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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 13th. October 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN AN LITTLE NAVIES GRAVES OF CANA BRITISH INVENTIONS BRITISH RADIO PLAN NAUTICALLY tish Colonial Empire has played in DIAN WAR DEAD FOR EUROPE NAUGHTY NEW BRITISH SPEED clear de cia со es ba ta though the part which the Bri Among the engineering triumphs that materially assisted the Unit aval warfare is les spectacular Canadian dead of the second ed Nation to win the war in Eu young midshipman report than, Jet us say the famous tigh great war will be buried on or rope, as well as in the cnflict in Britain radio industry has plan for duty to the commanding. ting divisions of East and Wet near the battlefields where they the Far East, are some that can ned a news stem of wavelength cer of battleship. The Co wil Africa, the contribution to the wafell, be commercialized allocations to bring all round lite gruff old sailor who hnd World Fie ging of total warfare at sea has This policy, as announced by ning for every country in Europe. his way up through the years en been by no means insignificant. Na the War Graves Commission IS BAILEY BRIDGE It is designed to kill interference sized up the new man with pes vel units are maintained in ten De the same as that for 1914 1918The Bailey enabled our and as das far as possible and give free thing but pleasure. pedencies: Nigeria, Gold Coast, Sie The Commission says the same devancing armies to replace destro and more selective listening for Well, youpng man. he estos Fra Leone, Gambia, Kenya, Tangan cision has been taken by Britain yed bridget at a rapid rate. It is all. The plan is put forward in the ed, suppose, as usual, they ve dóm nyika, Zanzibar, Ceylon, Fiji and and other members of the British made of wood parts that can ea report of the Technical Committee ed, suppore, as usual, they se Tel (Erdod Units alio existed in the Empire, Lily be assembled and has special of the British Radio Equipment Ma the fool of the family to rea pol Hong Strails Settlements and The War Graves Commission, de Experts claims for consideration where rivnufacturer Association Oh no, sir said the midd Kong until the capture of these which is the accredited agent ofers and gullies of medium or trom tive of Britain bigge. ra They changed all that since you bic Colorie by the Japanese. Also, a all British Commonwealth Gover Shorth width require to be spanned, dio firms worked for nearly eight time, sir.
ple Ca moval unit was established in Mau ments, issued its statement in ans or even for replacing portions of een months on the scheme, which is wios1041 but disbanded in wer to requests from relatives wis bomb op flood damaged bridges of to be sent to all interested govern 1943.
hing to bring their sons or broth greater width.
ments. The plan aimed at MO of these Forces existeders or fathers back to Canadian For more permanent bridges of local services, by replacing the CAR prior to the war to provide part soil.
stoel. possibly, some day, of plas present longwave band of 2, 000 to fime Taval training and underta The statement explanned that the tics for special climates. the sa 000 metres by one 2, 000 to 260 me Lieutenant Robert Morgan, a BK tish Fleet Air Arm Officer, bra ke coastal few, however, were graves are widely scattered and me ideas may be embodied. tres as the medium or regional after six years of re erach wort det up at of after the out break. shipping facilities almost non ex wave band. Places on the long wa completed the plans for a pes Niost of them have, under the sti istent. Therefore it would be diffi MULBERRY DOCK ve band would be given to stations type of car designed to raise the present world speed record of 34 mulus of war, extended their acticult to transport the bodies back The Mulberry artifiical dock which have the largest areas to miles to 520 miles per hour. The UD vities and increased the number. to Canada. On the other hand enabled the allied armies to land cover.
invention represents a revolution of their personnel and vessel. In it would not be fair for a few in in Normandy at a point they se Ty novelty in design and construe. das tion of cars. The car consists or da Ceylon and Trinidad the local na dividual who could afford to do so lected while Hitler armies were stated that Fido was the most feet in diameter, which contain gigantic wheel approximately 12 co!
val units have manned escort ves transport their dead back to a concentratios on defending the na thrilling and satisfactory job he the driver seat and has a pears sels, botte main duties of the colonjada.
tural ports. With its heavy concre had during the war, because it sa haped body which is largely ma niat units have been minesweep te caissons to act as breakwaters, ved the lives of our airmen, and metal. The car, which the Inventor LA out of special glass and light eng and ininewatching, harbour and its floating piers for loading and would also help air transport in has caled the Bomb costat bitrols including antisub harbours the more dangerous es unloading, the Mulberry cock can is jet Pro mnie patrola. naval control and corting of vessels when boats be adapted to the requirements of peacetime.
pelled. It uses liquid gas as fuel and works almost on the same pria examination services and sentry were busy in the Caribbean. In many coasts in diff parts of RADAR siple as the German V2 rocket tar dates on Shore establishments.
