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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 24th. November 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN MY DEAR DIZZY WHEAT CROP ESTIMATE WELCOMES APPOINTMENT CO OPERATION IN ASIA hopes if they had on one AUSTRALIAN AID FOR he es Continued from last Issue bel, was particularly glad at eve 14th September, 1944 y opportunity of punching me The Canadian Governor GeMy Dear Dizzy, Each of the great powers has or slapping my face. Ho gave Canada 1945 wheat produc neral Designate Field Marshall me three weeks of glasshouse in tion is now placed at 38, 600, 000 Sir Harold Alexander been acting at times in Asia These are famous Inst words darkened cell, without mattres bushels, according to the second his new job in Ottawa will ald national co operation seems to be no allles InterI am afraid, but one has to face blanket, deprived of all means estimate issued trasy by the Du in cementing still further the death one day or another, 30 of washing, and with about tirion Bureau of tistis. Dat Triendship of Britain, Canada mean Ingless phrase and not will not moan, and get down half a pound of bread per day production for this year is esand the United States.
guide to conduct. In China and to brossacks.
assole food. was pretty werk timated at 378, 300, 000 bushels, In an interview at Ascot, En Japan the United States is lying will not attempt to make a when came out, had lost abbarley at 156, 300, 000 bushels and cland, with Reuters correspondown the law with little referen report on my journey except to 24 stone weight. was scrit flaxseed at 7, 400. 000 bushels.
dent John Walker, the Medite Ice to the desires of other nations, say that up to the very moment to Compeigne 17th Juls. The second estimates of grain rranean military commander said in northern Korea the Russian are operating alone and, what is of my arrest it had been a succ whilst there recuperated a bit, as compared with those released that he welcomes his appointess, and had got things crack and had arranged an escape tog on September 12, are generally ment to the Canadian post be worse, behind a curtain of secre ing and woken up a number of ther with a chap well known lower, principally due to lower cause he thinks there is a real cy, in Indo China the French seem to take the attitude that slumberers. was quite pleased to and got sent to Weimur estimates of yields in the Prai icb there, with things tooke every pre on the eve of escaping. The other rie Provinces. The second esti Sir Harold said that he is meet native revolts are of no consecaution and neglected nothing chup succeeded. Bad luck for mote of wheat production is lo ing every Canadian he canin quence except to France. In Ja my capture was due to one fighting of me wer by 12, 800, 000 bushels, while order to learn from them so va the British are those incidents cannot The journey here was an event the ont crop is down 10. 000. 000 mething of the Dominion he will minor war while the nationalista hushels. The reduction from the provide for had so much ful one, it took eight days. The first estimate in the barley crop soon call his home. Sir Harold make appeals to America and work that was overwhelmed. first man ran into when being amounts to 4, 900. 000 Russta bushels and his wife, Lady Margaret, So asked PIC to provide me entrained was and the sethe In the present state of while that for flaxseed is raised intend to leave Britain for this with a sure, dependable gent cond was We had various slightly country in February world joint nction everywhere is de laison. and he gave me a adventures, all were handcuffed Now fifty four years of age, an imppassibility. Americans, young chap calley Guy whom the whole time, 19 men in one the Field Marshal regards his mi for example, would be unwil renamed Antonin. He worked compartment and 18 in another.
litary career as ended. He belie lling to take a strong hand in In for me for a week, and then got we could not move, being pack ves the time has come to makedonesia. but there might caught: how do not know, buted like sardines. The gates of way for younger officers. In ca much less blood flowing in the in any case he had an appoint the compartments were padlockwhich nada, he expects to travel wide Far East if the alliance thent with me at 11 a. moned and we had very little air, ly, meeting and making friends won the war were used more Tuesday, 21st. March, by the Me, no food had been provided for Speaking on Australia Recipro with all classes. Canadians are often to preserve the peace.
tro Passy, and brought the Ges We were given one day rations cal Aid to the Mr not new to him since the Co The internal conflict in China, thpo with him. He was obvious which had to last five days, lucki Chifley, Federal Premier of Aus.
