
ATLANTIC VOICE cal Workers, will be a great reSaturday, 1st. December 1945 SO Page 10 THE PRESENT AND FUTURE TRIUMPH OF medy to the problem of many THE LABOURING CLASS OF THE UNITED ATLANTIC ZONE NOTICE OF adop fael Ruano and Don Alfonso MISTER CARLOS TOBASH LAZARUS TERMINATES HIS PRIMARY EDUCATION tish groe child cann Tennants, and finally will make the dream of owning a home at a low rate a reality, according to Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos do Me the plans that are now in elabo ing Requirements to ngenieria dirijase (By Alfredo Alberto Nesbeth I realize in behalf of the Labouring ration, which will be communica toint Class, thus lifting the economical ted in a Conference that will be Neer In my character as Organizing conditions of the worker and no held with the assistance of the ROIG Es to of Secretary of the Coloured Wor doubt, decreasing their personal assistant Manager of the Caja de kers in the Atlantic Zone for the enormos Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos income derived from Seguro Social, Dr. don Guillermo Vanguardia Popular Party: It the sweat of the Labourers, has Padilla. Lic. don Enrique Benavi BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319 3201. or 25 laws my greatest pleasure to inform started to yield its fruits after des an our Local Physician and re our Coloured Brethren of the struggling and making dwers presentative Sr. Doctor Don Raatten Province, the recent achievements sacrifices. The Present plan elathrough the struggles of our par borated by the aforesaid Orga Solé. It is well known that ly, many of the Local confronzation is the Construction of 290 there has been a lot of criticism ting problems will soon be sol houses at the cheap rate of 5, 000 as to the former irregularities rod colones upward, as a start 100 will of the Medical Board, and after The Atlantic Voice takes hear tention and instructions of his ister First it is very important to be constructed in the Capital, 30 several complaints were made inform our people of the great in each Province, and 10 in Tu to the Federation of Workers of ter Carlos Tobash Lazarus for Ortiz belong the credit. We wish ty pleasure to congratulate Mas teacher. Dona Graciela de are WO Program that is being initiated by trialba, thus the ammount assig this City, delegates from headcers the Seguro Social. This Organi ned to our Province will be built quarters bf the Seguro Social having satisfactorly terminated tyor him a continuous brilliant is educational career.
tion zation, though in its initiative, may be, according to informa in San José were sent to confer nis Primary Education. He The young honouree is the Cost facing criticsm, slander, sabota tion of worthy Functionaries of with Dr. Rafael Ruano and Don aumbered among the Class of the Sixth Grade Graduates of loving son of Don Tobash and socia go, etc. etc. by great Capitalist same Organization, in Jamaica Alfonso Solé, both chief and ihe General Tomas Guardia Dona Elvira Lazarus de Tobash Limo and Reactinary Forces who Town (Barrio Roosevelt. The Representatives of the Seguro form have foresighted the future be construction of these houses Social in Limón, and members of School in this city. To his perso of the coastal town of Cahuita.
Ac wefits that this Organization will will be of great benefit to our Lo the Federation. In this interest. Inal ambition and stick. to. it. They, too, share our sincere conive. ness and the undivided at grats.
hed ing conference, in which many child complaints and petitions were foreld made, promises were made by ered IN MEMORIAM Delegate and representative to TALLER MECANICO from do their utmost best and correct onWE MACHINE SHOP these faults, bettering the conIn loving memory of our grandmother (Mammie)
who departed this life December 2nd, 1942 ditions as best as possible. FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING N9 89 should be taken in consideration Conducts general Repairs, First class workmansnop guaran.
that this Organization is newly Gone from us but not forgotten teed. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springs and other She may sleep but not forever.
founded, it is not establishe: Household things.
through the entire country, and Grand Children: as a new Organization it will take PRICES MODERATE Blandina Waterman daughter time before every thing will be Leoncia Byfield Children THOMPSON, Proprietor.
to our complete satisfaction, and Aurelita Casanova Stanley Blake and wife remember, that the Seguro Social is an Organization strictly Other Relatives Vernon Cleophas Hodgson.
for the benefit and welfare of the entire population, it is not seeking the personal lucrative interest of determined persons, Не We gather that the Direct zone.
but has endeavoured itself to tors of the National Bank has In this connection the local protect and increase the interest recently effected a keen study Bank as we gather has alof the entire Population, based on the problems of the counready initiated the purchasAnother anniversary is set for us on Thursday the on its Constitution, therefore, it try agriculture and according of this product and has set sixth instant, reminding us of that irreparable loss which is worthy of and merits the suing to the news an economic aside ample accommodation we sustained in the death of our dearly beloved Husband pport of the entire Population.
and Father help for this zone in particular in the newly acquired premi CAT It is also being planned to has been contemplated as a ses; the former Niehaus build dist establish the (Seguro Familiar) means of urgent necessity to ing which is now being Harves GEORGE MC PHERSON Family Insurance in Limon the raise the production of cacao remodeled.
day the DECEMBER 6, 1939 early part of the new Year, let in the adaptable region of our sed me hope for such an establishment Some future day when what is now is not the ve and with our needy cooperaWhen all worldly faults and follies are forgot dition And thoughts of difference passed like dreams tion; let endeavour ourselves pathie We shall meet again upon some future shore.
to strenghten this Organization tenets to attain its Modern Medical WIDOW HESBA. BLOSSIE. GOLDEN (daugthters)
contrib equipment; to install its own WILLARD AND SILBERT (Sons)
Tally local Hospital that it is strugMhe. gling for, which, will be for the benefit of our Community, the development of the Progressive Program, and not only 30, but ma ny more cheap houses in Limon Regarding our Maternity. Physcian and Surgeon Party, it is Tomorrow, December the second there will be with really charmeful to know that us another sorrowful anniversary since the death of our darling Daughter and Sister: after 14 long years of struggle, UNIVERSITY OF BRUSELS this Party known as Communist Party, facing sacrifices, PerseruOffice of Consultation, Residence of tion, etc. etc. when our Leaders were MARKED MEN. at last Doña Juanita de Esna DECEMBER 2, 1942.
has achieved several Chapters When all the world seems dark and skies lowering of its Program, such as Socia)
CITY OF LIMON When bright hopes without, because thou hath gone Legislation, the sharing of Land, HOURS. Daily, 7to A. and 2to. P.
For you dearest joys have lost their zest and rapture Seguro Social, etc. etc. which May little joys of peace be known always to your soul the Coloured Labourer is equal DOUGAL AND MRS. GRANT (Parents)
ly enjoying, and after inviting ROEL AND MRS. EDITH NASMTH (Brother and Sisther) us by several ways to link with For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele them in their to be continuca The People Tailor EXTENSIVE ECONOMIC PLAN SUGGESTED FOR THIS ZONE IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY DOCTOR Serv TELEMACO ESPINACH Henry EVER FRESH ON MEMORY TABLET ing wor Blob at the complis degree services GWENDOLINE GRANT DE PRICE it dom verd PACU of Praca

    CommunismCommunist PartyPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)Seguro Social

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