
NEW HARLEM CANTINA V e LETTER TO THE EDITOR young ladies town were a Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 3rd. November 1945 OLD HARBOUR PATHFINDER CRICKET GLEANINGS FROM MATCH UNFINISHED MATINA On the night of Saturday the AND RESTAURANT Time waits on nobody and so helped to increase the score to thirteenth instant when the peo it turns out that the hour hand torty; he was given out under ple in the city were celebrating A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE of the clock reaches four when very questionable umpire deci the Civic Fiestas, Matina had not OFFERS: the Old Harbour cricketers wansion by Azie Knott; that being The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons, grown cold; in its own social cir ted ten runs to tie the score of his second shady ruling a wave cle here was glee.
NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN the home side and eleven to pass of protest was raised; the sevThe main entertaining item AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
the fifty nine which was earned enth wicket fell without change was the celebration of the birth The highest individual scores for to the score. Umpire Knott was anniversary of Miss Felicia Alter the Pathfinders were, Vincent again on the question block in no, one of Matina well beloved Walker fifteen. Gordon ele his attempt to dismiss a batsPort Limon, Costa Rica evidence on the evening of ven and Nasymth, seven runs. man at a time when the ruling Paying homage to the honou Alpha Cottag School the 9th instant.
The visiting bowlers were power rightfully belongs to his ree were Mr. Ishmael Murray October 15, 1945.
Due appreciation is extend Myrie, with two overs, no wic associate, honestbroadminded um who effectively filled the role of The Editor ed to the effort; a measure ket. Clinton one over; no pire, Sodonio Escoe, Down went chairman, Messrs Gilbert and ATLANTIC VOICE of intelectual improvement wicket. Success came with the eighth wicket with an un Alterno, brothers of the guest of Port Limon, Costa Rica. for the youngsters. However Glinton and Dawson taking changed score. From the specta honour, Messrs. and Clar Dear Sir: the decisions handed down by command of the bowling; they tors corner came the words ke, and Bloomfield, Hud Your characteristic wood the judges have served to nip earned five and six wickets, res Courage the eyes of the world gson, McDonald, Dunkley, ness is solicited to gront the the bud of the groving plant.
pectively are on you this was the entrance Rowe and Gayle, Mes necessary space your very specification of ages for Our friends from the coastal of Dudley Barton facing Mars Nelly Alterno, mother and Miss useful news organ to publicly the contestants was given accorded rousing hall; forty nine runs were on Lewis, God mother of Miss express my view and dis sa then it is only fair and just cheers as the opening batsmen the tin when the play was sus Alterno. Mesdames Joyce Bryan tisfaction on a matter which that if those appointed to left the pavillion. The first over pended on the decided call of Gayle, Hill, the Misses has left an unpopular circu judge are duly qualified with was delivered by Howard time.
and Wright, Reid, An lating atmosphere.
the particulars in conjunction from the southern end while Barton and Buckner we glin, Tucker, Dunkley and with the renditions of the Dixon attacked from the nort re the not outbatsmen. Highsco Clarke.
Reference is effected to the poem pught to act along that hern point res being; Myrie ten Hazel Terminating the congratulato Juvenile Elocutionary Con line and should not exercise Like the leaves of autumn the nine runs and Glinton eight. ry features of the Fete with songs test which was held under sympathy on the plea of ten batsmen began to fall; twenty Obviously, a very sensational tail by Mrs. Bryan and Master the auspices of the Salvation derness of age, only as three runs were chalked up when end game was in the making; re Alterno and in addition adresses Army. Day school and to Spring board of injustice the fifth wicked fell; the sixth gretably cut short due to the al by Mc Donald and Miss which was solicited the co to other youths. The exercies took an admirable stand: effec letted time. Lewis crowned with the sea operation of the other English of justice will always serve ted so well directed strokes and soning remarks of the chairman: Private language schools. as fertilization for future the remaining hours were ripe As one of the old human plantings, but fear that judned with a special quadrille dan landmarks am quite cogni sment on the occassion under NOTICE ce which on the background of zant of the fact that we suf review has brought the blizthe classical ball room attire offered very much ill in all up ard of winter, and our leaves Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de the participants, presented a char lifting movements put for Jare fallen.
ing Requirements to agenderla dirijase a ming view among the citizens of colour The musical dishers were but as knowledge increases Very sincerely yours.
we have ROIG Messrs. Alterno, Manager, Aand time rolls on BURKE DAVIDSON.
Montague, guitarist, Dobson, been looking forward to those Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos assistant guitarist, Fred Lawson ward among the citizens of co Editor Note: Bass, Otis Gibson, drums The that their barques were all Reproduced on special reP. BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 combination is known as The protected from the in winds quest: due to the unfortuHappy Co Lucky Band.
of the past, but sad to say nate circumstance of the the same breakers hit agair non delivery of our issue of NEWS FROM PANAMA the mast head as was fifteen days ago for disorders, also accuses Arias Panama press releases the the city, it was resolved that for having insulted Major Bolinews that an accusation has been this place is not adequate for var Vallarino, Commander of For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele cited of which Arnulfo Arias is public meetings.
Mounted Police and for having The People Tailor to the tactic of Civil War in his The afternoon report of one of incited the people to be armed political campaign which com the Panama dailies mentioned for rebellion. It has been futher menced since his return to the that Major Saturnino Flores of stated that the ex President was country on October the 13th, the Police, presented accusation cited before the Judge to ansand it is made to hear in the against three persons detained wer for the whole affair.
San José, Constitutional Assembly APDO. 1779 TEL. 6128 there has been approved a resolu OFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, tion which authorizes the Alcalde of Panama to assign adequate BY SARGEANT WOODS, Jr.
MATARAL, places for public meetings PANAMA CANAL ZONE recreation, USO shows, athle ALKALINE TABLETS, the city. After the violence of Despite the grim task of tics, movies, rest camps, etc.
MUL EN OL the previous night, states the re feeding, clothing and trars wherever military personne!
FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC port, and which occurred after porting millions of troops are stationed throughout the the pro Arias meting in the Santa from one country to another, world Moore KUBANOLA na park situated in the heart of Uncle Sam seeks to provide You men are welcomed to enjoy yourselves in every HERB TEA FAMILY LINIMENI, ANTISEPTIC, ANT way possible. was the greet POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon ing we received from the of and Vanilla MACHINE SHOP ficials of The Panania Canal Zone Redeployment camp Why contract MALARIA?
FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING NO 89 upon our recent arrival u e our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and avoid mosConducts general Repairs. First class workmanshop guaran. My overnight stay at the quitos introducing malaria into your SYSTEM.
teed. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springs and other military installation en route Household things.
to the South Pacific from the Send us your orders immediately.
southern PRICES MODERATE dust Bowl of For your importations of any and every kind of mer.
France was equal to a seven chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products, THOMPSON, Proprietor day fourl ough in Harlem CONSULT US Continued on page 1 PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, that PANAMA LIKE HARLEM in ALLER MECANICO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

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