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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 1st. December 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN MILLION AMATEUR expectations of the ABA will FIELD MARSHAL BOXERS MONTGOMERY ANO LOS of Agente are EL תי DEMOCRACY AND THE DOCK STRIKE be quickly realised In order to assist the young The strike of between 30, 000 king advantage of such sitnations boxer to reach proficiency, the and 60, 000 dockers was the big. but they by no means represent has just produced a salBent industrial dispute in Britain the only factor ATLANTICO JL Legation uable little work called The On the eve of the 23rd. Oeto.
since before World War II. It The problems underlying the Sixty six amateur boxing tour Amateur Boxer Textbox The ber 1945, feel would like to Un was called in defiance of the dock strike are common to a lar naments have been arranged to whole field of boxing is covered speak to all those who fought men trade union leaders and ge number of industries. The take place in various parts of briefly and skilfully One with me at Alamein. Three years (because the wartime order en first and most immediate diffi Britain between October, 1945, chapter deals with the principles ago, in October 1942, a great im davla forcing arbitration in trade dis culty is the big drop in earnings and March 1946.
of boxing, describing them as perial army stood ready for battle putes is still in force) it was a among engineers, shipbuilding More than twice that number the careful blending of atta:k in the western desert of Egypt Yechnical infringement the workers and a number of other will be added as local halls and and defence. It tells, aung That army was composed of fight Legal niceties, however, are sections in addition to the docks, gymnasiums become available other things, how a boxer should ing men from every part of the Liet very little avail when mass following the ending of hostili after nearly six years of war always punch with the knuckle Empire. In the sky above us our ovements of this kind are con ties. In certain industries special service.
part of his glove, and explains the Royal Air Force and on our cenied. The problem in all the wartime allowances are being counter hitting defcrive measea flank was the Royal Navy, Qule se unofficial strikes is to get the discontinued. Overtime and exRepresentative tournaments and sures, footwork, tintas, Evanting. The task was to destroy Rom Revi non back at work in order that tra pay for Sunday work distance, ringe alt und tactics. mel and his army, and it was at least six championship tournapanel the normal trade union machine being stopped or curtailed. Piece done. That great British Empire suro for the settlement of disputes workers, who in the interests of ments are to be staged in the secAnother section written by a ond half of the season. But not fighting machine, sailors, soldiers cendo can come into operation. production were able to push up until the Empire Pool, Wembley medical expert. Stues the great and airmen, won a decisive vie Destan When a strike is called officia earnings to a high level, are now (just outside London) is free, will importance of physical fitness tory.
finding themselves back on soLady Hyby a trade union, Britain Go the dates of these big tournaand gives simple and practical mething like a pre war standard.
hints on how to achieve that Vernment has a number of po The result is a very considerable that the famous arena will be condition. Yet another chapter ments be made. It is expected Before the battle began iswers for ensuring a quick and equitable settlement. It can order drop in the standard of living of ready for public use before the is devoted to advice to instruct. sued a message to the Eighth Ary in which said: The bata special inquiry as it did when a large section of the population. end of the year, and will thercors, carefully explan as the cothe London busmen took strike These changes have underlined after get a most attractive series reet way to teach, and laying Itle which is now about to begin action in 1937. The conciliation the fact that while earnings ha of amateur boxing shows, So far down a few do and dents will be one of the decisive batve risen fairly steeply in tles of history. It will be the tur melinery of the Ministry of La ndustries, actual basic wages ha championships have been fixed most the dates of only two national in the handling of a nuvise.
The progress of international ning point of the war. And it bour is always available to bring the parties together and assist ve gone np very little more than the schoolboy tournament on amateur boxing is clearly shown was so e bridging difficulties when the he official percentage for MA the December 22, 1945, and the Amu by the statistics of the Olympic The victory was won by the negotiations are in danger of rea wartime rise in the cost of liv. teur Boxing Association Youths Games. Events were first staged ing, which in any case docs not Finals on February 9th, 194in the 1908 Games, held in Lon cooperation of the fighting men CO ching a deadlock. When, howerepresent the real addition nations of the Empire. What lesson can ver, men strike not only against Boxing in Britain was pioneer don, when only five the employers but also their own the housewife responsibilities. ed by lovers of the art partic competed, 37 of the 59 compet we learn from it? Surely it is not Ener the Government can take The unions are taking action warly amateurs who trained and itors being British. Ia the last this: our strength is ho other course but to insist on negotiations take time, and it is lages. or in the murky buckto deal with this situation, but practised in drab colliery vil Games, held in Berila in 1936, gland strength. It is the strength 246 boxers represented 38 na of our Empire, united only in a York die constitutional machinery being during this time lag between streets of the big industrial towns, tions. One of the weatures was common loyalty to the Crown observed.
