
ECA 945 MOLOTOV SPEAKS ATLANTIC VOICE in race NA rthight ago on the OCCAalon of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Socialist Revolution of the Soviet Union, Molotoy theme in conjunction Year XI Limon, 17 th November 1945 491 with International Politics was snected principally on the quescontribute to the world peace, in of the Atomic Bomb war THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK the Howard professor found die ad added that his Government atorships rampant in South ANill have the Atomic Bomb and Much of our discontent in life is due loss to any lack nerica, explotation rife in the any other things. He also conolonies of Britain, Holland and In our ownlot than to the seeming overabundance in that Waded that the control of Japan of our neighbour France, and the other colonial If he had not so much we should discover fewer deficiencould by the combined high Alpowers of the world. While beed Powers be the same manner cies for ourselves laboring the colonial powers, Dr. We are not so greatly dis satisfied with what we miss the military control of Germa Logan found no adequate answer as with what he possesses.
ty and not the exclusive adminis Haiti, Liberia or Ethiopia, whe tation of the United States. aumented the preponderant roe he said black men crush black e It has been further gathered le in line with the United States men in the same cruel fashion the Russian Ministers of Fo in the Pacific war and in conseTO THE MEMORY OF hat white men oppress them.
Affairs mentioned that quence the right to rule is not Said Dr. Logan, Liberia ARTHUR NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN Great Britain, the Soviet Union soley vested with the United Sta treatment of natives is abominaRussia and China; each has les.
ble. There is no difference he way that Americo. Liberian On the record of the fleeting years, we obtreat the natives and the way served on Friday. eight days ago the loss of CHURCHES CAN WHIP that the Dutch treat the Indone five years ago in conjunction with Great Brisians tain as well as the appreciable world on a whole ATOMIC BOMB Turning to the race, which the by the death of the Honourable Arthur Neville world must make against the atChamberlain who had given way in May of the 2HARPER FERRY, Va. day conference of professional, omic bomb and World War III, year 1940 to Lord Winston Churchill in the e FANP. How can segregated and volunteer YMCA workers Dr. Logan pointed out that the IMCAS, Churches and schools, were Col. Campbell Johnson of work of the international Labor Primiership of Great Britain.
develop the kind of thinking Selective Service; Capt. James organization, the World Trade Arthur Neville Chamberlain who was an which will help win the race Hicks of the War Department; Union Congress, and the Interna outstanding bearer of the lamp of Peace cross against the atomic bomb? was Dr. Howard Long, assistant tional Organization for Culture ed the Great Divide on November the 9th, the question raised by Dr. Ray superintendent of the District of and Education are steps toward 1940. He entered his tomb with the dislike of ford Logan of Howard University Columbia public schools, and winning the race. Dr. Logan also many of his countrymen and others heaped at Jin his address before the eleventh Lee Marsh of the Atlanta area of asked how could segregated YM upon him due to his pacific efforts and the poannual planning conference of the YMCA CAS churches, and schools conthe Washington Twelfh Street DICTATORSHIP STILL tribute to the kind of thinking licy of his government in those early days of the lightening nazi strides. seemingly those here at Storer College SunRAMPANT which will help the world win day Examining the nations one by the against the atomic who considered him a weakling had not full Other speakers at the two one to determine their fitness to bomb.
comprehension that the late ex Primier was playing his divine role, if we be permitted to JAPANESE MAKE FRIENDLY MOVE TOWARD TAN YANKS apply such a term; in the pursuance of his Grabes efforts for the maintenance of the peace of the en TOKYO. Japanese inhabi, Yokohama brings in Tan Yanks, tic carp swim about in the Empe world and the pacification of the European fartants of the Tokyo. Yokohama sightseeing bent, into the big ci ror moat, were Pfc. James Penn Agitators. However, those familiar with the odus area are rapidly becoming ac ty. With a sense of direction Guthrie, Okla. Pvt. Raymond histories of the great British Empire were cog customed to the ebony faces of that is almost incredible, they Thomas, San Antonio Texas, and nizant of the fact that in every hour of emergen era la Negro troops among our occupa immediately discover the loca Pfc Aiberius Herndon of Houscy Great Britain finds its leader. As in the har tion forces, and their initial awe tions of the only places in town ton, Texas.
