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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Sábado 27 de Octubre de 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN THE WAR IS WON BRITONS OFFER FOOD TO EUROPE men war NEGROES FIGHT IN SAYING IT WITH LONDON, Oct. 20 The plight tions should be out. Storice are ASIA Thanks be to God, the War has of millions of human beings on going round that soidiers, despite BULBS at last been won. The suffering.
che Continent who face a winter regulations, are giving a. they LONDON, October. By Ca.
of starvation has aroused deep can to hungry German chillan As a token of gratitude for the the endurance, the endless cou ble) Full details of the fine fight compassion among the British, just as they did after the last hospitality and friendship ex rage and stubborn will to victory ing record of the men of the sist who are dreading new reductions war.
tended by the Royal Navy dur of freedom loving an: ing the war, and as an expression women everywhere has not been and 82nd West African Divisions in their own skimpy rations.
in Burma have just been disclos month ago a letter appeared Service men, at the same time of admiration for the contribu in vain. And in the winning, let ed here.
us above all the correspondence columns of are emphatic in their insistence tion of the Royal Navy to the render humble These 100, 000 men, all volun he press signed by Miss Eleanor that civilians in this country liberation of the Netherlands the thanks that our own peoples have stood, unflinching, through teers, and the first West Africans athbone, P, among other hould not be asked give up Royal Netherlands Navy has to be sent outside the continent selebrities, asking if the people any part of their already senty, offered to provide the gardens ol six years of the cruellest trials that tyranny could conceive, and of Africa to fight, played an im would be willing to forego part food supply. In that, they are the Royal Naval Colleges at Dart have emerged, unbroken, to play portant part in giving the Japon their already slim rations for probably right. The mother of mouth and Greenwich and the their full part in the New Wow ese the biggest land defeat of the he sake of starving people in three young children, for exam Royal Naval barracks at DevenFor in Burma at least an that must be built upon vrope, including Germany. ple, who out of the goodaess of port. Portsmouth and Chatham the many Japanese were killed as on Since it is generally the less her heart, volunteers to contribu with Dutch flowers every spring wreckage of the old. The new form and substance of living to all the various Pacific fronts put attractive aspect of human char te some of her rations, probably in perpetuity.
together. As General MacArthur cter which makes news, it is does not realize how damaging Accepting the gift on behalf of gether and of civilization, that must be developed it all mansaid: rorth recording, just to balance such generosity may be to her the Royal Navy, the First Sea kind is not utterly The Japs were beaten main he picture of contemporary hu own and her children health Lord, Admiral of the Fleet sig to be dely on land.
nanity that of contemporary hu in the coming winter. While one Andrew Cunningham, has replied For let there be no mistake Main battleground for the Sist. nanity, that already more than can only stand in awe before. The cordial relation and close Division was the grim Kaladan 30, 000 people whose own diet, such unselfishness, it is difficult friendship between the Royal The old world has gone, as surels Valley probably one of the har according to experts, ie barely to decide whether in fact she Netherlands Navy and the Royal as if it had been entirely vaporiz ed by the cataclysmic dest battlefronts of the war. For dequate for health, have volun should be allowed to make such Navy will be perpetuany brought bomb a sacrifice.
to our minds whenever we see which, falling on Hiroshima, put although it is only 60 miles fronteered to contribute some of their itions.
the Burma coast, it is cut off by period to all known ideas of des Even if 3, 000, 000 families partiſ and admire these flowers.
truction and of power. For good ranges of steep mountains coverThe letters come from all parts cipated in the voluntary scheme.
the country, from people of the total amount which could be he hurled as soon as he roun tud or ill, the essence of the Univerre ed with impenetrable bomboco has been revealed to us of this forests.
every kind of economic back collected would be tiny. When aſ the bend. The remainder followtiny speck in the vast antre of The divisional commander baround and the writers range in halfpound tin of Spam requires ed in their footsteps. seventeen points out of a total When examined the Japanese the Cosmos. We must, perforce, Praised the courage of the sape from five to ninety six turn our backs on all our yes pers who dared to think the furt small boy of six writes in pensil, of twenty points a month, the foxholes, they were riddled with terdays, for we have been given mountain was negotiable. said on a postcard. Food should be amount which can be given up is bullet holes all round the famework of the firing slits and one of the division officers. It shared out, even if we do not picayune.
the power of Gods or Devils, tc build an earthly paradise, or went straight up for over 2, 000, get so much. One states simply Considered in relation to the embedded in the interior walls.
shatter to dust the very globe feet and, coming down the other: am seventeen years old and millions on the Continent whicThe coolness and expert markson which we dwell.
side, reminded one of a roller vrowing fast, but would be glad are expected to die of starvatio manship of these fnen u. ider och But though the awful majesty coaster. The sappers made the to give up some of my food to this winter and who have been conditions was astounding.
asked to dig graves for themselThe 81st. fought its way throuof the discovery that is now ours road all right. We know, we had help another lad to live.
