
ATLANTIC VOICE Bir btre da seven of que THE THOUGHT OF THE WEEK Some people are thrown off their balance the moment anything goes wrong with them. They do not seem to have the ability to overcome impedimnents and to do their work in spite of annoyance Editor: TOS THOMAS BOX 1991 Anybody can work when things are going smooth YEAR XI Limon, 29th. September 1945 No. 483 ly, but the test of greainess is proven when we con rise above the things which anno, harrass and POTSDAM CONFERENCE RULES ON GERMAIN PROPERTIES handicap the weak EDITORIAL The Atlantic Voice learns the German Goverriment in ac dered that the German schools that the functioning members cord with the Declaration of were private property and of the Department of State Potsdam which, in consequence should IN SUPPORT OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIAin Washingtaon, the Capita not fall under the control of the great North American It is mentioned that there and disposition of the Allies; TION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF Republic have announced that remains now the questions of but the United States of the agents of Great Britain those called the private Ger merica, as we learn has not COSTARRICANS OF COLOUR and the United States of Aman properties in Spain to be accepted this thesis, merica have already direct taken possession of and which Twenty three German Today, we take special interest to launch our control of al! German Buil only owaits the approval of schools according to the re barque in the stream in which now floats the Na dings. Industries and Funds the Allied Control port which have been in fional Association for the Advancement of Costawhich are in Spain and that Commission of Ber Spain and the Canaries for in addition the Government in. The plan os mentioned do the education of more than rricans of Colour; a movement destined to bring of the United States has ter es together, in one collective whole this scattered not only comprehend 30. 000 German resident, in minatingly rejected the peti Spain; but a we gather, nozi territories of Spain; group of young people born of foreign parents in tion of Franco in which he properties and values in Portu teen is already under Allies the territories of this Republic.
seek, permission to reopen fi gal, Switzerland, Sweden, the control; the remaining five In view of our realization that there are great ve German Schools in Barce Argentine and other Latin for which Franco petition loads to be lifted; fertile fields to be ploughed and long and Madrid merican Republics are under has been effected are stated not without the corresponding yeild, if these your process of liquidation to eli to be the principal zones and gsters would only bind themselves in one indissolaccommodations for. The agents of the two Aliminate the possibility of futu with ed countries are said to have re nezi influence in the Ame more students than the other voble chain, we in support dedicate these lines as signed the Titles over all rican Continent, a medium of urge to those who are parading on seventeen combined.
the properties and values Spain is said to have consi the ground of indifference: to them we desire to call their attention to the fact that the salient cha racteristics of most progressive movements are THE TRIUMPHANT SCHOOL FRATERNAL RALLY generally based on Common Sense, Courage, ConWe are specially remind fidence, Thoroughness and Mutual Understanding.
As a means of contributing Then came the school song ed that everything is shap We were amazingly struck on viewing the icy their share of felicitation in by the scholars. Mavis Potter ing splendidly for the rally cold water which streamed a round the meeting line with the celebration of son come with the recitation of the twelve months of the called on the 19th. instant, in spite of the abundan Costa Rica Independence Country. Waldino Ortiz year to be staged under the the Triumphant School asso contributed Little Flag ce of space in the world of today for such an Asso auspices of the Bethel Lodciated with the Seventh Song, Oh, Costa Rica, by seve ge of the Independent Orde: ciation; a medium through its intelligent func Day Adventist Denomination rol voices followed in order Samaritans and tioning all concerned can seek adjustment to their presented an appropriate reci and in poem the same item Daughters of Samaria at National, Racial and Social Problems in fact by ting and singing programme was recited by Amy Bucha their Lodge Rooms, situate uniling themselves they will be able to insist upon on the night of the 13th. innan. Next was heard, the Su in the Siquirres township the pre eminent importance of a sense of duty in stant gor Cone by several voices. Tuesday October the 9th all the relations of life. May they realize that there Vory touchingly commenc in dialogue, Floret Daley and will be the seinsational eren is no tonic like that which comes from doing things ed the entertainment by the Viima Brown presented the ing, anticipatingly very chanting of the National An Fifteenth of September.
worthwhile. No real happiness can come to a peccordial welcome is said to them The scholars chanted Salu be assured the general puple without pursuing and achieving some tangible The body of the function te to the Flag In action mood blic. We appeal for a hear and worlhy aims and objects.
brought forward, Ruby Haug the song The cooks was ren ty support to the great hul We believ that one of the greatest satisfacwith the recitation on Liberty (Pasa a la Pág. 8) manitarian programme tion in the world is the feeling of enlargement; of growth of stretching upward and onward. No pleasure can surpass that which comes from the consciausness of knowing that one horizon of hardships and other sel backs are being pushed farther and farther away; of making headway in HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY the world; of not only getting on, but living as the Creator intended and destined for him.
THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY May the Association for the Advancement of Costarricans of Colour grow in arace and strength.
will buy all your Rubber at the very fat price of LORD HAW HAW PAYS THE PENALTY In the days of the meat fighting on the side of human At Limon in The Caribbean Packing Company Building: nazi sweep over the Euro liberties and justice If the In their Commissaries at Guap iles. Siquirres. Vesta and pean Continent and with his English were wac kue d, threat againct all civilization the present picture wouid Willian Joyce, surnanied be reversed. However, Lord Penshurst. The Price will be Lord Haw Haw from the Haw Haw has sown the wind German Radio Statica. and has reaped the WhirlN. Do not. Beligwas wind. By a jury comprising the Fuehrer mpcy an ten men and two women ve nouncer The then powerf was found guilty as a trai SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW nazi spokesman was inderator and on the 19 th of the the spot light of the German month in course con demned broadcasts He held no to death sympahy for those who were para of Good el RUBBER. RUBBER 0178. 00 For Each Quintal 173. 00 Per Quintal Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

    FranceNazismPrivate PropertySpain

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