that 21 nations entered ful and in a common love of justice che announcement of union Even the requisitioning by the ha al sritain Minister of Labour teams.
and freedom and a common haclaims and their discussion with Government of many halls and Compan Wer George Isaacs, made it qui the employers that the danger gymnasiums for war purposes, tred of oppression. No single efle clear to the dock strikers that of unofficial action usually ari did not stop thousands of young tory. Dusty records show that pire could have equalled that Boxing has a romantic his fort by any one part of the Empara el by must allow their grievances ses. to be settled by the recognised men putting their love of the entre lo sport into actual practice. Boxthe sport evolved from a fom mighty, united and freely given Nueva trade union machinery. Mr. Isa The delays of industrial nego ing was largely kept popular of personal combat which was effort which rallied to the cause y los de écs was formerly chairman of tiation represent a very real pro in civilian life by the valiant in vogue thousands of years ago, in our hour of peril, and which Trinting and Kindred Trades blem. In many industries the wa efforts of munition workers, and was popuia in ancient was all the more powerful be ration, the body responsible ge system is so complicated that policemen, firemen, Civil Deitors of those days wore a leaGreece and Rorre. The conzel cause it was freely given VECI negotiation on behalf of all weeks of study are necessary on fense workers, and boys cribs; And now we enjoy peace, but dhe unions in the printing indus the part of both the unions and and facilities were abar. dantly ther helmet to protect the houd let us remember that one of the CITAE Hey Sir Ben Smith, Minister of the employers before it is possi provided in the Services.
against the gloves riade of greatest factors of peace and sestiff leather and sometimes sturl. curity in the world is a strong ock trose department is equalble to get down to negotiations ded with metal spikes!
byrconerned in the dock dispu In such industries as engineering, Leaders of the Amateur Box.
and united British Empire; but Vecina was an official of the Trans there is intricate procedure un ing Association expect one milwe must be strong and we must land General Workers union der which disputes are referred Lion youn men to take up toxing combat with the nad fists The first recorl of Sportbe united. As in war, so in peafelfred Barnes, Minister of from the factory to the districting as their peace time sport. in England seems to be in sen, ce. Our motto must be: united War Transport, as a leader of and from the district to a Natio This might appear to be an ex when a newspaper reperted such we stand, divided we fall.
Oon de the Co operative Movement has nal Conference. Men with re aggeration, but it is believed, a match between a butcher ond Those of you who fought with wide experience of the conciliary real sense of grievance, resent that, as soon as facilities and tion machinery built up between the slow and ponderous working equipment become available, the butcher won the prize as he red all over the world. send a footman, and stated that the meat Alamein are now scattethe trade unions and the various of this machinery.
had often done bele.
each one of you my greetings Co operative organisations. The At the same tinte, while it and good wishes wherever you so Ministers are very well awashould be possible to speed up The first recognised Cham: may be. Each year we have the inherent dangers of procedure, every union leader pion of Englan was James Jlebrated the victory by the union unofficial strike movements. realises that it would be foolish bers of the Transport and Ge Figg (1719) and from that are gathering; in 1943 in Italy, in Al the same time it would be to break up negotiating machine neral Workers Union prize Lighting, as it was then 1944 in Brussels, and this year foolish to ignore the background ry representing decades of ex The solution to all labour dis termed, entered on a period of in London. Each year it has been to these strikes. Men do not take perfience and providing an op putes can only be found in the popularity which ended in 1860. possible to increase the numbers zation of this kind, depriving portunity for democratic settle carrying out of this democratic Before that. in :743) a prize of those attending. It is my great themselves of strike pay and o. ment of disputed issues. machinery and it is to be hoped fighter, John Brown, then hope that next year 1946, it may powing themselves to a charge In the dock dispute, claims for that Britainis workers, who have Champion of England. info be possible to extend the scope of disloyalty against the rest of increased wages, a shorter wor a fine fighting trade union reduced the first set of recognised this gathering very considerathe trade union movement, un king day, holidays with pay and cord, will see the folly of an ac rules, and four years later in bly, and have a large reunion less they feel a very deep sense improved welfare facilities at the tion which not only weakens vented the boxing glove which in some place in London such of grievance. It is true that agita port, had already been formula their own case but undermines eventually transformed paze as Olympia or Albert Hall, to Bors are only too ready to disrupt ted by a democratically called the trade union movement they fighting into the pastime of hox which many thousands could be the trade union movement by ta conference of the docker mem have done so much to build ing.
welcomed. Good luck to you all Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
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    DemocracyEnglandItalyWorld War

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