
ill be take space a exte Ivias Saturday, 24th. November 1945. ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 HARVEST MESSAGE DELIVERED BY THE the trees they were to leave a little for the poor. Scattered HOTEL CALIFORNIA CHAIRMAN AT THE SALVATION ARMY grape clusters were to he left on the vines.
The purpose in this law Avenida Central HARVEST FESTIVAL Facing Botica Primavera a ste was to inculcate a kinaly and 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station The subject of Harvest done other great things for generous spirit and to give San José Thanksgiving can be compre them. Even Egypt in spite of the poor te feel that they had indifferences of a legal right to ne pruuuce hensively classified in two the the Conveniently situated. Confortable Rooms Hot and Cold Water Baths. Eycellent Sanitary Service phases; namely, Terrestrial Pharoahs, the land was bies of the soil and need not be embarrassed over the necesHarvest and Celestial Harv. sed and mother earth have Homelike environment. New furniture and equipment Varied and wholessome Food est. The light of these mate given her increase; a condi sity of entering a neighbour field.
rial and spiritual aspects istion which had made it posRespectability and Courtesy.
thrown by consulting the sible for the filling of the We come arearer to the te Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests.
Holy Schiptures, such as we grain storehouses of the frestial harvest by giving Reasonable Prices sind in Exodus, chapter 35, Egyptians while Canaan and thought to our own cultiva SYDNEY COX. Manager verses Fifth, Twenty Sixth other places were gripped tions, there we find the wons and Twenty Ninth. These with famine. That was the derful miracle of the five were offerings for the Ta. opening of the way for Jacob barley loaves and twefishesMISS DUNN OF THE ZENT PRIVATE SCHOOL bernacle of the Most High; and his sons and brethren 10 Think of it, when we scratch that place of worship given have entered on Egyptias a hole; place into it ing gni WILL ENTERTAIN by divine command for the soil, ficant bits of plant as cassava children of Israel in the Wil In the book of Leviticus, or other tuberous plants and derness. The foundation of nineteen chapter, verses nine to see the yield in time of We are told that the priv. It has been announced that of our system of worship, only and ten, we find. Notice harvest through the corviness ate school at Zent which is a familiar character in that different in names as we call how God made provisions for of God. When vie plant three that district is slated for an been engaged to preside oves operated by Miss Dunn of procedure of function has them, church. temple. hall the poor to feel that they had or four graias of corn and. cathedral, etc. It was but the law. concerning the giean are blessed to reap fruitful entertainment on Wednesday the programme.
The fesidents of Zent and fair for the children of Israel, ings of the Harvest and Vint. ears; have we not the oblig night the 19th of December to offer their offering after age. The Hebrew, literaly. tion to give in the service si in line with the closing of the to mark in red the date of 1945; this programme will be vicinity are specially asked all the goodness which cod Thou shalt not make a full God much of that which he school year. The scholars will December 19 th as a token had done for them;freed the end of the corner; thou shalt has given to us!
from Egyptian bondage: gave not make a clean riddance o The material gifts, shouk, be sent cheerily home to en. memory. jolly Yuletide LIA them safe conduct accoss the it. Those who had crops were on the other hand prepare joy their period of rest and treat is in the making.
Red Sea. Furnished them to leave a little standing corn our lives for that day when recreation with water where there was for the poor in the end of wo will be the crops of the ritch none; He had given them the field and were not to be land, when the Lord of the bread from heaven tho too careful to glean the fields harvest will appear, as wo CANTINA BATAAN abr form of manna and He had clean.
sung so tunefully at the openCORNER 5TH. AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET of In gathering the fruits ofing of this Service. For the Lord our God shall come, sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss and shall take His harvest Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are reld the important topics of the Day.
from His field shall home; purge away all that doth ofThe thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with the fend that day; Give His anS gels charge at last, in the fire the purest of foreign and native Drink.
ther T the tears to cast, but the fruitOUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF the ful ears to store in His garner THE HIGHEST STANDARD clim EXCELSIOR evermore. Let us be prepared Remember you are cordially invited for that day. che TAILOR LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE San L eek CLOSING SCHOOL PROGRAMME THURSDAY FRANCE NATIONAL who NIGHT THE 29TH.
ASSEMBLY CONFIRMS Commerce Avenue, Next to the British Vice Consulate and Airplane Booking Office The closing programme of the night of Thursday the the school designated Trium 29th instant.
PRESIDENT DE GAUtay phant under the jurisdiction Directress, Dora Berrios LLE ELECTION of the seventh Day Adventist extended a cordial welcome to the Denomination be given on parents wards friends and The Constitutional National As and the general community. sembly of the Fourth French ReINTERESTING SESSION JIO teenth of the month in course by In keeping to previous an tracts on the aspect of the a vote of four hundred against noucement the members of legal recognition of the Asone hundred and sixty three con the Atlantic Banana Growers sociation was released by the firmed the election of General Association held a very inter Secretary; indicating that Chas. de Gaulle as Provisional esting session on Saturday, very soon this very effective To Members of Cacao Cooperation President of France and asked eight evenings ago. The neet weapon of defence and bene(Mixta)
him to renew the forces tending ing was presided over by fit to the cultivators of banato create a Coalition GovernPresident, Stanley Britton na, particularly in this zone, Our Prices for the following Products ar ment.
Rather encouraging ex will hold its own.
It has been mentioned CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones that as an amendment to the pre COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones vious voting which was approy NEW HARLEM CANTINA ed by three hundred and fifty COCOANUTS, per hundred. 28. 00 Colones cight votes against thirty nine a AND RESTAURANT HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones motion was effected stipulating that the Chief Magistrate A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense the State must given equal par OFFERS: of the Cacao Co operation ticipation in the Cabinet compa The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
sed of the three principal parRAUL VELAZQUEZ NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN ties of the Council namelyAND NATIVE LIQUORS.
Manager Communist. Socialist and the Popular Republican Movement, siedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
que SASTRERIA in rect far BANANA GROWERS ASSOCIATION HELD public On the nineestee 31 Notice velo ve abr pared also he b and of Este documento es propiedad de la


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