
1945 LO NOI ATLANTIC VOICE to any against malaria enormous IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK Into the basket of the week, put each thing good Which thou canst find along life way Neglect no joy, however small it may appear to put Into the precious Basket of the week.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 THE COMMISSION TO STUDY THE WORK. YEAR XI Limón, ist. December 1945 No. 493 the farms at York belonging to We are in accord with the initiative of our NOTES FROM FRANCE Sir William Prince Smith to insesteemed Governor, don Abel Robles, and our MuIn responding to an urgent call Charles Munch visited England pect his flocks of sheep at Leinicipal Fathers in having the Commission to study ffected by the Paris Radio Staand gave concerts at London and cester and Suffolk. The delethe work which should be undertaken in conjunction a transport airplane of the Birmingham.
gates were greatly impressed tion with the promised financial loan by the Na Royal Air Force was sent from delegation of French experts with that which they went he College Univerty Hospital of have been sent to England to stu see and understand that France tional Congress, nearly six months ago.
Limon has been yearning for the commence London to the French Capital dy sheep rearing and the produc can learn much from England in ment of the project however, it is better to be late with a quantity of drug which tion of wool. They have visited this Industry.
could not be obtained in France.
than never, but it is a pity that the work was not the drug was requested to save he NEW ANTI MALARIA DISCOVERY BY actually begun ere the rainy season is with us.
the life of a girl who was atWe dwell upon the feeling as was expressed cucked with a very strange sick BRITISH CHEMIST in our Editorial of the twenty third of June of the ness.
year in course and which is herewith reproduced Drug was also received at Nor mandy to combat an epidemic It has come to our knowledge test statistic figures. Malaria is ау for the attention of the Commission.
of Infantil Paralysis.
that a group of scientists of the said to have caused more victims REGARDING THE FIVE MILLION COLONES The Anglo. French Musical Imperial Industrial Chemists of than the sane war has annihilated ALLOTMENT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Inter. change made it possible Great Britain have developed a whole armies and made impossiWe learn in the hard school of experience, for Paris to have been graced by revolutionary drug against ma ble the execution of many large that there is no hard and fast rule which gives the Philharmonic Orchestra of laria, known under the name of industries vested talent to either the architect or builder of London wander the direction of paludrine It is said to be ten! it has been released that the ra the structures they may design and erect. This, we Sir Thomas Beecham. serie of times more potent than quinine scientists who discovered Parnu are believe, is also applicable in other endeavours of concerts were given in the re and three times stronger than the ments in 1943 in collaboration on another product of with the British Medical Council life.
surrected French Capital. Nn the mecaprina, above mentioned. and more than that they invenIn the far reaching proposals being consider mean time the Conservatory Or the Industry ed in connection with the scheme for the improvechestra of Paris, directed by Mr. as a derivative of the tar of pit ted more than two thousand procoal, is more effective and at the drine commenced their experiment of our Province, we cannot remain mere ring PROTESTING same time a preparation or for ducts derivated from tar side spectators; rather, we deem it necessary to be GERMANS mula much simpler than nat participants. We, therefore, express our views in other specified Originating from Nuxem and in addition it can be produced CATTLE DISEASE OF connection with some phases of the much needed betterments which should, in our opinion, be ac the Germans in that city are be cheaper. Its preventative acberg it has been reported that with better facility andis said to MOUTH AND FOOT td. corded preference.
protesting about We need, it is true, an improved water sys difficulties that they claim stings of mosquitoes is mentiotion against the infection of the CURABLE em for our city, as also highways to connect the are being produced as a rened to be wonderful. From what lagricultural regions of La Estrella, Cahuita, Puerto sult of Germany downfall.
Albert Howard an English Agriwe gather the drug is already Viejo and Chase (Talamanca. but we also require They are said to be sow being used in Great Britain, the culturist believes that the problem of mouth and foot disease additional measures for the providing of attracing indifference with respect United States and in Australia in СК to the process of the city, among cattle can be solved. He tions for the visitors from other parts of the Re saying that there are specta soldiers and civilians who retur claims that this cattle plague is public as well as for the regular tourists.
cular propaganda for their a simple consequence of a virus Costa Rica is already world famed as a tour conquerors. It is further menned from the Far East.
lof mal nutrition and that the ist resort, and we have no doubt that in the near tioned that in Nuxemburg The signification of this disco cattle will be immuned if forfuture the ships of the United Fruit Company and there is no more than a misded a balanced diet produced by other Lines will resume their tourist trade. We ery of cartoons of stones very, supports in height the nun ber of human lives lost as the healthy soil squandered of that which was Sir Albert Howard is said to ought, therefore, to provide the necessary attrac one of the most attractive result of malaria, after the si spa.
tions to keep even small sight seeing parties and picturesque cities of the ckness has caused more deaths have realized from investisation in India during forty years and lour with us for a couple of days, at least, during the Reich or interest to its inha and suffering than any other seasonal periods, and thus benefit our commercial bitants; ading that in refer iknown illness known by medical he is reputed as one of the most says the distinguish ed experts in the mat and other interests. Experience has proven that ence to the legal proceedings science. The reports railroad transportation between this city and the of the process seems to be yet malaria has affected to the least ter. During the period of seven and all the years he has made the preparaCapital cannot be guaranteed interruptions are in tation in Berlin or in Frank. years there died some three miminor to that of the manifes 300, 000. 000 persons tory practices on the Mouth and furt which also is large. llion in accordance with the lo Foot sickness and he In this respect, we suggest the completion of that twenty pairs of oxen fed dió con the road to the bridge at Moin; the establishment with a balanced diet produced of a modern botanical garden at Piuta, and the ciates well laid out golf courses, horse racing, from good lands, not treated with artificial fertilization mixed beautification of the entire area. We are also of swimming, boating, etc. Improvements could also infected the opinion that the recreative centers should be be effected, to much advan age, on the Island of freely among animals with the illness and at the termi constructed on modern lines, to include a certain Uvita.
amount of night life, such as is offered in other Our city play ground could also be enclosed nation of the period of trial, none of the oxen showed signs of parts of Latin America. The traveller also apprein such a manner as to block the view from outthe disease of Mouth and Foot. side, and a modern stadium constructed. The nor of any other cattle plague.
We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back amounts expended for these betterments would or receipt which reads: not be lost, as there would be a re imbursement by sures Sir Albert Howard. It This bill must be paid at our office before the payment of fees for admission to the grounds is necessary to apply organic ma and stadium Such a reconditioning would also nure, and once the land is the 10th of the month tend, we are confident, to improve the present good condition, the three fourths part of the difficulty that surgBe so good as to comply with this request and do not standard of our outdoor excercises.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ing the root of the sickness disap Last, though by no means the least, we rewo would much regret to take pears. The protein is axactly felt commend that the Atlantic Progressive Commitin the plants and very soom as tee be augmented with the inclusion of a few if to facilitate the animals citizens of colour in order to effect a more extensive the food, the cattle gains resten collaboration.
ce against the sickness.
It has been released that Sir the treatment of thousands of assures a. Justo evitable.
nutrida la chios, docente por su To the end of better earth. asin Intro CTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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