the four West African Forces, Eu the world according to needs. The Developments in radiolocation en According to the inventor, the Bomb will only be used after con Although established by local ropeans and Africans worked side piery alone can be made service abled our night Lighting planes to measurement and testing of tuel fet tegislation, these forces normally by side and a Ereat ESPRIT DE able where tides are not too strong. make contact with enemy air rai ubricants and combustibles and come under the operational direcCORPS has grown up in each of PLUTO (Pipe line under the seaders and to break their power after the rection of the human body has been ascerted and to the light ca dion of the appropriate N, autho these little navies. Meinesweeping Piers of this description with British dolocation invention ing ride. In his opinion the conscia Nities in a number of cases had its dangers, and when West or without breakwaters could be have been many during the war truction of the new car will result (vk. Kent Fly Trinidad and Africa became an important supusefully employed for loading mi and applied to various al o in the practical posibility of purposes. journey in to upace. The Bomb Ceylon) have passed under closer ply centre for food and esential ning and forest products to the in peace time we might find some weighs about a ton and will cost (Admiralty control raw materials, the defence of vi 8, 000.
nearest point on the coast, where of the inventions used for guiding Existance of these forces has re tal harbour, fell in some measure at present many miles may have our ships into port during fog. The dieved the Royal Navy of a num to these little navies.
be produced. Britain is prepared ber of duties which would serio With the entry of Italy into the ral loading port.
to be traversed to reach a natu possibility of using radiolocation to supply useful machines for com with the Fido equipment Rely Dupe depleted personnel rewar, East Africa became an impor mercial transport. If the time co The oil pipe line that supplied a this purpose should not be over quired for service elsewhere. The tant battle front, As the danger in million gallons a day from mes when the jet propelled macht the looked, nor should attractions Forf tive Colonial Governments creased, so the Kenya Navy grew, West Coast ports of England, whe both as potential exports be disretries in need of there fast types se nes can be sold to foreign coun PN finance Wese units, except that du and volunteers from inland tribes re it was unloaded from tankers, Both types may also be found ting the war, the British Govern showed great promise right from across the English Channel to the useful ia commercial night flying.
wili PM another export commodity ment has assumed responsibility the start 35 seamen and signalmen Rhineland. It is a conduit, made)
be available, for expenditures in excess of ag, alongside the more experienced on the principle of a hollow tele NEW AIRCRAFT reed mounts DCI sailors and Coast BRIDGE LAYING TANKS fishermen graph cable Four new types of aircraft fas Whereas fow of the units have Three vessels of the Kenya This can be adapted to ter than any warplanes yet produ Mobile tank bridges enable the been action against the common V, manned entirely by the lo heavjest tanks to cross ditches of uses. Already there has been a reced are being made in Britain.
enemy, the Ceylon Force provides cals played a part during the port of an Inqury for its possible Three of these are tighters and craters up to thirty feet widora One of the exceptions. This Force retaking of Somaliland, The For use in Switzerland and inquiries One a bomber. The jet propelled th eassault on Normandy these bri te look and active part in the Japaces of Uganda and Tanganyika from other countries are being re Vampire with a speed of more than ses successfully surmounted miese vajas on Colombo and Trin were equally active in the defence ceived.
500 in level flight. The front walls, streams, flooded ditches oomalee in April 1942. At Colombo, of the East African coast line.
twin engined fighter, the Homet. Under fire, and various anti tank en the ORAPI was on patrol out In Pacific waters the Fiji RN FIDO which is the fastest propelled war obstacles built by the Germans. side the harbour and was attacked have carried out patrol and (For intensive dispersal of)
plane in the world with a scissors type folding bridge cal top li and machine gunned, and the ov guard duties against the threat of speed of more than 470 arried folded on top of a Valencipe ERDALE WYKE and SAMPHUR Japanese invasion.
The device that produced the The mighty new four engined bom Tank is laid by being automatica ar returned the fire of several dive In short, whereas the amateur walls of flame to dispel tog from ber. the Lincoln, which is bigger ny unfolded inside the tank and cac tumbers At Trincomalee bombs sailors, white, brown and black teh airljelds in Britain and the than its predecessor the Lancaster then lowered across the gap.
tell hear the SAMPSON and rat who rushed to take part in the co tinent to enable our bombers and can carry a heavier bomload, Churchill bridge layer consists of engs suffered various injuries. It Empire struggle have won few land in safety. It provided the including the latest ton volcano a thirty foot span steel trackway na has been reported that during the decorations and to their lasting dis necessary heat over airfields from bombs, and has in addition, grea mounted on top of a Churchill said the conduct of all concerned appointment had few opportuniti a continuous line of burners in tal ter speed and range.
hull dec was excellent.
es for mining in earnest thelred parallel to and some distance Some of the heavy types of bom Tark bridges of all these klod lic hle West Indies, the Trinidad well tended gums, they have fitted from, the main runway. bers have already been converted have been used with great succes. In ENVR added to the unglamo in admiratbly with the total Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd. recently mitor commercial use until such ti in north west Europe, Italy and te son but useful task of guarding naval strategy of the Allies.
nister of Petroleum Warfare, has me as more luxurious aircraft can Burma.
bes, Tor of COP cia many 200 sea do ma Da.
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