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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 29th. September 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN most a men THE BATTLE IN THE PROGRESS 25 dower than BRITAIN JAPAN INCREASED year ago, he asked for a hea Official British sources rr CHANNEL IN JAMAICA AUSTERITY vycut in consumption, par veal that three hundre: ticularly in street lighting The naval war in the EC Progress in Jamaica Co thousand British troops we Recent announcements in All local authorities are ask glish Channel was fought lonial Development and Wei re employed in the war the House of Commons ha ed to see that street lights out by the little ships of fare scheme, despite shortage against Japan. When the ve foreshadowed more dras are not turned on sooner the Royal Navy and German of equipment and trained enemy surrendered a large tio control of food, fuel, than is absolutely necessaNavy for five continuous personnel, has been impre scale operation was about and clothing in Great Bri ry and that they are extinyears. It is now disclosed by ssive, according to reports to be launched against Ma tain.
guished before midnight.
the Admiralty that 590 ene just published Notable achi laya, and the troops in Bur Fuel shortages have oc The reduction of lights in my ships were sunk by the evements have been attained ma would have advanced in casioned a number of war side streets is also recomBritish Navy coastal forces in the fields of agriculture to Siam. Five divisions, ne ing speeches recently by Mr mended. People must ask for the loss of 170 of their and health.
British, one British Indian, Shinwell, Minister of Fuel themselves which they pre own vessels Rural Health Demons. one Australian, one Capa in Parliament and at public ferred. lights out at mid Naval actions in the Chan Catherine has shown inter were to be employed as tration in the parish of St. dian and one New Zeiand meetings. Announcing that night or lights out is win nel in these little ships were esting and encouraging re British Commonwealth for a the supply of coal was al ter.
fast and furious. They were sults. Among an The gasoline position is estimated high speed actions fought population of 59, 000, four thur for the invasion of Japanesse ce under General MacAr premacy prevented the Ja also difficult: Mr Shinwell air often at 40 knots (nearly units carrying on an intensiforce from said that rationing would pan (which would have playing any 50 and at night. ve campaign againt yaws, a meant redeployment to the part and kept the Japanese for the import of future sup effective continue until arrangments was a war of stealth anci tropical skin disease, have Far East of a quarter of a lines of communication un plies had been reviewed.
sudden action Officers and reduced incidence from 51. million men from the Euro der constant attack, which (Until June 1st. 1945 there.
men had to be highly trained to per 1, 000 during 1944 and able caused the enemy the grea had been no gasoline for to make instant pean theatre.
Two of the units have now decisions This force was not limit test supply difficulties.
private owners, and since moved to neighboring parised by the number of On the other hand, and that date the ration had been The boat was the German hes.
available, but by the fact even more important, the sufficient for about 120 mi equivalent of the British Other achievements in: St. that the large British passen ability to move the les a month. motor torpdo boat) or Catherine include a decrease ger fleet was transporting land forces and then main By making sharp cuts in American boat. They in malaria fever incidence in United States troops across tain them on the ground, supplies of sugar for con carried two torpedoes and a the north where a demonsthe North Atlantic.
wihout the assistance a mercial purposes, Britain Dight armament, and their tration control unit has been The in collaboland line of communication has arranged to ship 50 000 prey was the coastal shipping set up: the inauguration of raion with the American made possible the defeat of tons to France during the moving up and down the a maternity and child wel Air Force, played an essen the Japanese attack on Im next few weeks. Ten thous Channel The boat held fare service; the examina tial part in the operations phal and then the series of and tons of margarine will the initiative in the early station of 40 of the school which resulted in the defeat offensive operations which also be sent. The domestic ges around 1940 but very population by Public Health of the Japanese in Burma.
finally brought about the re ration will be unaffected soon was on the defensive Nurses; the establishment of On the one hand they capture of Rangoon Dar Sir Stafford Cripps, Pre and seldom looked for an a clinic for the treatment of gained complete air susing the period from the batsident of the Board of Tra engagement with the British syphilis and another for the tle of Imphal to the fall of de, has announced that the IM. S Forty eight outdoor treatment neural that students of the West Rangoon, he AF flew new clothing ration of 24 poats were sunk during the leprosy; the construction Indian Public Health Train nearly a quarter of a million coupons, which will begin five years and many others and distribution of concrete ing Centre carry oui their sorties, carried 80, 000 on September 1st, will have were severely damaged. type iatrines; a 40 impre field work.
troops and delivered to last for a period of eight formed the provement in dairy sanitation.
