
OR ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK man most constant companion is himself a companion never to be shaken from his birth to death. Yet he who is careful to choose desirable Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 companions, often forgets to train himself in the YEAR XI Limón, 6th. October 1945 485 essential of happy living. To live in the samo house with a bad temper is disagreeable enough But some men and women condemn themselves to BRITISH COMMUNITY AND WELL WISHERS OF COSTA RICA HAD live in the same body. With a bad temper which DONE WELL is one of the worst discomforts imaginable.
Beyond the seas there hastish Legation, the Vice Cun, as wa glean was closed on EDITORIAL been fervent hearts in me sulate in this city and others the first of the recently passWOMANHOOD OF TODAY dium of gratefulness for the the Overseas League has graed month.
very hearty contributions tefully recorded the sum of In the same high degree given by British nationals 1, 000. This Tobacco Fund Contd on page 11 There are many matters in which we have a and well wishers of Cosa Ri right to sit on the fence: though our sitting might ca to some of the War Funds HIROHITO WILL BE MAINTAINED ON Hisplease others. However, our business is to get hat were promulgated in on one side or the other of things as we see them.
England THE THRONE Either we should support the cause or antagonize The Duke of Gloucest:r Red Cross and St. John fund There is given among the t; if a cause is right we must defend it anel if sent through the San Jose reasons for keeping the Em wrong we must attack it.
British Legation since 19. 10 peror in his instalment is due It seems to be the ambition of certain women is acknowledged in the tidy to the high degree of co ope in our day to personify men as much as possible cash contributions of 000 ration which the Imperial Hou. in dress in manners and speech so that they lose In gratefulness, Lord Lliffe se hay demonstrated to the we think the distinctive glory of their womun.
Allied Command; the facility: hood. It is impossible adequately with which the occupation to express the gratitude wa has been effected up to now This subject would never be raised if we were feel for your wonderful help and the possibility of internal not confronted with circumstances which we beliebut can assure you that it political complications if the ve earnest and sincere attention and devotion of has been immensely appreEmperor be dethroned. wemanhood would, at least, help the State to curb ciated by us all and has ena Profund cordiality is said to distinguished religious gentleman once ed the Joint Ward Orgnibe in evidence between the remarked God help the man who loses faith in zation to bring comfort and Emperor and all concerned; nity there is a vent for in true womanhood it is assistance to many thousands giving assurance that Hirohiof the sick, the wounded and It has been released that to will not abdicate.
motherhood; in goodness their is a loss; in humathose taken prisoners.
for various reasons, the Allied moral It is mentioned in informed not simply feitered intellect; there is a To Miss Lynch Tobacco. Supreme Command is dispo Japanese circles that the Al bruise beneath.
Fund it is noteworthy to sed to maintain the Japanese lied occupation of Japan tends We challenge the attitude of women in open state that subscriptions from Emperor Hirohito on his thro for the betterment of the na beer gardens; in liquor saloons like men and smok the noble efforts of the Brine.
tion ing with an air of sentimental romance; leaving her children, yea: at times her lasses to drift to EXTRACT OF AN ADDRESS DELIVERED BY MR. JAS. STEWART perditioni slip out of the real grove of life and gloom PRESIDENT GENERAL OF THE UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT Call it civilization; call it modernism; noma it what you will, but when we see women noving ASSOCIATION ulong such planes of life that are not truly their St. Louis, Missouri. Fe.
DEDICATED TO OUR MILITARY BAND assign; when she tries to be man her glory depofs.
llow men and women of the Negro Race Greetings: To ON MUSIC attempt to exercise it; this Quite true the exigencies of modern life too often great medium of communi force her from her proper sphere into those more Fellow Dek gates Assembled Where speech ceases, there cation often entangles us in fitted for men yet, she can identify herself as na in Conference, Greetings. music begins We hold the misunderstanding, but muste ture true flower. Although we honour women The Association as a whole opinion that there are limits charms us on its strains we has faced, throucheue its set to speech barriers that linger and in the pure vibra. who are ready to step into spheres which do not history, a most difñcult task it cannot pass; whilst musictions of the musical sound quite belong to them under stress of circumstances; since its inception in that it untrammelbed and uncheck from page. 10)
yet, in not a few cases it tends to deprive them has been and sha. continue ed, spreads itself out triun of something of their proper charm; and more to be almost impossible. arouse the Nego) to the po attaining to heights and de ABACA CULTIVATION than that robs the home and fireside of the essen sition of a thinker ud tial duties.
apths which are as far as doer.
TO BE AUGMENTED 71 the perceptions of the huma In earth earliest ages the material and Everywhere. we are readi ear are concerned bound The Atlantic Voice leams spiritual influence of motherhood were wovlen ly met with opposition in that ess and infinite.
with mingled pleasure, that it like threads into the general fabric of the whole we live in a period of history Truly, music lends expres as been proposed to aug universe life.
when all people are acuern sions to that for which speernment the abaca cultivation Hers was the hand that rocked the cradle to ed primarily of self interest has no words; it raises on its a this Zone by obout two hun rule the world. She was the molher who sent her and jealous oi the right to pinion the weary soul red and fifty heclaica: this bay to school with a kiss and said.
find and exploit those who have a passionate love for nformation will with (from page 10)
orations; often time we Loubt Good bye son of mine; behave well; learn indus your les sons and be docile; your mother is happy ON JAMAICA IMPROVEMENT AGENDA affected as consequence ry in Costa Rica would be when the teacher is content.
It is regretted, but it is true that many moIn our last week issue on spring of next yuar; the work the termition of the Pacific thers of today are happy when they seek an oppor the very important coloumn anticipatingly will be of a war and regaining of Uncile tunity to say evil against the teacher, in fact many. Bulletins rom Britain. stupendous character featur Sam territories in the islands of the mothers of our day are neither the Alpha ar there appeared the very in ing irrigation Construction of the Pacific, teresting item Progress In of roads New Industries the Omega in the real light of womanhood.
The extension work is said Jamaica. In the same vein and Housing Improvements. to have had its start in the we desire to add that the ter coording to the news re earlier part of the week in year developmeni plan is leased directly from Jamaica course. We hail the news with For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele listed to start in the early (from page. 10)
profound gladness.
The People Tailor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
out our erase from mind that fear of the of


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