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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 20th October 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN BRITISH FARMS HEADACHE ANGLOU. CONTRAST APPETITE RESTORERS Operate on 50 case, more than cu VALUABLE RUBBLE HEAPS 125, 500 libs. of medical stores inFlying doetors are to take ap cluding piasma giving sets, will be Professor Roy Bainer, of the Uni Some idea of the rebuilding petite. producing drugs to thou parachuted in the first instalment versity of California, has recently program facing Britnin is shown sands of Allied prior. ers and each medical pack weighs 140 completed a tour of England, Wales Marquis Childs syndicated col by ministers statements on the ternees in Burma, Malaya, French lbs, and is sufficient for treating and Scotland as a guest of the Mi uur, Washington Calling. re extent of the damage and the rolado. China, Siam Java, Sumatra over 500 persons of seven days.
sistry of Agriculture. In three veals that victory in Britain looks sources available for repairing it and Hong Kong. After their long large stocks of mepachine and qui months he travelled 6, 000 miles, very different than it does in In the first place, four and a halt captivity many of the prisoners are nina hace also been prepared for 10 spending his time with farmers, America. The fruits of victory are million houses were destroyed or suffering from malnutrition, and it was known that Japonese mala al search workers and farm implement hard to find over there. Here are damaged and 200, 000 totally des the digestions of others have been ria precautions, even when they manufacturers; and on July 22 he some of the contrasts.
troyed by bombs, flying bom. greatly impaired by bad feedira existed, were inadequute. broadcast a report to Britain over Clothing: S, There are or rockets. Aneurin Bevan, Minis To begin with they will have to Special hospitals and hospital de he BBC network.
some shopges in lower Priced or of Health (in charge of be bottle. fed with mosh foodships are also in readines. Once An outsider looking on. the Pro clothes and work clothes, but re housing cimpaign) gave the follow like habies, the hospitals are establi hed essor said, is amazed at the resports from the textile industry caying facts to Member of Parliament Large supplies of the appetite lerated treas Red Cross and wel conse of the British farmer to the this will quickly be corrected representing badly bombed areas. drug will be carried by the medical fare workers with tons of such all for food production. With the Dressup clothes seem plentiful. In In London there are still 42, 000 recue teams who will parachute comforts ag books, gramophones 19 aid of modern equipment he has spite of rumors from time to time, houses so badly damaged as to be into pri on camps. More than 30 and sweets will augment the medi plowed up the unwanted pasture, we have never had clothing a uninhabitable in the rest of the teams of doctors and orderlles col and mursing staff PL the catcmons as die parklands. Dutioning.
are country, the number is 10, 500 will be dropped; another 20 This operation has no precedent. de ring this great revival of agricultu Britain The clothes ration has 52, 498 houses have been requii standing by to go by sea. For ur Its orgaizers had nothing on been reduced from 36 points to 24 tioned in the London region. Most gent and special cases there are which to base their plans but pro. c, the area under crops has been in points, which must last until next of these are now occupied, but psychiatrists and surgical squads war health reports from the coun creased well over 50 of the 1939 April 30. Twenty four points will some 3, 000 had to be repaired and ready to be dropped by parachute tries concerned, and the stories of average.
not cover a man cult. The ration adapted before anyone could live wherever they are needed escared prisoners. Working on the While an acre of grass will feed is sufficient to cover purchase of in them. There are 136, 000 men The team, consist of surgeons, as umption that the recue teams only one or two persons. he explai la few shirts, socks, underwear working on war damage repair in anlethetists, operating theatre as will find the worst possible cordiaed, the same acre plowed and plan in other words, bare necessities.
London alone.
sistants ard orderlies, and suffi tions they have prepared for all ted to wheat or potatoes will feel After six years of clothes ration cient equipment for cach team to emergencies.
wenty and forty people respecti ing, most people in Britain look rely.
shabby As the result of th stupendous Food: Sugar is short programme, co ordinated by the voand rationed. Butter and other totary War Agricultural Commi Lats are rationed at rather high Joven militar nombrado Subsecretario Atees set up in every country, and point values Bacon and other aided by the Ministry of Agricult pork Products are difficult to find score of rubble heaps, some de Estado de los Estados Unidos ro grant since May 1939 of eights are ako cooking fats. Otherwi of them higher than the neigh dollars an acre to farmers towardsc, food is pientiful. The prospect bouring buildings, now dot Lon WÁSHINGTON. Para llethe cost of plowing, Britain now is for an abundance of beif on DI don. They are the remains of nar la vacante dejada por la dimisión del Subsecretario de EsS qopduces 80 of her food needs, in the market this fall as cattlemen and carefully sorted. Every ounce bombed buildings, cleared away tado Julius Holmes el Presidente Truman designó al Corotead of 33 3 before the war.
who have long held back, seek to nel Frank McCarthy, joven ofiDairy farmers, in spite of the loss cash in on the boom.
is valuable cial poseedor de una brillante hoja de servicios como organizaof grass acreage throug the plowing There are three categories of dor, administrador y persona de Britain The end of ler:d lease wreckage material. wood and me gran tacto y habilidad.