Ter Agricultural Centres. 170. 000 tons of supplies months instead of six months tection for the large convoys It is in St. Catherine. too, financed partly by the JaOver 60 per cent of the ag was formerly the case.
converging on the Normanmaican Government and total strength of the Royal he new Supplies and dy beaches on Day. Many present time, and there will partly from Colonial Develop Navy was the British contri Services Bill. introduced times boats endeavoured to be no free market in ster ment and Welfare funds, bution to the war in the by Mr. Chuter Ede, Hobreak through this cordon ting. The guaranpeed ex have carried on a number of Far East. a force three time Secretary, will extend eco to attack Allied shipping but change rate dates back to important projects Some mes the size of the whole na nomic controls throughout seldom succeeded.
the difficult times of July 4, 000 trainees were at work Ivy in 1939. and it started the transition from war to Beginning with only two 1940, when the system of at the Centres, divided into to move as soon as the peace for a period of five flotillas they increased a hun special and registered accou three categories of prospec threat from the enemy les years with provision for a dredfold and finally emplos nts was instituted. Holders tive settler, skilled agrieultu sened in European waters yearly renewal. new fea ed 25, 000 officers and men of registered sterling were ra! laborer, craftsman and By March of this year the ture of the Bill is a clause They bottled up the boas given a guarantee that they foreman eet was operating in Japa conferring power to make in their own harbours and would be able to transfer Another land sortlement nese waters, supporting the defense regulations for the in cooperation with the their balances at any time scheme provides fre experi American assault on Okina control of prices of goods Coastal Command vir at the rate of 02. This ments in land tenure one wa. 4, 000 miles from its und charges for services of tually brought German coas step waa taken at a tine settlement to be run on a base at Sydney. One hun any description. The effect tal shipping to a standstill.
when Britain was under the communal farming basis and dred and twenty ocean go of this clause is to widen threat of invasion and was another on an individual longing sihps and tankers supli the power of the price con EXCHANGE CONTROL done to lesen the difficul leasehold basis. Ne. suspec ed the fleet during these opetrol regulations formerly Ii ties of commercial and fi tion posts have bees crent rations, which in this case mited to essential sup. During the past week sto nancial intercourse. It en ted; a research officer for involved remaining at sea plies and services. The rest ries have been circulating couraged those dealing with instance, has been stationed, continually for over two of this Bill is a reproduction to the effect that after Sep Britain to leave their bala in the western part of the months of the former bill of the sa tember 30th, there will be ces in sterling. It was a very island to investigate the broa These intensive operations me title introduced in the a free market in sterling unusual expedient for a ze leaf wilt, a coconut dis These intensive operatios last Parliament by Mr. Herand that a 25 per cent deva special purpose, and the ti ease Eight scholarships fro were in progress up till the bert Morrison luation is expected. These me has come to return to the Imperial College of Tic moment of surrender, at Mr. Ede, in a public ad.
stories are founded upon a more normal methods. pical Agriculture, Irisidad, which time the Royal Navy dress, warned of more immisundersanding. What its The fact that the guaraa have been awarded. Under in force was in at the Japan pending shortages, and decia happening is that on Septem Itee. which began in a ti the afforestation scheme ese kill. In the ano red:. we can only win ber 30th. the guarantee of me of severe crisis is now over 2, 000 acres nase been ther fleet, almost half the sithe peace if the whole of the the exchange rate of about to come to an end does planted, and nurseries have ze of that in the Pacific con people of this country 22 is coming to an end.
not at all imply that chan been established to provide perated with the army dur willing to show the same Exchange control could ge in the exchange rate is stock for another 000 acres ing is spectacular southward spirit that enabled us to un not possibly be lifted at the contemplated.
this year.
march through Burma dergo the rigors of war are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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