
AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WHERE ABOUTS NE depo Was menta là Cc Mrs. Susan Barnes and children of Guaeino: by this medium desire to express our sincere thanks to the fany friends and well wishers who demonstrated their kindness and extended their sympathy by visits, letters, telegrams, and other tokens in conjunction with the itress and death of our dearly beloved Husband and Father ROBERT DANIEL BARNES smooth path. The Wanderers effected several chan ges in their battery featuring and Leyris.
Patterson and Wilson with the leather, but Harold Gordon and Stanley Wade in swell. colaboration took the edge off the bowling: earning fifteen and fourteen runs, respectiva y: the first named was caught by Cope and the latter was dismissed BW. At the fall of the fifth wicket the total runs being 49; that The British Vice Consulate in this city desires to be informed on the Where abouts of the below mentioned men LAMBERT BARNETT, formerly of Jamaica DAVID NATHANITL HERCULES, formerly Jamaica THEOPHILUS HALL, formerly of Demorara El 10 lands lugar ment ticis In la que means eleven runs required IN TRIBUTE TO SOME OF THE VISITORS depósito PATHFINDERS. WANDERERS CRICKET MATCH vez que quisito SO Fá Age HOTEL HISPANO AMERICAN these territories ERNEST CECIL LEWIS FLOI Dal to reach the leaders and with five remaining bats.
men the team was obvious.
Truly, we stara in the cena Winsome qualities are great ly on the march triumter of a great world; a world trade marks. We speak int phant. Nature intervened: which electricity and steam of passionate love; that is down fell the heavy rain has crunibled up: obviously superficial: reference is hing On the cricket oval in this process of incubation. drops and play was suspend bringing lands, une dislanted on that deeper and wider ty last Sunday afternoon Taking their turn at the ed and in turn saved the to our very dear: but it is comprehension of human e Pathfinders were seemin bat, the Pathfinders found a veterans from defeat.
not the lands whicn have affection; of that untery brent to subdue the plabee. brought; rathe it is standable love as children ers of the Wanderer Cric some of the inhabitants of of one great family: as eiti.
et Club. Taking the field This is a zens of one grand world the start of the match the a fact determined by our In the gallery of ih se athfinders checked the puis Completely renovated. spick and span. experience The strangers couls which carry out a bleen at batting of the veterans coming to us at times, help ssed excharge (df culture, ad when the all out signal to create an atmosphere in friendliness and endearment, as given the men at bat has resumed the management.
which we inhale mor: in we desire to inscribe the ad mustered a total of six fluence of human life. names of Miss Linda Tho.
We offer the most comfortable rooms with tub and shower runs: the highest runs, baths and an unceasing.
In the un noticed openings, mas of Colon Miss May Sho dividually being. Finla a penetrating eye can be led ckless and Mrs. Maud Wri aylor 21, Cap. 12 and DAY AND NIGHT WATER SUPPLY almost into the very un! ght de Johnson ol Panama Lewis twelve. The wic The refreshing sea breeze enhances your stay.
the new acquintance the Miss Marion Campbell of Our Dining Room and Bar Services are without competition were taken by Di legible countenances Gamboa, Canal Zone and in: six for 24 runs and REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR HOTEL WHEN IN LIMON there like an open boon we Mrs. Leonora Beecher. These Shshah for thirty sik ERNEST CECIL LEWIS can read them. There are are among the recent stranPROPRIETOR people who at aglance at gers to our beloved city and Pidging by past experienSEOTUD tract us and others who rent their contacts have given us these batsmen hasi no us before any word is spoken the inspiration ubt felt that thair total FROM OUR MANILA CORRESPONDENT wthree scoles would be an hill grade for the Path Iders, but it is we to alys remember that one The goodness of the Siquirresi cons by having placed at their Duld not count the chicks Base Ball Team was again service their gears in the con fore the termination of the manifested to the Manila Tal test of September 2nd.
The Talcons of Manila we re in tip top shape; earned a NEUMATICO EL CORRIENTE DE total of nineteen runs in the CAUCHO COSTO SOLDADO following order: EN MANILA RERU50 Inning one scoreless SER CONTESTACIÓN GENERAL runs in the second; two runs LA PREGUNTA in the Third Innings Fourth Latour al Alvergne DE AYER end Fithnil. The Sixth produ 9876545210 MANDO UN EJÉRCITO DE ced runs followed with six 0123456782 BOOO GRANADEROS OURANTE 40 ANOS SIEMfor the Seventh. The Eight 9753035427 PRE REHUCO EL GRADO DE GENERAL.
was egg. the Ninth was not played.
HORACE ETCHISON In the corresponding innings EL MAYOR CERVECERO for Siquirres the hen dropped de McAllen, Tejas PRONUNCIÓ EL DISCURSO DE BIENVEon iflux of eggs from the NIDA LA UNION DE first to the eighth. home TEMPERANCIA DE LAS run was secured for the final; MWERE CRISTIANAS, oid to have had its accompanyg credit to Mr. Sam Fairwca ther who proved is mettle as UNMONO SALVO LA VIDA DE UNSGEDACO EL SOLDADO FLOYD STEWARD ENCONTRO UN a fighter with pluck and deter MONO EN EL DESFILADERO KASSERIE, EN EL NORTE de AFRICA UN NEGRO CRUZANDO mination YUO ADOPTO COMO MASCOTA, MAS TARDE, CUANDO FUE BEBER 14S TINIEBLAS EN UNA CORRIENTE, EL MONG LANZO CHILLIDOS COMO PARA ADIn passing we take special VERTR UN PELIGRO. AL ANALIZAR EL AGUA SE ENCONTRO pleasure to mention on the QUE ERA VENENOSA Menila battery the names of the following players who clthough not having had pre cher.
PALINGAS congratulates the Manila vious experience with hard Manila heartily welcomes team and hope they will keep TRIBU INDIGENA DE AS FILIPINAS VIVEN EN LOS brine ball, yet had done remarka. Mr. Eric Moody who returned up the spirit of progress and RBOLES. QUITAN LAS E6CERDO bly well. They are. Philip after being a patient for SALVAJE a play the game in its fulness; ALERAS DE ACCESO EN PELIGROSO QUE USAN PARA Temple, the pitcher Leonard month in the hospital of the and trusting the date is very CASO DE PELIGRO LIMPIAR LAS CALLES EN LA ISLA CELEBES Temple, the Short Stop and Costa Rica Banana Company hear whon we shall see them Fernando Wright, the Cat The Atlantic Voice warmly in action on our diamond.
UV 10. 000 DOLARES SE PIERRE Brvi Algo cuya conf misi apar!
la del BASIRUSA For Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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