
BARE ATLANTIC VOICE we THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Humility the fairest and the loveliest Flower that grew in Paradise and the first that died has YEAR XI rarely flourished since on moral soil. It is so frail Limón, 3rd. November 1945 NO 489 and delicate a thing that it is gone if is but looks ROBERT LEY COMMITS SUICIDE upon itself; and they who venture to believeit, END OF SEARCH FOR theirs prove by that single thought, they have it not.
The once upon a time Leader with the doctrine of nazism of the nazi Labour Party, Robert violate the fundamental princi HITLER Ley who was in custody pendingple of the creation.
trial as being responsible for It is difficult to confess that THE VOICE OF THE NATIONS SHOULD BE BERLIN, Saturday war crimes is said to have taken we have committed grave er his own life by hanging with rors, but we must have made British and American intelliHEARD IN APPEAL the means of a towel and is said them, because it is the disposi gence officers have marked the to have left a written political tion of the same existence case of Hitler closed. They haof statement directed to the Ger our people.
ve informed Washington and retrospective view down the ages will preLondon that, so far as it is humman people in which he con T, therefore, express the opi anly possible to obtain proo!
sent from immortal histories the Creator goodness demns nazism and blames the nion in which Hitler died; in the Hitler is dead.
to His creatures; and there would be the discovedoctrine which he claims caused se words am going to die Intensive investigations in the Brisith and American zones with ries that generally throught humble mediiums were the failure and the wreck of Ger. was with Hitler in the good a view to establishing whether these bounties bestowed.
many; he also proposes a reconcidays and desire to be with him liation of Germany We believe there were to be found among with the in the dark days.
he was alive and, if so, produce Jews by saying: him for the Nuremberg trials, Robert Ley ends his testimony have finished. The view is that the sons of Israel some more oustanding intellec We are ignorant of God and with these words. If humani he died in Berlin and that Eva tual ones whom men might had considered from God ignores us. We placed the ty is not able to return control Braun died with him.
that viewpoint to had been more capable than human will against grace and of its emotions it will die by Moses to lead the Israelites from Egyptian bondBerlin and had access to many more facts continue in their at age, but that was not in harmony with the divine SIR ANTHONY EDEN SPEAKS titude that there is no proof of plan; in the lowly life of a shepherd on the hills of Hitler death. British and AmeWe gather that Sir Anthony, the weight of the terrible mena Midian Moses was commissioned to had effected rican evidence is based almost Eden the ex British Secretary ice of the Atomic Bomb.
entirely on statements of Gerthe greatest leadership of the ages.
of Foreign Relations is the reci No nation by strength and mans who claim to have seen There is also a more glorious recollection that pient of a decoration of honour which can say it will dominate him die and Russians do not reBethlehe m, Ephratah, although being little among which was conferred on him at Europe much less the world and gard this as proof.
The matter will rest there until the thousands of Judah was chosen to be the birththe University of Leeds, and in the Third Woold War will signif the Russians disclose any new place of our Blessed Saviour.
his address, among otehr things ty the annihilation of the hufacts they may have.
he is quoted saying.
Giving thought to these humble mediums from man race British and American officials came At the termination of the se do not believe it would have which the most astonishing, reakzations The world is unquestionably cond world war the nations are been possible for Hitler to hide forth; in the same spirit, we opine that the nonin very grave danger and the na drawn in front of this dilema to without being denounced by soas long as this in their zones belligerent nations of the entire universe. regartions do not care to unite and solicit peace or confront the desmebody Reuter.
dless of their insignificant positions in militarism Co operate disinterestedly to truction, they should let their voices be heard in appeal in conjunction with future use of the terrible human WAR GERMS ARE SEEMINGLY SPREADING destructive Atomic Bomb as a war weapon; The germs of war are seer Following this attitude we CANADIAN BUDGET providing the world is not ready for destruction, ingly spreading in ou: Cont gather that Mexico relation This is a subject, we believe, is worthy to touch the inent, according to recent with the two mentioned coun Canada first peacetime bud hearts of humanily loving nations and peoples, pres reports to the effect that tries has become delicate get, presented recently in the It would be very much incompatible with Diplomatic realtion were la Venezuela was thrown into House of Commons by Finance love for the human race to sit and contemplate mentably broken between revolution and with the Minister Ilsley, proposes tax reGuatemala and Harduras, triumph of the oppositionists: ductions totalling 300, 000, 000 in doing nothing as a means of saving humanity two of our neighbouring sis thus causing the surrender of a full year. For the balance of destruction. The small nations must applal to the ter Republics. Both Republics the President Medina Agari the current year tax reductions reason; vea even to the souls of the powers that be; are said to have recalled their ta.
will total 100, 000, 000. The re be; let them kno wthat these is cognizance of the Ministers.
ductions cover abolition of the let them know that there is cognizance of the 10 war exchange tax on all imobliteration if the Atomic Bomb be not condemned THIRD SET OF LOCKS FOR THE PANAMA ports from non empire countries; and discarded as a weapon in warfare.
exemption from sales tax of ma CANAL We believe, it ought to be possible to appeal chinery used directly in the maAively stir may no doubt modified as the result of tie nufacture or production of goods agains it with its tendency to destroy human create be efected in labour sphere Japanese attack on Pearl Har cut in the excess profits tax from tures; darkn earth and sky. The war has been at some near future date, al bour in 1941.
100 to 60. decrease of 16 won; we glory in the accomplishment; no wlet our depends on the the War Dup Our Republic had greatly in the personal income tax appli implements that have given us the victory be reartment of the United States contributed to the labour fea cable from October 1, and other converted into ploughshares and pruning hooks; of America which we learn ture of the construction work amendments to the Income Tax let us pray unceasingly that the science of destruchas resumed study on the that was started and we ta Act and Succession Duty Act.
proposed Third set of Locks resay, our labour field is quite On the other hand, we believe tion be replaced by the practice of the great Serfor The Panama Canal a prable and fit for gathering a that if extensive banana cultiva mon on the Mount that which will save the huject which was actually start future supply, if need be.
tion be a realization at the Bar man race and the world from utter destruction.
ed in July 1940. but was later there may be a possibility or esta blishing a colony at Tortoguera We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back or elsewhere in that locality. NEW BANANA CULTIVATION IS or receipt which reads: We calculate that somewhere along the Swamp Mouth locali This bill must be paid at our office before ties would be the starting point SEEMINGLY POSSIBLE the 10th of the month to connect with the Bar Let us hope that no hinderan The Atlantic Voice learns that proposition. If materialized Be so good as to comply with this request and do not ce will be placed in the way of a big banana cultivation project would surely be a great asset oblige as to suspend our service, a step which the project and that all concern is beaming to take in the fertile to the agricultural and other ac wo would much regret to take ed will give harmonious co opera region of the Colorado Bar tivities of that region with a mo tion and thereby aument It is mentioned also that railre reliable means of transportamuch needed agricultural deve transportation may play a very tion than the existing route ovet lopment important enhancement to the water.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica. it our CTRICA DE LIMON

    GermanyHitlerNazismWorld War

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