
ATLANTIC VOICE VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The dignity of service, like the dignity of labour, is a moral fact which the world is slow to understand.
YEAR XI LIMON, OCTOBER 13th. 1945 Service is the true law, the true dignity of man existence. Service is written everywhere, for those who have eyes to see; on the face of crea SIR ARTHUR RICHARDS FORMERLY GOVERNOS OF JAMAICA MADE tion. The service of unconscious law; the service of sentient life: the service of rational and free TO CHANGE HIS GEARS IN AFRICA things; the service of the splendid and illuminat We Learn from ed intelligences around the Throne of Grace; these Public THE IGERIAN WORKERSkers at a mass rally held at Opinion of Jamaica that ASK IN MANIFESTO Lagos, capital of Nigeria are the steps in the ascent.
Africa greatest strile was For three weeks over 150. 000 recently recorded at Nigera We swear by mother native emp oyes of the NigeEDITORIAL and Sir Arthur Richards for frica and the spirit of wur rian Government have been THE DAY OF THE RACES merly Governor of the island departed ancestors never to out on a general strike for of Jamaica fails to frightea surrender our fight until the a ninimum wage increase No doubt, the vicissitudes of life mighs have 150, 000 workers who 2005 Government grant our die of two shillings and six pence clogged the memory of many persons in conjunc Public Oath to Fight to the mands. thundered thous to meet the rise in the cost tion with the great anniversary that was with us End.
ands of angry African stri. PASA a la página OCHO yesterday, October the 12th. a date that is wi dely comprehended as the Day of the Races.
GRAL. MAC ARTHUR BASEBALL CLUB We take a retrospective thought that from the earlier stages of human creatures there is always HEAVY GRAPPLER TO OF COST ARICA BALL TEAM TO THE WORLD demonstrated a Supreme Influence over the life of VISIT PANAMA AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP to be INAUGURATED some individual; a Power that directs and guides It has been announcel hai in CARACAS, VENEZUELA, October 20th. Prox. the chosen one even from the cradle days until the time is ripe to undertake the special task.
big Jack Claybourne. a Tim Mena, veteran pitcher, was not included, At the brith of Christopher Columbus in Ge226 pound heavy grappler because he played in past series for Nicaragua noa in the year 1451, we do not believe there who has recently ended a in Cuba were any visible signs that had tend to rise any fight tour of seven months on the West Coast and recen Representing the Gral. Dou on wednesday, another batch significant thought with his parents Domingo Cotly heard of in Chicago whe glas Mac Arthur Baseball sailed on Friday and the len and Susan Fontanarrosa, but as the boy had re he is signed for a serie of team of San Jose Limon rest will go on Sunday. The grown in grace and strength of character and net bouts has announci that Champions of Costa Rica for series will begin in Caracas, without wisdom his special characteristics were Ire intends to leave Chicago 1945. are, John Babb Roy Venezuela on October 2uth accordingly inevitably loomed up. By degrees by plane to Panama City in Hàyling. Folix Cope. Alti at the Cervecera Stadiune. Christopher entered into the secret of navigation company with Bobby Ste man Maitland, Albert Franwart, the golden Terror to cis and Albert Evans, The other twelve players which was later aided by practical experience.
comprising the rest of Costa contest for international When we give deserving consideration to Part of the delegation left Ricas delegation, are picked the undeveloped stage of the science of navigamat honours.
from the other four teams which participated in tion and other useful knowledge in those long this EX PREMIER OF VICHY PIERRE LAVAL champonship, and passed days and to know that Christopher had on the boys are under the tute the canvas of his mind the marvellous idea of cir AS HE APPEARED IN THE PALACE Lege of Sr. Moncho Méndez, cum navigation of the world; we cling firmly to Cuban, formerly trainer, in the belief that there was an Infinite Teacher OF JUSTICE IN PARIS Nicaragua It is expected that the Mac which he would be called in the future.
preparing the young mariner for the work to Arthur boys will make good the name of their team, so No doubt after the Admiral dream hodl baco that the Venezuelans will me a realization the King of Porlugal who was cherish a longing to see the than Don Juan the second must have been a very entire Mac Arthur sam in dissapponted monarch when he recalls the action in that country, very unfolding of Columbus plan which he soon and which can be afer had rejected principally on the grounds of its mag the return of the National De legation nitudes, but the ambitious and determined aspiIt is expected that the folks rant to his great honours was not dismayed; he will a tune in their radios returned to Genoa, tried to convince the Govern begining October 29:h. on ment but visioning the fruitless effort ke pinned Caracas to get the proced his hope on Spain set sail, landed at Pori Polos ings of thier home boya in 1485. There was his place and time; Success atGood luck to the entire dele tended his proposals, with illustrious goodness of gation, and fight bravely, boys of the Mac Artline womanhood to the front with Queen Isabela of team. We expect good news Castile convincing King Ferdinand of Aragon and of your actuation in the coun the royal court that there was virtue in Christotry of Blackgold pher projed and more than that she stripped her self of her precious jewels in order to finance the Expedition and adventure that has given us this The first time Laval appeTHE HITLER STORY Continent which we so dearly love.
The Peter of France was ared was to declare against taken to the prison of Fres Accroding to a New York. Marshall, Petain. On the nes from his cell in the Pa press report it has been men NEW HARLEM CANTINA present occasion which was lace of Justice in Paris tioned that General Eisenho Tuesday of the week incour wer told the Holland Corres AND RESTAURANT se, when he faced the Tribu Laval in a last gesture of pondents that he had rekne to receive justice for hav pride refused to sign an ap son to believe hat Hitler is Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE ing collaborated with the peal to the Provisional Pres alive. The origin of this OFFERS: Nazis.
ident Gral. Charles De Gau news is said to have been The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
He was found guilty of begging for his sentence from he Cand pick NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREBGN treason and sentenced to to be commuted ed up by of New AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
York years Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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