
TO is está ntes icultado rasenelos este los denpierene Fran Saturday 29th. September 1945. ATLANTIC VOICE Page THE COSMOPOLITAN CLUB IMPRESSIVELY ATAU INAUGURATED In the march of select so the night of Friday the 21st.
cial sphere the Cosmopoli instant at the inaugural Ce.
tan Dance Club is assigned remony held in the local a place as was evinced on Hall of the Universisal Ne gro Improvement Associa tion PERSONALIA The Chie appearance of the ladies and the two sha We regret to mention that mer Mr. Wm: Daysley, our good de attirement of the fellow citizen is still on the were features of deepaid admiration and attraction.
sick list in the Capital. We With snowy white covergather he has had a succes ing and bedecked with tro.
in further demonstration of its interest in the general agriculsful surgical treatment in the pical roses the sumptuous recently established sick ins tural activities of the Republic particularly those of the feast table occupied the cell titution of the National Soter of the hall, while froza Atlantic Zone, has on its own initiative secured from the Gocial Securety Department. the lofty rostrum the musivernment the His wife is with him, and, cal numbers perfumed the of course, adoing to his care Ridotto Concession to administer the Perishurst Hone Creek Tramway and cheer. We sincerely pray for the earliest re esta In well chosen words Mr.
System, which will henceforth be known as the blishment of his former Malachi Walker introduced sound health Mrs. Amos Hall the Club chainman who deli PENSHURST CAHUITA AND EASTERN RAILWAY vered sagely the preamble and in turn placed Mr. John Immediate improvements have been commenced, and the traMrs Cajherine Delprait Mitchell as Master of Cere.
Brown and her grand child monies; he efficiently per: velling public moreso the agriculturists of those regions, are dren, Mr. and Mrs. Vin formed his role of distinc assured an up to date and efficient medium of transportation cent Hart had as their heution. This stage of the ha at.
se guests our former Lino. ppy event being only intro nens: Dirs. Vivian Portor de ductory to the main course REDUCED TARIFF RATES Watson and Mrs Maua which had its setting at Wright de Johnson of Pana midnight. At this prelimina ma City. They were among ty stage, on request of the Every one can look forward to equitable dealings and all that the excursionists. Mrs. Wat Master of Ceremonies, Mr is necessary for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
son mother and other rela Jos. Thomas delivered tives are residents of Cairo: the toast of the evening and THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, Ltd.
accompanied by Mrs john after which the guests and CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager son a visit of a few days were members of the Club were effected there and extendei seen colour fully dancing the to Cartago and San Jose. classical quadrille and other We have been informed measured steps of yote. Wilfred Samuels, General that Mrs. Johnson is an outs The real feasting came to Instructor and with, Malachi tanding fraternal, religious view at the pr scribed hour. Walker and Sam Price PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, and social worker in the lani Covers were laid for more Assistants Mr. Jos.
San José, of her nativity. She expreethan live dozen; quite a Brotherten was requested to APDO. 1779 TEL. 6128 ses her hope that the date relishing Menu satisfied the propose the toast for the laOFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, is not far distant when the appetite.
dies and he effected same Eminent Grand Commande Resuming his responsible with grace Continuing in REGULAR STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING ry of the Ancient and Illus assign, Mr. Mitchell initial the vein of mirth, Messrs MATARAL trious Order of the Star ofed the after dinner toasts, Barnett and Percy Sa ALKALINE TABLETS.
Bethlehem will be the reci. seasoned with serene eulogies mon expressed their please MULENOL pient of the good news that for the Management, Messrsres, respectively. On with FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC the prospective Star of Amos Hall, Chairman, Al the dance was the resonde. io will soon be a reali bert Carnegie, Vice Chair note and off went the terpsiMoore KUBANOLA zation in this city man, Ben Escoe, Secretary, chorean artists in full glee.
HERB TEA FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANI POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon and Vanilla Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women Ecuadorian products.
Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags large as artment Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches, nice designs gold filled CACAO Native coffee wood souvenirs, fine assortment of designs Rafael. Tuck Sons universally known christmas steet ing cards (British manufacture. The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao 20 Fine Assortment of port cards. American manufacture)
Large assortment of La Valliere Toilet articles include ing Icykol Lotions and other fine perfumes, face creams toothpastes, powders, etc. etc.
Gator Roach hives and other insecticides for ants roache and mosquitos lecine5 de es tura ones de del lidos pérenes as e is de tis cal diez sesión.
the of ith seir ins Caribbean Packing Co.
ure our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and avoid mos quitos introducing Imalaria into your SYSTEM Send us your orders immediately.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE UEZ For your importations of any and every kind of mer chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your product CONSULT US Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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