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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 10th. November 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN MEALS FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN PRODUCTION POSTSCRIPTS Fué Pat En la on asis pas de Sentados furada Lación Tales spentieaded Sour, los vel to And HONG KONG BATTLE BRITISH CIVIL NEW DISCOVERIES PATCH Faces the future with confidence TIDE PREDICTOR firm of London manufactu Many thousands of Britain Long distance lorry driven Among the first Canadians to The British Overseas Airways rers has constructed Russia first children will receive a subst. Dusmen, cold storage worker see major action in the 1939 45 Corporation has operated more modern tide predictor. It is total midday meal at school was and private motorists will soon war, the veterans of Hong Kong than 61. 000 miles of regular air leave England for the Soviet unter The compre national ve able to buy British Windak are now wearing a new battle routes (more than any other sin Ury in shortly. This new macht seals at seho plan oined by electrically. heated suits, inad patch signifying their services in gle commercial company in the ne is an exceedingly delicate and Ministry Education in July in the United Kingdom ducing the beleaguered far east city, Na world) and has carried nearly rare instrument there are scar 1943 calls for a final total of the war for both British ana u airmen and Lan tonal Defence Headquarters has half a million passengers during cely one dozen modern predica over 6, 000 school meal schemes. ced States announced. The new battle the six years of war. It has serv tors in the world. It has 30 com capable of feeding 1, 570, 000 chil erews. Output will be in a patch consists of a red circle, aed the United Nations need.
ponents which represent the va dren every day ry large scale when new plan pproximately two inches in dia number of designs for new riotions of the attractive forces of Under war conditions it was is in operation. It is estimated meter, with neat, white Chine British transport aircraft are now the sun and moon. When these not possible to make an immedia that 400 workers will turn out se styled monogrammed let beginning to appear from the components are set, the tide car to start on all the programme, but, 000 suits a day to mert orde th ters embroidered in the factories which produced the Lan be predicted for any date and by July 1945 the Ministry of coming in from all over centre. It is entirely different in caster, the Beaufighter, the Mos any place in the world. The tide Works had undertaken over 300 world.
Not shape from other Canadian bat gnito, the Halifax and other fam predicator made possible the pla school meal installations throu. special Radar set is to Vehical tle patches which are rectanguous warplanes.
nning of Allied landings in Italy ghout England, not only cons produced for British merchani tar or diamond. shaped.
and Normandy and played an in tructing the canteens and kit ships. Government appoin) WASH There is, for instance, the Avro dispensable part in the Far Eas chens, but supplying all the equied scientific committee has prelejére All the men who fought at Tudor Transatlantic Transport tern war. The new machine was pment, from large steam boilers pared a performance Hong Kong are entitled to the designed to carry twelve passen made for the Soviet Union in and potato peeling machines to tion which has now been sent to de e deg patch which is distributed to the gers in sleeper comfort from Lon ponse to a request from Russian lhat and coat racks.
men as soon as they arrive at don to New York in less than experts. It weighs about one ton manufacturers. In the meanti undo British Columbia reception de twenty hours. The first Tudor is! and took two years to make.
Carefully lovetatter planning me shipowners who want the Según has extracted the max. un uti will be supplied with sets armado pots. While every province was now flying. Its bigger brother, lity from both existing buildings nufactured for the British Adnu lndala represented in the force, most the Tudor II, will lift sixty pasRIPE FRUIT Janko of the men were members and new construction. Where. thralty for war uses. Other forms lindaje of sengers over shorter ranges.
the Royal Rifles of Canada, lar local school population is high. of radio navigational aids which to Much bigger still is the BrisA revolutionary method for large central kitere have been will make Britain gely from Quebec and New tol Type 167, the Brabazon Il fruit growing has been discover built capable of preparing 000 fleets the safest in the world merchant hillos Brunswick, and the Winnipeg This Queen Mary of the skicsed by a British scientist, meals at one time. From these are also under investigation.
Grenadiers, most of whom came will have a wing span of 230 feet, Swarbrick, head of the research the food is distributori in insulatfrom Manitoba. However, dozens a loaded weight of 125 tons and centre of Bristol University, En new thermostatic expans ed containers to neighbouringsion of cities and small towns also will be capable of carrying 50 gland, which enables crops valve for refrigeration Noen contributed recruits to both of passengers with sleeping accom withstand frost and prevents pre schools, where all that is then plants has been produced by the required are dining space these units.
and British Thermostat Company of modation across the Atlantic or harvest falls. Secret of the prowashingup facilities WASH 224 passengers for shorter stages. cess is a new chemical which is Sunbury, England. Of all metal avis The 20, 000 horsepower Bristol sprayed on the green calys after construction with minimum in perler INSOLENCE giant will not be in the air before the flowers have been picked off dividual components, it corntiA soldier was returning from 1947. But when it makes its first the fruit tree. This chemical sets nes all the advantage of gas and, the village, having had a haircut, transatlantic flight it will open the fruit instantly with the result liquid charged elements. Flexi plate ORIGIN OF THE when he met his captain carry up a new era in world air trans that all the fruit on the tree ri.
ble metallic bellows fit into the guts ing golfclubs.