Families who have been bomb ves now because they won te sh the Kaladan Valley, and at its may well make the senses of to march over it.
od out, who have lost men in the strong enough Into this supposedly impenethose who grasp it reel, it should dig later on, the end linked up with the 82nd wet not, it must not dismay. For trable country went the 81st Di war, still feel that children are contribution can be nothing more African Division at Myehaung.
hildren even though they are than a gesture of generosity.
From then on, the West African above the stunning power of ele vision on foot.
mental foree, still, at the momert Vehicles, heavy artillery grand gesture, certainly but share of the Burma battle was man who has been a priso still only a gesture and not a taken over by the 82n To them the human brain that gained the animals would only have imped ner of war for three and ti haf solution Many of the families fell the task of establishing a secret presides in its tenuoused the advance. Once into the years writes from a hospital. It who made the gesture would be block on the Tamandu An roud control Whatever is done tovalley, they drove rapidly dowa not the fault of the German ehi crossing the thin line between thus containing the Japanese in destroy or preserve humanity both banks of the Kaladan with dren that my life is messed 13p. Just enough and not enough. the Arakan while to the east the still rests, at the moment, withir such swiftnehs that so one story our own deeds. In this most su goes even the Japs, as they re nes who have seen the appuilling across Europe this winter, that soon. number of men in the for. If the feared epidemics do spread rest of the 14th, raced for Ran preme and critical hour for the treated, left notes congratulating conditions urge that Arny ra thin line is going to be important.
From their victory at Kingore race of men, it is above all the them on the speed of their ad where the Japanese suffered decent values, the traits of kindvance.
one of their biggest defeats in the liness and courage and conAs this spectacular advance Hill. a mountain citadel guard corner into the open, 60 yards Arakan Gold Coasters of the sciousness of some higher pur continued, another and no lessed by four lines of concentrated from the Jap bunker positions on 82nd, embarked on landing craft pose that have triumphed in the spectacular battle was going on to defenses.
war that has just ended, that the rear where the 81st correither side. Three young Sierra and took part in the gruesare The approach was practically Leoneans led that attack, one and magnificent landing at must at every cost be maintained. mander, Gen. Loftus Tottenham, vertical. said one of the officers armed with a Bren gun, another ywa and set out on what to be a We of the British Common had left a force of Sierra Leonean who fought with the 81st, and with a spare magazine and the three weeks nightmare of denth.
wealth and Empire We, with a fighters to clean up Frontier involved coming round a hairpin third with two grenades which hunger and isolation. As with quarter of all the Earth bound the 81st, all transport had lon3 in a single care have shown in ago been abandoned, and every the darkest hours what triumphsf us there is a mighty part that lies, and today it is not only our part to play in restoring thing headloaded. Although a high faith and purpose can must be played if the world is to England, but the world, that the shattered fabric of civilizations, water and medical suppies achieve. Let us consider well, urvive. Let us draw strength expects, and prays, that we oftion. It is to this great task were short, the Gold Coasters and in all the awful solemnity from the proud history of our the British Commonwealth and that call you how, and fought on, until Nigerians of the of our responsibility, that it is peoples, from the sure and glori Empire will do our duty. know that shall not call in same division finally opened a to us and our gallant American us knowledge that they have the quiet yet. pregnant rclief route to them an the mad kith and kin of kindred mind, before now saved the world by words of His Majesty the King, Thus, for the sake of our un block was established.
that God has first seen fit to un their example, and may well do in voicing our proud and grate numbered gallant dead and the Last of the divisions of the lock the very secret of the Sun o again in these crucial day. ful thanks to all the men and World future, must we dedi South East Asia Comniani, the itself, and to entrust this devas. It is a long cry from the wooden women who have served. The cate ourselves to play our full 82nd, or Crossed Spears, Dritten tating power. And in our deep valls of Cnp Trafalgar and the world has come to look for cer and undaunted part. The King nevertheless killed, 1, 400 of the thankfulness for sueh mercy, let muzzle loaders of Nelson to the tain things, for certain qualities, is the essence of his people. Thus enemy and wounded many hun us never forget, and teach to our atomic bomb But the old writ from the peoples of the Com our King has spoken.
dreds of others before the Japa children children, that for each still runs, the old signal stid monwealth and Empire. We have God Save the King!
nese surrender came through Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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