
Saturday, 24th November 1945.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT AMONG THE BAPTISTS came ea peaceful car The very precious Des songs of Zion, even thouch in career of Mrs Ethel Porter a strange land. Her very ami de Cole came to its clase on cable and pious mood had the tenth of the current won for her, esteem, honour month; that sad day for her and love.
loved ones when tiersceul Death had robbed her of spirit took its flight from this her husband nearly three land of strangers to that realm years ago this, no doubt, has from which it came hasterred her body to the The late Mrs. Cole was a grave in her comparatively Jamaican by birth having blooming years of fifty and been born in the Old Capital two.
of Spanish Town in the parish On the day following that of St. Catherine. She had lit of her death the funeral serthe We are Agents for ed in this very embracing Revice was condueteri ir public, particularly in this St. Mark Church by Major city for many years and un Thos. Lynch and terminaOFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE der the wing of the Anglican ted at the grave by Mr. RuDenomination she had toneri ben Samuels, the acting caher harp and chanted the thecist. The scene associated The People Tailor with the procession was self evident of the high standard For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele of the worthiness of her life The Rally of the Victorious ely Trited Nations. amid scenes of The programme was sustain which had now blithed by treat enthusiasm and with a cad by recitations from the chil death frost. She has been TEXT OF THE tions from time to time deal pacity house, under most favou tren. Mrs. Irene Walker, was connected als to the Port From Page 7)
ing with separate phases of rable weather conditions perfectly at home with her solo Limon Branch of the Janiaica its work. In particular the eff very sucessfully for the Bap which was highly appreciated Burial Scheme Society; an ly treated We trust that commission should make spe usts. The competition was betMrs Hortense Smith gave reci zation bich is said other nations will adopt the cific proposals: a) for extend were song which ween the Big Three and very tation and to have played its rightful same policy, thereby creating between all nations the keenly between the first two well rendered and well receiv part during the period of her ing an atmosphere of meat exchange of basic sientific China represented by Mr.
OSThere was also a recitation, illness. The membership of confidence in which a politi information for Lcom Mrs. Sarah Bowerbank the Society was largely reMcRae and buttressed by cal agreement and coopera ends; b) for the controi of Mrs. Ruth Gourzong came first My Task was very feelingly presented in the course of tion are possible.
6) We have considered to ensure its use only for sue and very ably atomic energy to the extent Nicaragua represented by Sister rendered as a duet by Miss on mourners and sympathizers supported e Gourzong and Mr. Osear Me and in addition the funeral question of the disclosure peaceful purposes; c) for the by Mr. Phillip Booth, was only Rae. Amid great excitement and rites were performed at the detailed information concern elimination from national ar neck behind. Panama which much enthusiasm with no small save my Mrs. Yva Spence, ing the practical industrial maments of atomic weapons anxious curiosity AlacamChairman of the Socame third in the Rally wrought amount of application of atomic energy and all other major weapons nobly: Mrs. Matilda The military exploitation of adaptable to mass production being the Representative Henry the most successful of their ra ciety, assisted by her assois Butllies in aid of the very extensive The departed citizen jatomic energy decenas in a d) for effective safeguards, mention ought also to be large part upon the same inspection and other means of Mr. Thomas Martin who re chureh came to a close made arid badly needed repairs of the mourned by her children; methods and processes requirto protect the complying presented Ethiopia: Mrs.
amid Lester, the eldest; Victor Sarah great applause.
Arturo. Boyzie, Verra, Viled for industrial uses. We are states against the hazards of Ricketts not convinced that the spread violation and evasions representing England, Heartiest congratulations must ma, Eulie; our deeply esteeming of specialised informatie and Mr. Alphonse Taylor who be extended to all the represened young citizens while BerRussia regarding the practical represented 8) The work of the commisapMention tatives of the Rally who toited tie and Edna are residents of may be made also of the Uni and laboured so well to the city of Panama. To these make plication of atomic anarssion should proceed by separated States and India represent it a success and to the public greatly bereft loved ones we hefore it is possible to devise ate states, successful conspietender our heartfelt condeffective reciprocal and en tion of each of which will ed by Mr. Victor Gourzong anit in general for their most gene ence. May the soul of the sisforcible safeguards accept Ilevelop the necessary confidMrs Ambrozine Rupon, respectious support.
ter rest in peace.
able to all nations would ence in the world before next contribute to the constructive stage is undertaken. Speciasolution of the problem of fically it is considered that the atomic bomb. On the con the commissions might wall trary we think it might have devote their attention first the opposite effect. We are, to the wide exchange of scienhowever, prepared to share tists and scientific informaon reciprocal basis with tion and, as a second stage, others of United Nations de to the development of a full tailed information concern knowledge concerning natuing the practical industrial val resources raw materials.
bbplication of atomic energy 9) Faced with the terrible soon as effective cnforce realities of the science of le safguards against its use destruction, every nation will for destructive purposes can realise more urgently than bg. devised before the overwhelming In order to attain the need to maintain the rule of most effective means of en law among nations and to Bely eliminating the use of banish the scourge of war purposes and promoting its from the earth. This can only widest use for industrial and be brought about by giving sumanintarian purpose. wewholehearted support to the ire of the opinion tha at the United Nations organisation earliest practicable uale aand by extendin: its authoriommission should be set up ty, thus creating conditions of nder Linited Natims to mutual trust in which all repare recommendations peoples shall be cree to devote The commission should be themselves to what is best.
structed to proceed with the It is our firm resolve to work most despatch and author without reservation to achieed to submit recommendave these ends. Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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