ΕΙ port.
pens at the same time. While BUTTONHOLE top of the valve body and Great If you re returning to camp, For shorter ranges, British air this process ensures a full crop proviedd with a length of copillaisetro Jones. the Captain said, would craft companies are Royalty has started many preparing each year it entails no danger ry tubing. The tube is sealed a you mind putting these clubs in smaller aircraft. There is, for of over cropping, since once the fastion. For instance, the button ter charging the thermal eleIne my office for me. instance, the 24 passenger Vi fruit is on the tree the gr wer hole cut in a man coat, now ment with saturated vapour. Certainly, sir, answered Jones, ckers Viking, a descendant of the can pull off any surplue as de rarely used for its true purpose. Pressures which vary with the slinging them over his shoulder, famous wartime Wellington WASH sired.
is said to have originated in an vapour are suitable for normal la per little nearer the camp he met There is the 14 passenger. Miles PERSPEX unpremeditated action of the commercial installations and air ram the colonel Monathon and 10 passenger De One of the United Kingdoms man who married Queen Victo conditioning plants. Valves creatures Good morning. sir! Jones Havilland Love. The Handley quella de geu los moscovitas no Tia.
ged at lower temperatures can lead said, saluting smartly.
Page Halifax bomber is to be war discoveries was Pr. xiglass: On the arrival of the Prince be supplied where lower tempe Madied Morning, Jones! answered the succeeded by the Handley Page an unbreakable, flexible. trans Consort in England the Queen ratures are required.
colonel genially fletrucción Been for a Hermess. Transport carrying 34 parent, glass like material used gave him a bouquet of Deos round of golf?
passengers in peaceful skies, whi in the manufacture of bomber wers. The Prince, noted for his in fur Oh, no, sir; ve been having le, at sea, the Short Sunderland windscreens. This same mate charming little courtesies, tock a haircut. Patrol bomber of the rial will now be applied to peace a penknife from his pocket, cut Fourteen days for insolence! Coastal Command it transform time production under the name a hole in the lapel of his coat bawled the colonel.
ed into the Short Sandringham of Perspex. Already manifold and inserted a flower in it. This Transport Flying Boat. household goods are being pro was the first buttonhole. and RADAR AND PEACE duced from this material, includ tailors were quick to adopt the ing complete bathrooms, electrical idea for all suits.
Radar helped win the Battle of Greatly minimize the age and kitchen equipment, pictuBritain and played vital parts in old danger of fog. Planes and re frames and even furniture Bruxer.
defeating the boat and the ships could feel their way cat instead of corrugated iron, Persdoodle bug. It made thousand like, the tentacular beam giving vex glass may now be used for bomber raids and Day possi instant warning of approaching Hoofs. Jewellery, toys and wireble. But besides being a war machines or vessels: Yess casings are also being made winning weapon, radar, and its Enable a pilot to see a map ut of this attractive materail. pressed. Its barrel holds 12 milater developments, has vast im of the country ahead on a fluoJOUNTAIN PEN les of ink and it is only the size MR. ATTLEE IN To morrow the Right nourar in mediate peace uses.
rescent screen, thus ascertain weof an ordinary fountain pen. Thaable Clement Attlee, Prime menz Foreshadowed was the use of ather conditions; fountain pen which need be pen was invented by Miles Air nister of Great Britain, will arriscador radar to. Reduce road accidents. Ve filled only once a year is bene craft during the war. It was ve in the United States in ord als Revolutionize navigation. hicles would be fitted with a de produced in the United Kingdom designed for pilots to write ar to celebrate a series of converRadar is immensely more accu vice with a reflecting beam The pen has no nib but a stylo, heights where the air pressure is sations with President Truman estua on the momentuos political ques. Snarla rate than astronomical observa which would automatically stop graphic point a wire enclosed in so low that an ordinary fountain tions which to day occupy the honia tions; the enginemon estriliiga bajecione Maybebreo hicho releases Ankel Wepentear explodeentud Costa Rica. statesmen of the great power a hands je 84 pale por la Despu


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