
Página ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 13th. October 1945.
THE CLOMIDDES CRICKETED DEGICTED batsmen who somewhat HE Free hi Saturday, 13th. October 1945. poniju Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE RUBBER PLANTS FOR SMALL FARMS Notice Part sve llo Sta the het deral Hunts 28. 00 Colon la The United States Depart:bber Station reserves the for small farms They are ment of Agriculture at Tu right to select only those ap easy to grow and, after comrrialba has 12, 000 budded plicants for trees whose lending into bearing, should proRubber stumps (plants) mo is suitable, well preparel, vide an additional income for re than are needed for the and easily accessible to the many years. We advise a faTo Members of Cacao Cooperation 40 hectareas of experimen supervisors mily unit size planting (Mixta)
tal plantings being put in at This project of the supervi not more than acres (about Los Diamantes this year sion of planting rubber trens manzanas. One acre (a Our Prices for the following Products als These are offered for sale on small farms is heing co little more than half a man CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colon to small farmers in the Tu ducted in cooperation with zana) may be planted the rriba, Limon, Gua piles, re the Costa Rican Department first year, and additional COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colon stu gion on the following condi of Agriculture.
plantings made each follow COCOANUTS, per hundred.
tion: These rubber trees belonging year until the total size thirts 19 e recomniend the to an entirely different plant reaches the farmers needs. HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colon the planting of not less than 225 family from the common Hu Other cash and subsistance trees by each farmer, enough ile silvestre of the forest crops should also be grown: All Freight and Cartage will be at Expen for Acre of land at a spac. They represent the very best on the farm. These may be of the Cacao Co operation ST.
ing of meters per meters. seletions of Hevea brasi planted between rows of W 2A charge of 10 certiliensis, the tree used for all rubber trees for the first RAUL VELAZQUEZ mos per plant will be made succesful plantation and three or four year as well as Manager for the first 450 trees. All small farm plantings in the in other places on the farm trees purchased above this Orient, in Mexico, Brasil, and Farmers (desiring rubber number will cost 25 centimos other countries. With proper trees under these cun iilions FROM THE MAIL BOX ON per tree care a full stand of these should fill out the coupon be The farmer will pay trees will yield, at maturity. low and mail it at once to he In the Jamaica officialdom American Republic hd railroad freight, from 10 between 1000 and 2000 lbs. Rubber Station, a change has been effected turned to his native so rrialba to station nearest his of dry rubber per acre per Turrialba, whereby the executive Coun This fleeted feet Jamal fare, on shipment of year. 1000 lbs. per acre cillors are now titled Minis according to the new trees he purchases; and will equivalent to 1727 lbs ar Rmember that the station ters. a designation that is two big Go during hf return the empty boxes 700 kilos per manzana, or reserves the right to select confined to that idland. The in the United States The above prices will 2470 lbs. or 1000 kilos per only those whose soil is sui new honour is said to concera Wisconsin Indoor me include: hectare.
table, well prepared, and such as Minister for Agricui he is said to have come a) the benefit oi super Rubber trees planted in sui within easy reach of a rail ture cr Ministers of General in a 60 yards run in vision al planting time; table soil make an ideal crop road station Purposes.
he triumphs in a time periodic supervision seconds. He took dosen during the first year of the bacon in an Out growth: USDA. Rubber Station. Turrialba, anatruction in spraySir Harry Luke, Chief Re Hundred yards with to Dear sir: presentative of the Britisn cord time of secong sprayer and a free supply of the necessary fungicide desire. rubber plants under conditions Council in the Caribbean to La Beach is said to protect the plant in those advertized LA VOZ ATLANTICA from his Port of Spain head. had the special privile areas where South American agree to pay the advertised price for these quarters is said to have gi attend the Agricultura teaf tight cause damage, stumps upon recipt and the freight on them.
ven out the information that versity of Wisconsin at d) notruction in spraw shall have soil ready for planting on eighteen West Indians have view of his marvellous ing the first time: been awarded British Council letic ability he was the e) Advice on top budding My farm is located. kilometers from rail Scholarships for the acada pient of a Legislator the trees when they reach the road station mic year, October 1945 to larship to the Universit June 1946.
We poper size The United States DeDior It has been mentioned that partiment of Agriculture Ru Address Jamaica heads with four of Among the agriculturt Conso the honourees. The Island of velopments reportd week Barbados and Trinidad, Bri Jamaica programme Bray tish Guiana and British Hon dried grass industry; th in San duras, each with two scho artificial drying of the royal larships while Bermudas, Ba Due credit of this pro hamas, Antigua St. Kitts. is said to belong to The Grenada and St. Vincents Hudson, formerly, tish are recipients of one, rester of Education in staff pectively Winston Churchill Gued wit ment. We gather that mental The Jamaica champion visit to Jamaica ha lad sprinter, Llyod La Beach, ed the inspiration area after a sojourn of fourteen ing by effected the months in the great North mendation.
ofice Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Her Dried ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford St The People Tailor The th DO YOUR SHOPPING AT The People Houst DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Eto NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO Masterio de Cultura y Juventus. Costa Ri PLEASE YOU


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