nadian Corps fought under him to select one illustration, might 15 unable to withstand bullying ty some had Red Cross parcelstralia, has announced that the during the Italian campaign. He have been prevented it the maand very quickly gave in to ques or we would have starved. The total recorded Australian Lena refers to them as having been jor powers had agreed to inform the Chinese that such a tioning. was caught coming train was bombed and machine Lease expenditure to June this one of his finest units and war around, a corner and had not gunned on the way and we had year was 358, 500, 000. The to says that he regretted their rewould be viewed with grave dis an earthly chance, being collar a very narrow shave. Our tal included: 69, 500, 000 for pro moval when it came time for the invor. In place of any move of ed and handcuffed before corts ran and left us helpless: Visions; 82, 900. 000 for gene Corps to join the Canadian this kind, however, the United could say knife. was badly had the rain ral stores: 40. 700. 000 caught fire Army in Holland and Germany, States gave aid to the central go beaten up in the car on vernment of such a nature that the would have burned like trapped works. 25, 200. 000 for shipp 25. 100, 000 for motos way to Gestapo arriving rats. We had to stop at Saar ing: TALE OF NAZI figthing became almost inevitafo ble. This was a mistake as grave there with a twisted nose and a brucken for three days in a pu transport and 20, 900. 000 head about twice its normal si nishment and reprisals camp ani pircraft stores and equipment.
on the part of America as ze. was then subjected to four were beaten up on arrival. As would have been for Russia to The trial of three one time assist the Chinese Reds in a dri day continous grilling, being usual seemed to attract parti German desert figla. ers at beaten up and also being put cular attention and got well and them. We are now awaiting our dicine Hat, Alberta has reveal ve on Chungling into a bath of icy cold water, truly slapped and cuffed.
There was sufficient protest In There are 170 airmen, ed a tale of Nazi conspiracy belegs and arms chained, and held were confined for three days (British and American) brought hind the barbed wire of a Ca to bring about a change in poll the United States, fortunately, head downwards under water un and nights, 37 of us in a hut down and captured in France, nadian prisoner cewa comptil almost drowned, then pulled feet by feet. It was Hell. We but they are being treated asound, the Canadian Press reports and ships no longer are cy in China American planes out and asked if had anything then came on to this place, Bu terror fliers and sleeping being Prisoners Johannes Wiftinger, to say. This underwent six tchenwald. On the way our es. the open, living under appalling Adolph Kratz and Werne used to transport government mes, but managed to hold out corts plundered and stole prac conditions in violation of all con Schwalb, are charged with murtroops to battle grounds in the and gave nothing away. Not atically all our effects. Never be ventions. They ought to be treat dering a fellow prisoner August a lessening of tension, and the Red areas. As result there single arrest was made as a se lieve a word about German ho ed as prisioners of war. Men Plaszek hanged on July 22nd, government and the Communists quel to my capture the only trou nesty, they are the biggest thie, die like flies here.
1943. All four soldiered in the agein are negotiating, with soble wast that the party who was ves, liars, bullies and cowards I sent a message to you late Field Marshal Rommel me possibility of success.
lodgin me got arrested and will have ever met. In addition they through. hope you received Afrika Korps.
regotiations should be encourag have to be compensated for los delight in torturing people and it, but have no means of tel The first of an expected 13, ed by all nations concerned with ing liberty and home.
Bloat over it. Upon arrival, which ling. The bearer of this letter witnesses to be heard. Richard the Far East in the hope that was interrogated for about took place at about midnight, will give you all details, so will Elstermann. holder of the Icon China will be usited under a two months, but dodged every we were locked up in disinfec not say more. whatever he tells Cross told the opening sesaten of democratic constitution. If there thing. was offered freedom istion quarters and next morning you is Gospel truth. He is no ro the court yesterday of reports could be joint action in China would hand over some ho were very nearly hanged sum mancer, and he will never be which went the camp counds in with good results it might lead pes. nearly lost my left arm marily, but temporarily repriev able to really do justice to the July, 1943, to the effect that similar moves elsewhere, as a result of the torture, as led. We were stripped, comple horrors perpetrated here.
For some prisoners had designs on in Korea, where the need is got blood poisoning through my tely shorn, and dressed in pri God sake, Dizzy, see to it that camp authority as it was then almost equally urgent. An allian wrist being cut to the bone con rags, losing our few remain our people never let themselves constituted.
re for peace is sls badly needed chains and remaining unatten ing belongings, and 16 of us, in be foftened towards the Ger Major Nolte, another Iron as the recent alliance for war.
ed with handcuffs biting into cluding were told to report man people, or there will be ano Cross man, said he attended a testified that on July 22, while them for about six days. Apart to a certain place. We never ther war in 15 years time, and meetin the day before Plasze working in the camp hospital, he from that was kept in solitary saw them again and found was found hanged and that it heard a shot and later was called out all our lives will have been saconfinement for four months at that they were hung without criticed in vain. leave it to you had been called to inquire into out by an orderly to find a corp Fresnes. was very unpopular trial on the night of 11th 12th and others to see that retribu reports concerning internal mase hanging in the recreation hall.
as a Britisher, and one of the September. They have been cre tion is fierce. It will never be nagement of the Medicine Hat That was the lifeless body of camp.
German s, a Feldwe mated so no trace remains of fierce enough.
The German medical officer Plaszek.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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