
APPROACHING ENTERTAINMENT of as 1 of HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA Saturday 17th. November 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page REVEREND AND MR. JAMES EVANS HAS LEFT OUR CITY Nearly six years and a halfago, the Divine injunction Feed my on July 5, 1939, the Reverend Lambs. but you must not put the and Mrs james Evans came food out of the reach of the lambs.
to this city of Limon to labour During the period of his miin this section of the Vineyard of nistry among us, the Reverend our Blessed Redeemer, under the Evans had done much to regene The Dorcas Society associated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church banner of the Anglican denomi rate life, religiously, socially, do nation; they occupied the secto mestically, morally and personary of St. Mark 11: insisting upon the pre emi of this city will present a classic Entertainment on the night of MonWith these two Christian Pil nent importance of a sense grims there soon came into being duty in all the relations of life. day the 3rd of December 1945 in the local Hall of the Universal Ne.
a new emphasis on certain very Time and again we have listened simple and elementary Christian to his words of inspiration truths and with gratifying re well as illuminating instructions gro Improvement Association.
sults. The Rural Dean of Costa especially to our Young People Ries and Panama, although to have them shape their lives in preacher Tickets for admission ar of outstanding order, all acceptable and worthy manalready in circulation.
had demonstrated deep interest ner in human material sufferings We have seen Father Evans as human necessities; interest in he was so affectionately called Boy and Girl Scouts of St. dearest to her is the Mothers are our own kith and kin; helping human improvement and and as Director of the Limon Mark extending magnificent Union.
and need all the support, noa general higher standard of li No Brigade of the Red Cress.
cooperation to the Government On Sunday the llith instant, thral and material we can give ving on the background of these administering to the injured at of Costa Rica on many official commemorative Armistice Anni them. am glad to hear that he had traits of humour. If we be his own First Aid station at the permitted to borroy an every day rectory; we have seen him, well as in this city: these were esteemed wire departed by oceat in this district are doing wnat demonstrations in San José as versary date: the Dean and his the small British Community word, we might say. He had no baving the rain floods of last contributions of great value on transportation on the first lap of they can to support the Red stand off? ness in his spiritual year on work of mercy in the voyage to their home in England Cross Fund and other orgacarecer; these virtues stood him noody regions of Estrada Matinal the canvas of indelibilty May those whom he has trui We sincerely pray that Christ nizations which provide comin good stead on many difficult we have seen him hastening to and untoward occasions te bedside of the sick, at naine ned be in the front of the future who walked on the sea of Galilee forts for the forces and to live in the ideals which he has and He who calme the tempes trust that however long and, As a preacher he never preard in hospital: we bear testeleft them.
twous waves will command the ardurous the fight may be you ched above his congregation. Hermy and not without admin Mrs. Evans has also marve helm of thair ship and grant will maintain your confidenknew and followed the tenets o: tion that as Commissioner of the llously aided him in the wors, them safe delivery on the shores ce in the success of our cause particulary with the various au of England. May they return to and that as loyal subjects of xiliaries the St. Mark a people who have won their His Majesty the King, in Churchs among these, nearest and affection and have reciprocated far as all of you, indv. aually and collectively, can do so, Completely renovated. spick and span.
you will work to that end. great majority of these British nationals had kept che has resumed the management.
faith and maintained the We offer the most comfortable rooms with tub and shower His Britannic Majesty M ry which we all desire Our heartfelt desire of the then baths and an unceasing.
nister to Panama and Costa soldiers, sailors and girmen high ranking British RepreDAY AND NIGHT WATER SUPPLY Rica, His Excellency Gor who are fighting our burtles sentative.
The refreshing sea breeze enhances your stay.
don Irving, has a Our Dining Room and Bar Services are without competition few weeks ago given a reception at the Britisa Legation ATLANTIC BANANA GROWERS REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR HOTEL WHEN IN LIMON situated in the Panama exhiERNEST CECIL ASSOCIATION TO MEET LEWIS bition Grounds.
PROPRIETOR this The fee is said to have Tonight, Saturday the 17th, of banann, particularly on tendered to more than one the members of the Atlantic Gro zone that there is a good time hundred pes representwers Association are slated to cotning for that industry ing Britis, West Judians re convenc, commencing at eight of the best means of securing the We learn and not with a deep cultivated will be of a much su in the Republic of Panama: tary sidents of different localities clock in the office of the Secre best advantage will be the united whole; a platform which this interest that there has been lifperior quality to the existing as a tangible acknowledgeThe Management adopts this Association is striving zealously ted from the industrinl agenda grace in this zone.
ment of the Legation appre measure to advise all cultivators to establish.
of the Costa Rica Banana Com This release gives rise to the ciation and gratification for pany the item of intensifying fact that the Costa Rica Banana the services rendered during its agricultural activities by a Cornpany continues its characte the war by the British West vast production plan of Cacao ristic goodwill in helping to in Indian Colony of that RepuRubber and also special crease the agricultural and other blic.
Palm for the extraction of oil. Industries of this Republic. We are moved by the PaIt is said that the Cacao to be nama happenings to recall with pleasure the visit to this city and the throng of British Nationals and others in the hall of the St. Mark Parish CORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET and there listened to thie indusMaternity. Physcian and Surgeon sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss trious and very memorable Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are address of the then British the important topics of the Day.
Minister, Exceliency UNIVERSITY OF BRUSELS Charles Dodd.
The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with His closing remarks are Office of Consultation, Residence of the purest of foreign and native Drink.
summed up as follows. Before sitting down Doña Juanita de Esna OUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF should like to add that though THE HIGHEST STANDARD.
CITY OF LIMON we here, in this peaceful Remember you are cordially invited country, may be far removed HOURS. Daily, 7to A. and 2to. P.
from the actual scenes of LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE warfare, we can all do our hit towards achievingenelesionette teedel Ministerio de Cultura y uventude ERNEST CECIL LEWIS BRITISH NATIONALS FETED AT THE PANAMA BRITISH LEGATION and PROPOSED AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES DOCTOR TELEMACO ESPINACH CANTINA BATAAN His


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