter they want at low prices FACT ve to be brought forward mo own Malaya money, backed Artic cold and Tropical heat and have allegedly found re quickly than anyone had to the hilt, and they are are now patrolling the trans that the butter contains a On the ground investiga dered to hope only a few getting it into circulation Atlantic air routes ready to Tend lease label.
tion by the War Depart. weeks ago although that can only be sa to the assistance of any air ment and the Foreign Econo Even so, a number of de done slowly. The services craft which might come to mic Administration in va signs for new British transport will spend a great deal of grief in the vast ocean.
FACT rious parts of the world circraft are now beginning to it, both as individuals and The corvettes are fitted shows no justification for appear from the factories by placing contracts. Cer with complete rescue appara Canada has received no but such rumours. High Army which produced the Lancaster, tain businesses, too, will be us and carry medical person ter under lend lease. All but officers, closely associated the Beaufighter, the Mosqui able to secure issues of the nel. They remain on their e ter scheduled for export un with distribution of supplies to, the Halifax and other fa good currency. Price control signed stotion for 14 day pader lend lease has been sent in Italy, have stated that mous warplanes. Al these is to be enforced, and the trols maintaining constant ra to the for use by they never saw any eviden new British civil types should proclamation will be out in dio communication with shore the Russian army. The pro ce of such changing of tra be capable of holding their a day or two. It will not be bases and contacting each oir portion of our total supply de marks by the British. The own with the best which is a long list; at first only cer craft which passes overhead.
len leased amounted to re can be no question about available anywhere else intain essential foods will be One corvette returning from a per cent in 1942, per cent the United States origin of the world.
controlled as the basis of recent patrol reported she had in 1943, per cent, in many of the items furnisb There is, for instance, the stabiity to the monetary made contact with more than 1944, and per cent. ined under lend lease, such as Avro Tudor Transatlantic system 660 aircraft; many, because the first quarter of 1945. jeeps. Others, such as foods Transport designed to carry of their height or Visibility, tuffs, are shipped in packa twelve passengers in sleeper ENFORCING PRICE could not even be seen FICTION ges bearing the maker na comfort from London to New CONTROL me and location printed York in less than twenty ho The British buy aviation clearly on the container, urs. The first Tudor is To make price control ef prices automatically fall to gasoline from us at 25 a usually with the Americor flying, Its bigger brother, the fective you can do three a reasonable level. Or you galon and resell it to us at flag. Standard lend lease la Tudor II, will lift sixty passen things. You can have can persuade the publie to 55 a gallon bels are attached to all goods gers over shorter ranges army of inspectors and pro see the necesity of keeping which are shipped in packa Much bigger still is the secutors. You can flood the prices down. We haven FACT ges, boxes or barrels.
Bristol Type 167, the Braba market with goods so that an army of prosecutors and zon This Queen Mary of inspectors. We cannot flood!
We do not sell aviation the skies will have a wing the marwet with Sidebe FICTION gasoline to the British, nor span of 230 feet, a loaded we cause we haven got them do we buy it from the British The United States and ight of 125 tons and will be flown. Other proto types will although we have on order.
Our lend lease exports to the United Kingdom both Great Britain have enabled capable of carrying 50 passen not be far behind although into wos regelen soy you purchase aviation gasline that country to maintain its gets with sleeping accomoda evitably some time must pass spoos jo suor 000 og sa)
tion across the Atlantic or before they can be seen in mainly from British and deliver it to a common export trade at a comparati which are already in India.
pool in the British Isles from vely high level during the 224 passengers for shorter sta regular airline service.
gds. The 20, 000 horsepower When these aircraft which the and the war while our exports have Britol giant will not be in the in service, they should are do HARDSHIP UNAVOILA both draw. declined.
maintain air before 1947. But when it well. They should BLE BUT THERE It has been agreed that the FACT WLL BE NO FAMINE makes its first trans atlantic British prestige on the only charge to be entered со on the reverse lend lease ac During the war period Bri light it will open up a new ways of the world. But even Era in world air transport, so, at best, they are only stop Therefore we have to re count for the aviation gaso tish export trade has declin line drawn from this com ed drastically, while For shorter ranges, British gaps, almost all of them con ly on the public to avoid the so mon pool by the USA own has not fallen substan aircraft companies are prepa versions of or developments perils of a second inflation a that might prove disastrous shall be an amount tially below the pre war le ring smaller aircral There from, wartime types. The true equal to the actual costs to vel. In 1914, exports from is for instance, the 24 pass British commercial airlinersIt is up to the public to re Ta the British of storing, trans Great Britain were only 55 enger Vickers Viking, a des which will make possible high port breaches of price cos.
rol. Official committees PI porqing, and handling these per cent as large in value cendant of the famous wartier cruising speeds and lower will be set up of all races ро products the British as in 1938. In contrast, commes Wellington. There is the economic fares than ever be and parties to report the pri to Isles. The costs incurr mercial exports from the 14 passenger Miles Marathon fore, are yet to be announ situation in their dis. ed in the United King, United States were 95 per and the 10 passenger De Haced.
trict, and volunteers for the De dom for all types of petrocent. as large in 1944 as in villand Dove. The Handley The pattern of British post se committees are being as: leum products average a lit 1938. Moreover, in certain Page Halifax bomber is to be war airline operation is still ked for. But, whatever te tle more tan a gallon. areas such as the Middle succeeded by the Handley Pa obscure The change in gov done to relieve the situation ni East and Latin America our ge Hermes Transport carrying ernment in the has been there must still he hardship: qu FICTION commercial exports have in 34 passengers in peaceful too recent for a final plan to at lis un gvoidable. These 8C creased above pre war levels skies while, at sea, the short emerge. The importance of et committees will be asked rumour which is part while those of Britain have Sunderland Patrol Bomber of ficient, well operated airline report any extreme poverty lo eularly vicious because its fallen considerably below the RAF Coastal Command is operating companies on the in their area and to investire aim is to create distrust of pre war levels. In addition, transformed into the short air routes of the world is pagate it.
our ally, Great Britain, is the we have through lend lease Sandringham Transport Flying tent. The best aircraft in the There is no danger of star one that the British have remade American products wiBoat.
world cannot do their job un vation. There is a good deal. ca moved labels from lend lea dely known abroad, which Of these promised and pro less they are operated, main of rice already in Malaya Der se goods and substituted should help to stimulate our mising aircraft, so for only the tained and serviced with skill and more is to come from Tam their own, thus getting the post war foreign trade. Tudor and the Viking have and efficiency.
Burma sour air oue de in ce ne de CU Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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