SU ap schemes, have broken all records nteans tightening of all tions. tal, which are salvaged to be used Durante la guerra que acaba for milk production. Britain is to PE de terminar, McCarthy fué ayudante del Jefe de Estado Mayor, fr day herself producing all her domies There met be drastic cut, for fun where possible; rubble, General George Marshall, PO tic sugor supply; and the by products example, in the use of sugar which is valuable hard core fur actuando como oficial de enlace from the sugar beet fields furnish Cuts in sugar available means entre el Estado Mayor y el Précontructional work, and debris, sidente.
re tons of livestock food. All this has that ice cream will be at 40 per the finer sduined material and En su calidad de ayudante been achieved is spite of the loss by cent of the Pre war level instead dust, some of which is being used confidencial del General Marshall, del Presidente Roosevelt y Pa war mobilization of 40, 000 skilled of 60 per cent; bakery products jut now to raise the level of a el Presidente Truman, asistió a workers from the land.
using jam, 60 per cent instead of lake in Kent, and for filling in las conferencias de Londres, Casablanca, Argelia, El Cairo, The Director of the Norfolk Agri75 per cent.
Teheran, Yalta y Potsdam. Entre sus múltiples funciones figuci cultural Station told Professor Bai The rubble is reserved for work ró el estudio de problemas que requerían la acción conjunta del of national importance. It wag Presidente, el Secretario de El Coronel Frank McCarthy B5, 000 strong, learned to operate used in making the Mulberry har Guerra, el Jefe de Estado Mayor heavy bombers are bring bors for the invasion of Norman tractors and farm implements and y otros funcionarios durante el en la Escuela Militar de Virgiing with them Jewish children dy. When the defenses of Lon periodo crítico del conflicto, nia, permaneció en servicio acto do most of the tasks found on cuando estos, incesantemente tivo por algún tiempo y más atareados, apenas disponían de tarde se dedicó al periodismo en farms, The praises of these girls from the Nazi concentration camp don had to be shifted to meet the tiempo y la presencia de un há su estado natal y en Nueva will never be adequately sung. the of Teresir, on the borders of Sa menace of the flying bombs, more bil oficial de enlace era para York, pero a poco del ataque de de llos de valor inestimable.
los japoneses contra Pearl HarDirector said xony and Bohemia pe than a hundred thousand tons of El Coronel McCarthy, que al bor ingreso de nuevo al ejército.
The children are being brought Though he found the quality of ingresar a la Secretaria de Es Asignado al despacho del Jefe Of the rubble were carted away in tado retornará a la vida civil, de Estado Mayor, avanzó rápithe field work unexcelled and the to rest homes on the shores of trucks to make the foundations nació en Richmond, Virginia, eldamente y sus brillantes serviLake Windermere, where they de junio de 1912. Después de cios le valieron el nombramiento tabourer in a sugar beet field an ar COP Lor the new gun sites, ohtaner el grado de subteniente actual.
tist with a hoe, Mr. Bainer was par will find peace and kindness agin Rubble makes the best of all ba ticulary impressed because he saw so after the horrors of enslavement.
ses for runways Berodromes, and Among the children are three much of it has been taken for much farm machinery. There are al parts of England. he ends, where year olds who have never know this purpose. And when Britaintajlors which will not be deliver on order with leading Britih the farms are probably more highly any other life than that behind new housing projects are laid out, ad for from nine to 18 months te mechanized than anywhere else in barred wire. The eldest are 16.
mie The largest penicillin factory in the reodways will largely be laid the world. It is just another exam People in the neighbourhood ре the world is at Liverpool, England On these seraps of old London.
ple, parallel to our own experience ne are eagerly looking forward to help One lerding firm will not ever The buildings cover 12 acres of un in the States, where it can safely being the children to forget their accept an order for a suit for nine and Penicilin, the properties ро stated that farm equipment is one experiences.
months, while the first fitting, in of which have been of almost of the most important factors in many cases, takes nine months miraculous value in soving the winning the war, The British far Dal Herald (London)
longer. The completed suit cannot lives of wounded soldiers during mer, like the American, is now mi be expected before 1947, the war, was discovered by the chinery conscious. It is quite unli to hand methods when the present At a rough estimate there are British scientist Sir Alexander kely that he will be content to return emergency is over. nearly 2, 000, 000 worth of sults London Daily Mall Fleming ner that the Women Land Army. LOAD OF HAPPINESS cu 12 PENICILLIN SUITORS un ted has Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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