
The People House and JACK ORANE, SUCS.
WITH THE METHODISTS Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 17th. November 1945 PLANS TO START NEW LIFE IN BRITAIN GOLD COAST DO YOUR SHOPPING AT NEW YORK 35. year Tish colony, his complete in crupulously bygienie conditions hid Negro has written a gration into the economic life and the skill of the African me letter to Lord Halifax, British Pthe land with British guidim tad start Ambassador to the United States, and assistance.
asking the chances of starting PRIMITIVE PICTURE FALSE a new life in the British colony SERS OFFICLALS DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
of the Gold Coast, West Africa By this time it was clear that NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO He is Allen Webb of 505 West Later was to see an Africa where life once moved to the PLEASE YOU 148th Street, New York City. ostmaster, an African wirelesshythm of tribal quarrels, Webbserved in the United Sta perntor. Then there was a ment ward self. rule. The hospital.
tes Merchant Marine during the ng with an Africam lawyer trally decimated by disease and LIMON war reat renown, a railway trafrie fratricidal warfare there is now During a visit to the Gold anager and a police commis ja thriving conununity headed to Coast while on war service. he sioner.
ward self. ruter. The hospitals says in his letter, was immen. Two shipmates fell sick and and schools bear testimony to Siquirres Methodist will take holmes, the Circuit Minissely impressed with the British sok them to Tokorandi Hospital. the huge sums spent for the im the front line tomorrow, Sunday ter will officiate. There is in sto colonial system as is operated the y shipmates submitted to mi provement of Health and educa the 18th with the Harvest Festi re a right spiritual welcome for re, and was inspired to. offer or operations, conscious of the tion.
val services The Reverend those in attendance.
my services in carrying an exemplary ideal to fruition.
CARD IN GRATEFULNESS TALLER MECANICO Reverend James and Mrs. Evans adopt this medium LIKES BRITISH POLICY MACHINE SHOP to express their appreciation for all the kindness of the people of the community of Limon and the Republic of. am convinced that BritFIFTH AVENUE BUILDING 89 Costa Rica in general. They left this very peaceful and ain has conceived and put inte Conducts general Repairs, Pirst class workmanshop guaran embracing country and people for their home in England, practice in the Gold Coast, a pol teed. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springs and other taking with them the fondest recollections.
icy that holds promise of the Household things.
maximum development of the For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele PRICES MODERATE resources of the colony, together The People Tailor with a commensurate degree of THOMPSON, Proprietor material well being for the A0. Okla) originally was up member of the Board of Dia.
frican poeple. Mr. Webb is marpointed, but declined. rectors of the Chicago Chapt.
ried and has one child. He is at CHICAGOAN If the nomination is confir er of the National Lawyers present employed by the med, it will mark the first, Guild.
Army in the accounts division. NAMED TO UNITED STATES GOVT time in American history that He has had good experience Mr. Webb first came to know a Negro has been named a in Federal courts, handing Washington. Followin3 10. 000 YEAR the Gold Coast while serving on his nomination by President Located at 201 Varick Street Federal judge within conti various types of civil cases, the Patrick Henry first of the nental United States.
Truman last week to the jud. in New York City, the Cusequity, bank ruptcy and haLiberty ships. He told a reporte geship of the Customs toms Court has jurisdiction The Chicago attorney, 47beas corpus cases involving In my travels over a large Court in New York City, 11 over questions arising out of a graduate of the University extradition matters. He has part of the world, have rarely vin Mollison, a Chicago, the importation of mercham of Chicago Law School, said handled a number of cases inseen anything so impressive as attorney and native of Vicks dise. It has a presiding judge he was deeply grateful to volving civil liderty and evil this British colony.
burg, Miss, declared: This is and eight other judges. The President Truman for his ap and citizenship rights When my ship first arrived at another expression of the post carries a 10, 000 a year pointment of me as a judge of the United States Customs WINS MERIT Takoradi, the main port, stood President announced policy salary and life time tenure.
AWARD in amazement at the sight ofan of justice and fairness to all Representative William African, wearing an official Brit Americans.
The Chicago attorney was Dawson of Chicago supportHIGH COURT PRACTICE awarded the Merit Award in ish uniform, boarding our ship to Chicag ed Attorney Mollison for the Attorney Mollison is a June, 1936, at Baltimore, by conduct the business of the Port Board of Education, Attorney position, and said: am hap the the NAACP at: its twentyAuthority Equally strange was an inte senatorial confirmation is ment. have knowri Mr. Mol Supreme Court of the United seventh annual conference.
Mollisn nomination require py to learn of the appoint member of the bar of view with an African Customs nomination was mad upon the know he will fill the position tice before the Treasury Mollison and the late Atty.
lison for many years and States and is licensed to prac. He is the son of Mrs. Ida official. who outlined the pro recommendation of Attorney with honor and distinction Department. He is a member Willis Mollison, also a products obtainable, duty free, for General Tom Clark, who and will be a real asset to of the Cook County Bar As. minent Chicago lawyer.
souvenirs. But these two inci personally escorted Attorney sociation, Illinois State Bar His wife, Mrs. Alice Mellidents proved to be merely prelu Mollison to the White House, the Federal judiciary.
Association and National son, is social engaged in Attorney Mollison also bad des to a more complete observas where they conferred with the support of Senator Scott Lawyers Guild. He also is a work.
tion of the African role in the the President. Lucas, Representative. MISS MIRIAM STEPHENSON CHARMING Rowan and Mayor Edward Kelly of Chicago.
NOVEMBER BRIDE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY FLASH FLASH The evening shadows ha city Cathedral; there knelt at Attorney General Clark commanded the earth; ire the sacred altar; in solemnity said Attorney Mollison wouls atmosphere was charged with the Reverend Father Jolm JUST ARRIVED succeed to the vacancy creat arefreshing and enhancing joined in the indissolvable ed by the death of the late November breeze; the city bond of holy matrimony, Miss Plain Jersey. Alpaca Tripple Georgette Tom Walker, a brother of the was busy, and, unnoticed by Miriam Stephenson of TwenCrepe, plain and Flowered. Nylon, Plain and former Postmaster General the throng the happy coupie ty Eight Miles and Mr. Hugh Frank Walker, to which accompanied by their spors Bryan of Nine Miles. The Flowered Vistras. Plain and Flowered Angel Skin. Plaim and Flowered. Cerge Representative Jed Johnselors, in quietude entered the sponsors being Mesdames freda Manning de Reid and Plain and adorned. Tropical Silk Fulares AMONG THE BAPTISTS Louise Gaston.
and Sharkskin The lovers knot was tied Fostemost at this time on the What of China? Many say Un on Tuesday of the week in zgenda of the Baptists is the ap cle Sam will win the spur. Some course. The newly weds left ALL IN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT AND AT proaching rally of the victorious ay the Soviet Union of Russia by the Wednesday forenoor PRICES WITHOUT COMPETITION United Nations slated for the. Others say our own dear Cospassenger train for their city Church on Monday evening a Rica. However, let us hold wedding trip in San Jose and TIENDA HOLLYWOOD the 19th of the month in cour our breath for two more days other parts in the Interior.
se. We daresay the competition then action will speak louder The Atlantic Voice wishes de SALOMON BERENZON will be very keen judging by the than words. In the meantime we Mr. and Mrs. Bryan all the well known competitive charac. are with Greece; it is a good llav joys and prosperity of wedters. What of the British Empire? ouring.
ded life.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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