
ATLANTIC VOICE German scientists of the atomic bomb are THOUGHT FOS THE WEEK gloomy day is a challenge to cheerfulness It is easy and weak to be gloomy when the weather is goofy. It is hard and takes gharacter to be sunny when the sun is not visible. cloudy day calls for a bit YEAR XI. Limón, 20th. October 1945 487 of brightness about the clothing, a little extravagance smiles and cheering words, to offset the gloom. If ever there is need of joy ousness and gosa cheer in our words, looks and demeanour, it is when we feel least like it and when others about us are most likely to be helped by it.
In a press interview in Tal school for international fas There continues impriris, a fortnight ago, it was cism agents ani which is cond in Spain without any announced by our lig noperated by nazi professor: motive 250, 000 political ori und ratan THE HAND WHICH DIRECTED THE BAND Chiefs of Republican Spain who are disposed to train soners and we that German scientists and contiently and send to to a certain sciener many investigators were carrying other countries to maintain of these prisoners are exOur esteemed Director of the Military Band ecuted each day without on studies and scientific re alive the spirit of fascism of Limon, Colonel Jose Quesada and the musisearch to develop the aiemic We gather that conclud any knowledge of the cause force in Spain, persuing the ing the information the of their death or detention. cians of his command can chant their Hosanno, for a few days ago, they were weighed in the bainvestigations that were is Spanish Chiefs said lance and were not found wanting.
tiated in Germany for the construction of the storie Truly, in the garden of life there is no frabamb DUKE OF WINDSOR MENTIONED AS grance like that which comes from doing things It has been affirmed that worthwhile as was in evidence at the band conthirty five thousands Gr POSSIBLE VICEROC mans have acquired Spain cert given in the Vargas Park on the night of Sanaturalization and are incor In political London, ae turday the thirteenth instant on the occasion of porated in the secret police cording to the news, it has the celebration of the Civic Fiestas of Spain been mentioned that the Du The musicians not only responded to the Emilio Herrera. or the ke of Windsor who has recen hands which directed them but they placed the reporters is quote sing tly resigned the Governor It appears logically to ship of the Bahamas and is royal musical trade mark on every number that infer that Germany men said to be in England is liwas played The highly distinguished General of science in Spain where kely to be appointed to take Roberto Cantillano, the Director General of the Na exists valuable mines of ura over the government of Britional Bands was the moving spirit; who, in his nium, keep extreme grudgre tish India direction had commanded every admiration and towards the Unite Nations The Duke of Windsor, if attention. Every eye that had seen the music and labours active toner appointed to rule india, on eminating hands of the General Director, and fect the discovery of the the background of popular Atomic Bomb.
sentiments would be highly every ear that had listened to the wonderful resManifestations said welcomed among all sections ponses by the instrumentalists. if they live in a to have also been effected of the Indian population. world free of selfishness if they live in the realithat in Barcelona there has.
Hindus and Moslems, zation that roses should be given to the living beer organized special when their fragrance can be inhaled. if they live in a world to gather all that is noble;all that is The Civic Festivals of the keynote ol resplendent accoir plishmentOur Municipal Fathers and dour. The illumination in bre of the nerves to awaken then they will unite with us in chanting the below the Committee who were in the Vargas Park and along the sense of appreciation and lines in tribute to our Military Sand.
o charge of the Civic Testivi commerce avenue extercing praise ties which were celebrated to the playground at the ball The fire works at nighs Oh, music a sound of the trumpet, and milin this city during the period arena were recomendary to in the arena in their coineta lions rushed forward to die of the eleventh to the four the taste of the technologiats ry and spraying forms, emi peal of the organ and countiess numbers sink teenth of the month in cour who effected the installa nating rays of light over the down to pray se struck very high water tions, Without inclining area; shouting flares. ches Strike the Lyre Lo Paradise with its palaces of mark ond in tribute to their from the level of thingsing the merry throng in heir marvellous accom: ishments which are right and true, we pathway as if directed by And its portals of unimaginable glory, is the way.
inconceivable Splendour We chant the Hip Hip Hu reiterate that the scenery human hands, were not only rrah.
was panoramic and the dmirable, but gave thought Wonderland was brought eyes that had looked to our view in all its splen must have employed the filhose which were em; loved onto the powerful effects of NEW AUXILIARY RED CROSS COMMITTEE uring the gigantic struggle FOR THIS CITY DOCTOR ARNULFO ARIAS RETURNS TO On a whole the attractions diversified Athlete events modern Monte Car PANAMA Due principally to the trans Treasurer os and in the main the after fer of Mr. Alfredo Coñas from Don Gilberto Calvo Castro 100 and nights with the the local office of the Steam Secretary By a lease we gather the informa events; with the animals giv ted Fruit Company to that at Fiscal rabls. These were thrilling ship Department of the Uni Don Heliodoro Andrés tion that Dr. Arnulfo Arias, ing and taking: or in other Son Jese and the expected de Don Noe Alvarado ex president of that Repas words exchanging horns blie and who was in exile with the body of their tea these two very energetie Pre Don Antonio Canalias Morelle rarture of Dr. Sergio Vindos; Vocal 1 for the past four years hasers. Though human returned to his native land, extend sympathy to those gor the Limon Auxiliary Red Don Tristan Brenes sident and Vice President of Vocal 2 eight days ago It is said he has been the the wall accustomed line ed by the bulls, but along Cross Committee, respectively Vocal Nº recipient of an acclamation march the amusement was a reorganization was conven Lic. Don Mario Golcher with more than fifty thous greatly enhanced by the mas ed the third instant and the Vocal Nº and participants a deses of would be fighters new Administrative Personn Lic. Don Vicente Desanti monstration that had ever: The musical features was el is as below: Medico Assor.
precautionary measure Dr. Don Francisco Urcuyo furnished by the Cartago and againt any undue disturban President: our Military Bands.
Representative of the Com ce, but acording to the reDame nature manifestea Don Fulgenc o Campos mittee before the National port his reception provo congenial measures to Vice President Committee in San Jose Don ked no unpleasantness.
Pasa a la pág. OCHO Don Mariano Zúñiga Odio Alfredo Cañas Vargas a week ago just and to weave then into a hormonious whole Vere Panama press We the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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