
cod ge ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 24th. November 1945 IMPORTANT NOTICE APPROACHING ENTERTAINMENT By strict superior orders this Authority places to the knowledge of those persons who have made The Dorcas Society associated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church Certificates through the Police Agency of Zent and out their declarations to obtain their Residential of this city will present a classic Entertainment on the night of Mon hereby advised to call the same office and obtain The Certificates, and all holders of this medium of day the 3rd of December 1945 in the local Hall of the Universal Ne identification are obligated to present it for tenovation within the first three months of each gro Improvement Association.
year, according to the requirements of the Low Tickets for admissioni already in circulation.
affecting foreigners.
JUSTINO VALLEJO CLOSING OF THE OFFICIAL SCHOOLS IN THIS CITY Agente Principal de Policía Today, Saturday the 24th, close their doors for the year its standard is to be lifted to Zent, November 1945.
Government Primary Schools in course. Many of the scho that of a College, we are no: lars bid farewell to the class yet informed whether the FISH FOR BRITAIN rooms as far as their primary same opportunities of entry TALLER MECANICO education is concerned will be extended to the Sixth Britain deep sea fishing in With the contemplated Grade Graduates as was givMACHINE SHOP dustry is now found to be in a charge in the operation of en to those of the past wo surprisingly healthy condition, the present complimentary years: those who have now FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING NO BS cespite the inevitable effects of or Secondary School; that completed their second year Conducts general Repairs, First class workmanshop guaran nearly six years of war. Con in that higher seat of edun!
teed. On Hand, at all times Beds, Springs and other Household things.
sequently an adequate supply of tion. We would welcome the he deep sea fish, such as halibut and haddock. is assured WANTED AT change for many reasons, PRICES MODERATE for Britain during the coming for no other is to permit the BRITISH VICE students taking up their stud THOMPSON, Proprietor Lions Here again, of course ies in the freshness of morn the main problems is that or se CONSULATE ing and not at the afternoon zuring adequnte distribution: The shore fisheries of Brid The following persons are boiling hours of this zone: OPPORTUNITY. ATTENTION: NOTICE tain, which supply such as requested to call at the Bri and also to withdraw their EYES OPEN: plalee, sole, herring, tish Vice Consulate in this attention from the busy city mackerel and the various shell fish are city: Matters of vital inter lights during their hours of not in ruck a healthy státe havest: study.
Mr. ALBERT MORGAN has opened a new business place sing buffered from negiect and de Joseph Ramsay in Siquirres situated behind the market at the local which terioration of equipment during Levi Newton was oricupied by the International Trading Company, formerly (From Page 7)
he war years known as the Central America Banana Company, Ltd. Just Theophilus Hail since. He threatened that if take a visit and look at the varieties of new things whicn naye ew types of croft end fres!
Charles Pink.
attempts are made to continue just arrived from the Exterior: JOSEPH HENRY censorship and prevent free desi uipment, together with improv mination of scientific knowledge, means of distribution, Prices To The Comfort of the Public are the scientists would, in effect, eded to enable this branch of REBEL UPRISING go on strike. We will begin an Lowest price on cloth. shoes in a speciality of classes industry to make its full con bution to the nation food outterflies Visit The New Store Of Albert Morgan It has been reported from He said that, anong nu ceosor Ootal supplies of fish to the Persia, in the Middle East. clear scientists everywhere only Ated Kingdom for the list that an organized band of for political and military Tead mic scientists are in this coutry lot of 1945 exceerbeu secret is the capacity of the rebels in the north of Persia bomb. ers. Science has always been in because they love and need. 600. 000 pounds a figure apparently provoked by com ternational, except in times of freedom The seventeen scientists Stig 10 per cent, soove that munists have created disturb Chicago were not the first actual warfare. Scientists are lo Scientists simbe cherg acne correspondin period infances and with armed forces utter a protest. On August 22nd.
oking for natural truths and ed io speak. They are in da were marching towards Te Lise Meltner, the remarkable we state want to monopolize such te candor, what the resutls are these have no nationality. If a couraged to us while MUND FOR NEW CRAFT heran, the capital.
man scientist and exile om Ber ve ravages of wer left Fran Criticism is said to be lev.
scientific diseoverres as that of likely to be of dropping atomic sl fishing fleet osadiy de elled Russia lin, who played a decisive role uranium fission it must first cut bomsbs aru un land and sea.
Ed condition. instance, grounds of coatSitude in in the whole development. wrote the inte titisali science. And, at least a fraction citie a short article which was cabled be 35 allapidated trawlers re the promises, since Russia as the in so bili nel sensitutio money li) er cred of the 350 sturdy vessels England guaranteet the In from Stockholm where she has de nal free fan. bombiti telst be in feparation in 1939 dependence of Persia.
neher work. She said When the Th may be the hi vested to continue research inoriginal research began before think the war nothing was farther frem for the best scientists is no too nich a pri to its creative pussibilities.
wontti The two of the statemer or cie FLASH our minds than the FLASH utilization ta get an ice that way. politicians should be exulosive of the energy for the manufac work in chains. The proof ty restricted to eliminating forSol ture of bombs. When the theore JUST ARRIVED par of that is that the greatest ato ever its use for war.
tical possibility of such utilizale tion was discovered, like any la Sain Jersey Alpaca. Tripple Georgette For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele ther responsible person, hoped de prepe, plain and Flowered. Nylon, Plain and that its practical realizati The People Tailor prewered. Vistras. Plain and Flowered would not be possible.
gel Skin. Plaim and Flowered. Cerge The seientist is er awe truck porn and adorned. Tropical Silk Fulares at the discovery of the laws of don nature, and to use these laws for reu and Sharkskin he construction últi weapons which might lead to the annihi Seci. ALL IN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT AND AT lation of mankind is blaspheny dispu PRICES WITHOUT COMPETITION to him. May the first two atornic DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
rad bombs to have been dropped alNOVELTIES AT PRICES TO ens so be the last ones.
que PLEASE YOU gy liberated must find applicaPro tion to raise the prosperity de SALOMON BERENZON Fall nations.
LIMON revolt of seientists is serious REPORTED IN PERSIA claborate study of the colours of in to at on the st ex ca te DO YOUR SHOPPING AT The People House the ener TIENDA HOLLYWOOD JACK ORANE, SUCS.
of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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