
ASE ATLANTIC VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The la wof love is the foundation of the Gov ernment of God. Obedience to the requirements of love brings the only real peace and happiness that can come to human creatures.
YEAR XI imón, 27th. October 1945 NO 488 Hence it must be that love is the foundation of a law that produces such results.
DE GAULLE FRANCE FORECAST OF ABNORMAL WEATHER WILL WAR DESTROY CIVILIZATION AND NEW PRESIDENT CONDITIONS THE WORLD forecast of abnormal Wea tazón. La Estrella. Almirante ther conditions has been made and Chiriqui in the Republic of This is the debate; we lead the Affirmative: known by astrological studies to Penama.
The Negative is declared open.
he effect of another autumn hea Of course, this is the work of At the chreation God gave to man a beautiful vy weather with the posibilities Mothe Nature to her Will we world, a world to be inhabited by a loving loyal of developing to storm, cyclone are submissive, but to be war and flood.
and happy people whose joy and delight would ned is to be fore armed, therefo According to the prediction re let us do our best in exbe to honour and obey ihe Giver of all wonderful the route of wind and rain will pectation of the prediction; let bounties of earth, sea and sky; mark well that it include Mexico. Belize. Honus do all that is humanly possiwas not intended for man to destroy civilization duras Ceiba. Gracias a Dios ble to provide something in our and the world not to fill the seas and oceans and Spanish Honduras Nicaragua cupboards.
the rest of waters with the dead bodies of human Sarapiqui. Parismina. Reven creatures nor to polute the rich fragrance of the sky with unpleasant odor and poisonous gases The world of today is heralding Peace and AN EXPLANATION Safety. Really indeed universal peace is a very desirable condition to long for, but we should not We felt very greatly the di regretable circumstance cf be deceived into believing that such a desire is sappointment to many of our the entire package of papers city esteemed readers who for the city distribution sys included in the possibilities of this mundane sphere regardless of howpenetrating will be the tograph of General Charlestic Voice for last Saturday the reached us; although we have The appearance of the pho had not received their Atlan tem up to this writing has not sincerity at the conclaves of the representatives Contd. on Page 20th instant, due to the very Contd. on Page of the peace loving nations; not so long as men of science of the nations, respectively continue to tax NAMES OF HIGH NAZI OFFICERS ARE SIGHTED BY ALLIED POWERS tothe u most their scientific mind; side by side The Allied High Powers are of more than twenty prominent liated with six different nazi or there will be talks of peace and back to back there said have released the mes German leaders who were aftiganizations; these; it is claimed is being carried on minute studies to discover the are responsible for having plun most deadliest weapons of warfare: such that will ged the world into bloodshed; destroy hundreds of thousands; yea, millions of their fellow creatures in the winking of an eye In a news report from Germe, that he had helped to cremate trible crimes in assassinations and at the same time causing the most fertile spot Hitler chauffeur has declared ny it has been mentioned that the dead body of the Fuehrer tortures. devastations and the Contd. on Page Contd. on Page on Mother earth to be almost permanently baWith the discoveries of the age; producing COSTA RICAN BORN CANADIAN WITH KING GEORGE VI.
the most death dealing mediums for war fare. such that are marvellous in accuracy, capacity and power, it is obvious that it will hardly be necessary to muster armies to take the battle field.
Nations do not effect such studies and preparations without a purpose; at some time the stor in will rage in its fury and we believe when the next outburst the civilization which we reveren ce so well and the world we enjoy will sink into insignificance before that conflict.
NEW REPORT OF HITLER AND EVA BRAUN having committed the most ho rren.
HAPPEN NGS IN JAPAN death Japan New Cabinet is report In the meantime he is held in ed constituted with Baron Ki custody at Bilibid.
juro as Primier. He is said to be sixty three years of age. Fi The men of science of Japan ve members of the old Govern has discovered a ray ment are stated to be retained, which on test is stated to have The Primier as we gather has killed rabbits, pigs and monkeys steered from having in his Gov at a distance of forty yards; its ernment any person accused with test on human creature is said war crimes. General Mac Arthur to bring only bad feelings or di. is said to have approved thezziness.
new Parliament During the war there were taLieut. General Tomnuki Ya ken into custody in Japan, twen mashita, the exjapanese Com ty five thousand believers of the! By courtesy of our colle companies King George Major Pirie was born in Cos mander of the Phillipine in the Christian Faith; this number re ague Diario de Costa Rica VI during an inspection of ta Rica ancient capital, Car preliminary charges against him presented the total membership we are able to present to our this famous Canadian royin tago, un June 26th 1907 son as a war criminal has declared of Japan Holiness Church. The readers this interesting the ent. This photograph was of the late Dr. Alexander Hithat he is not guilty of any in wave of general religious perse sograph, which shows Mjor aken in England sone tine rie, and his family is one of eident of crime during his com Icution as we learn is undescriba Aimers Alexander Pirie, com ago, when the Monarch visit the most respected in the mand. His trial, as we glean is ble during many years prior as manding officer of the 12th ed one of the training cent city.
set for Monday the 29th instant. well as during the conflict; Manitoba Dragoons, as he actres.
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