moniing days of Lord Nelson. Lord Roberts es and unconcealed curiosity is where a fif teen minutes wait in VISIT JAPANESE HOMES en de being replaced by friendly over line will garner a bottle of beer. This trio, atiached to the. Earl Kitchener Llyod George Beldwin and tures.
With equal astuteness they dis 1095th QM Service Company, de other illustrious sons who had played their Hundreds of Japanese stevedo cover places of amusement which lared that they had visited se parts a right before passing off the scene of res, working under the supervi the brilliant minds of commissio veral Japanese homes and had actions, so was Arthur Neville Chamberlain sion of Negro non coms on the ned officers have missed entire seen received with greatest cor the right man at the opportune moment.
Yokohama docks are exchanging ly.
er ved tea and permitted to lisJapanese words and phrases for 4 John Fuster of the 234then to the scheechy family phoLet a section of the human race dub hira collection of pure Harlemese Port Company, a former sports nograph. Two records were rea bell hop to the Third Reich of Germany and that is likely to throw consterna writer for the Cleveland Call cordings by Jimmie Lunceford the other places where the conferences were tion into the ranks of those Ja and Post, was among the first orchestra.
conducted; let them think of him as a man panese who are now expressing of the Tan Yanks to squeeze Pvt. Harry Davis and Pvt. who had bowed to the then raging Hitler, but alarm over the existing state of through the official blockade at Harry Ervin, Chicago; Pvt. Roy all those who live in a universe of righful thinculture in the nation.
the outskirts of Tokyo.
Francis, Oakland, Calif. king will do honour to the name of Arthur NsNO NEGROES IN TOKYO LOOKING FOR BEER Pvt. Henry Du Pree of Los Anville Chamberlain; that marvellous apostle of Though no Negro troops are In the beer line outside of geles, were found hitting the presently assigned to Tokyo prop slightly damaged cafe, a few line outside one of the few repeace. the British stateman who had fully er, every trip of the steam and days ago we spotted Pfc. Leco maining department stores in the realized that Great Britain was caught in the electric trains coming up from Branch, Chicago; Corp. John Tal business sector. We have encoun flood of aggression and not fully prepared to ley, Dayton, Ohio; Corp. Ernest tered not the slightest sign that meet it; so wonderfully, in his own medium, tient to our remark at the back. Barron, Newark, and the Japanese regard us as anyth on his knees, and with iron hand he muzzled pt Thich reads: Corp. Jesse Sherbia, Ferreday. ing but Americans. They show Hitler and his henchmen and with the other La. of the 432nd Port Company: 10 signs of having been bitten by hand he signalled his Government and loyal me paid at our office before 4 William Bacon Jr. New he virus of race prejudice. said of the month York City: 4 James Banks, Private Davis as his friends nod peoples to whip themselves into shape to stem Richmond, Va. 4 Oliver the flood and at the same time his effort served ded agree such a situation is ply with this request and do not Hill, Washington, and almost pay ment for having to as an eye opener to the other free and peace der service, a slep which mod regret to take 4 Arthur Thompson of Baltay in this neck of the world loving nations of the universe; thus we believe timore from the newly arrived when we all like to be on the the foundation was laid for the Allied Victory 220th Port Company.
way back home, Jim Crow In our own soul we do honour to the memory Near the ground of the Im to the contrary notwithstanding of Arthur Neville Chamberlain on the occaperial Palace watching the gigan Then nodded agreement. sion of the fifth anniversary of his death.
re Carpe and IMON Este documento es propiedad de Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyHitlerNazismSocialismSovietURSSWorld War

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