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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 6th October 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN JAP LOSSES IN BURMA JAP CREDENTIALS CHURCHILL VINDICATED o Churchill in 1944 stated that the fighting in Burma consti tuted the biggest land clash with the Japanese of the whole Far East war. Statistics which would have given support to Mr. Churchill sta tement were then still secret, and a mer of people raised their eye brows at this claim. They felt the Burmx battle was something of a Sideshow compared with the whole etters of the Far East war, and at the British Empire effort was bine dwarfed by the great island hopping advances in the Pacific at now we can see that what Mr.
Churchill said was, indeed, accurate The following is the text of the Commander for the Allied powers, credentials brought from Tokyo by as stated in the second clause of the Leiut. Gencral Takashiro Kawabt, message of the Government of the giving him full authority from the United States of America, which cmperor to make any arrangement was conveyed to our Govertiment as directed by the Allied Supreme through the Government of Switit Commarder: land on August 16 th of this year By the Grace of Heaven, Empe In witness thereof, we have ror of Japan, seated on the throne here to set our signature and ca occupied by the same dynasty, chan sed the Great Seal of the Empire to geless though the ages, eternal, to be affixed all whom these presents shall come Given in our palace in Tokyo Grecting this 18 th Day of the 8th Month We do hereby authorize Lieut of the 20th year of Syowa being General Takashiro Kawabe, Zyusti, the 2, 605 th year from the accession Second Class, of the Imperial Or of Emperor Zinmu. Seal of the der of the Sacred Treasurer, to ma Empire. gned) HIROHITO ke on behalf of Ourselves any arran (Coutersigned) Maru Hilco War gements directed by the Supreme Minister; Mitzumasa Yonai, Navy FIELD MARSHALL SIR BERNARD LAW MONTGOMERY, PLAN TO REVIVE MALAYA AN ERRAND OF MERCY ар HIROHITO VISITS MC ARTHUR FOURTEENTH ARMY CLAIMS who told reporters in London that CermaWERE CONSERVATIVE ny was in for a hard winter, and that there was a possibility of disease spread.
LONDON, October 5th. Sir East Asia.
If the Tokyo figure of 310, 000 ing throughout Europe if the Allies did Harold Mac Michael, One of Britain mot experienced Japs soldiers killed in the whole war not take energetic measures to prevent lormer High civil administrators, Sir Harold en is correct, then the forces in SEAC epidemics Commissioner for Palestine, hastered th Sudan political service in (86 of them Brit sh Empire) lci left London for Kuala Lumpur, 1905 and after serving as Inspector Med between a third and a half of Malaya, on a special mission con in various Sudanere provinces. be tot total. For the sake of people nected with the rehabilitation and came Civil Secretary to the Sudan who like exact figures, it wohks future of that recently liberated Government in 1926. He was Go.
out at 42. But actually it is pro country, which is one of the great vernor and Commander. in chief bly higher than that because, as On Britain large aircraft carrier; being moved from their cabins to rubber producing areas of the of Tanganipika Territory from 1934 Central Slim said in London not Implacable, nurses an make rocm for the repatriates. No world.
to 1937 and in 1938 was long ago, the Fourteenth Army did navol personnel are working side details are being overlooked to as On the way to Malaya, he will Commander in Chief for Pa hol reckon a Jap as dead until they by side preparing for the reception re that the soldier heroes are trans top over at Colombo, Ceylon, for lestine and High Commissioner for tad actually gained possession of of 2, 000 ex prisoners of war liber ported with all possible comfort and talks with Admiral Mountbatten, Trans. Jordan which post he his body, and there must have been ted from Japanese camps speed.
Supreme Allied Commander, South until 1944.
many thousands of Japanese killed As the Implacable speeds norta to the RAF or who died of wounds wards, they work to ensure that whose bodies were never recovered their passer. gers shall have maxi by the Boritish mum comfort. Many officers have These 130, 000 Japs killed in Buroveraged little more than four hours ma were the cream of three Japanesleep a day since the ship leit Syd Be armies, the Fifteenth, the Twen ney. Some ratings have worked the ty Eighth and the Thirty Third, clock round man handl ng stores, three armies which were smashed and packing Red Cross parcels.
by three British Indian corps with The implacable has undergone an the help of some Chinese divisions amazirg transformation since she and a brigade of Americans. left Sydney. Thirty eight aircratt There is little reason to doubt the were flown off at sea. Two hangars Folyo figures of casualties as be ng were cleared to make substantially correct.
The total 2, 000 beds. Wartime equipment Allied claims of Jap soldiers killed removed and stored. Vast in all the campaigns of the Fat floor spaces were painted with nons ist war amounts to something kid paint. Then beds were crected.
kc 340, 00 or 350, 000, but many of bedding and other stores unpackel Diese figures included Jap Air For and placed in position. Even the ce and Navy personnel, so the to ship commander, Chief Medical kyo 310, 000 for the Army alone Surgeon and Padre bave lent a handi is therefore probably right. painting and making preparations When she picks up her passengers BRITISH COMMONWEALTH the Implacable will carry the largest LOST 17, 000 IN BURMA complement ever taken on board a To finish, may introduce just British warship. about 500.
one other figure: that of our own The returning men will fack not killed In the Burma campaign hing. They will be given full which accounted for nearly half the effects. paid when they embark Japanese total army losses of the and allotted their beds.
war, the British Commonwealth had 17, 000 killed, a ratio of 74: In will be prepared for the men, wb one of the final battles just before will dire four times a day. On board the peace the new Twelfth Army is a cargo of 48, 000 bottles of Aus Lockheed plane constel California establishing a seven hours, fifty three mi lation type landed at the air new transcontinental flight nutes and thirty seconds.
Killed. 11, 000 Japanese for a los tralian beer. As the Implacable nears port in the city of Burbank record from east to west in The plane took off from of 73.
her destination the officers are Miami, Florida Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica room for was Hundreds of tons of special focul. NEW TRANSCONTINENTAL RECORD BURBANK, CALIFORNIA se tes Jos ba


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