
DO YOUR SHOPPING AT The People House Nuestra Contribución a la Victoria FO el 30 t Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 27th Octob. 1945 Opportunity Through Understanding By Mr. David Gray, President of the International School of Latin America (International CorrespondenDRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
ce Schools of Scranton, Penn)
NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO Equality of opportunity is PLEASE YOU in keeping with the AmeriJACK ORANE, SUCS. can tradition. In the post war world there will be more toLIMON lerance between the republes of this hemisphere and ther peoples.
WE SAY AU REVOIR TO DR. AND lack of balance between raw materials and industriaMRS. VINDAS lization has always caused certain amount of inequality For a more lucrative position solation in our very presence to of opportunity. So many pro with the Pacific Division of the weeping market seller who was ducts were fashioned at great Costa Rica Banana Company, summoned before him to answer distances from the source of we have sustained the loss of: to certain enfringement of the the raw material. This leads highly distinguished Public or sanitary regulations, he said to a lack of understanding fiver as well as a humanitarian Why are you crying my dear among agricultural, mining.
LOS EJERCITOS SOBRE RUEDAS medical practitioner and commu woman, am not going to hurtſ and factory workers.
El famoso sello de la Llanta Trakgrip nity worker, in the person of you; it is only a matter of inves Now the trend to links na (Agarra Camino) visto en millones de Don Sergio Vindas, in fact it tigation, please dry your tears. Inufacturing with raw vehículos de Guerra, fue originado por prowould not be amiss to say we As Vice President of the Li ducts as nearly as poss:ble Dulop en 1926 y adoptados por los Serhave been robbed of a friend in mon Auxiliary Red Cross Comwill do much to break down vicios para casi todo tipo de Transpordeed and in need.
mittee, Dr. Vindas was a pillar misunderstanding as to Ehe te sobre Ruedas, Dr. Vindas during his years of usefulness; devoting his pro relative importance of every of faithful services as Marine fessional cate to the sick and mai stage of production for cousDoctor, Chief of the Sanitary sec med who sought his aid; he has umption.
tion of the United Medical and imprinted, too, his name on the For instance, much on the Sanitary Department of this ci roll of merit in conjunction with oil of the Southwest is piped ty: an institution in which he the securing of the Limon Redt othe Midwest and Est for renders also outstanding medical Cross Ambulance. He served al refining. Or metallic ores are services and in his private prac so as an officer with the Volun shipped great distances betice; all these measures have. tary Fire Brigade System. fore they are smelted. Cotton won for him an indelible appre He and his esteemed wife and was formerly shipped from ciation, confidence, love and res children take with them the who the South to New Englerd pect. Every citizen, regardless ile hearted good wishes of all Li for processing.
DUNLOP RUBBER Co. LTD. of what rung of the great hu monenses who have created for An awareness of the peoples BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND man ladder which he or she themselves a sphere of apprecia of the Southwest to the adv self sufficient economy and pondence Schools are one of may be standing on should chant tion for genius.
the hymn of praise.
The Atlantic Voice says Au their complete economy will advantages of our democratic ricas. More than 25, 000 Latin antages of carrying through relief of inequalities, with the ties that bind the AmeWe recall with impressive me Revoir to Dr. Sergio and Mrs. result in more rapid develop system in the Southwest. Americans today are enrolled mory Dr. Vindas words of con Vindas and their children.
ment and added resourceful This plan increases the ne as active students receiv ness in critical periods.
cessity for more technical ing technical training.
From further improvement training for all who have the graduates include the For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele of methods of mining and courage, to study and ads are president of one Latin AmeThe People Tailor agriculture will follow a more themselves. No road to ad rican Republic the recent Pre vancement in America can be sident of another.
barred to anyone who is will The International Corres ing to put forth the effort pondence Schools, Scraton 9, for self improvement and Penna consequent inevitable advan Special for The Atlantic cement.
Voice (Collaboration Sec The International Corres tion. DUNLOP TRADE MARK 18 Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Notice Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Our Prices for the following Products ar CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred. 28. 00 Colones HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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