
vada, Idera led a терат wa ESPEC TUBORADIO thee ina Glad in a Latros wenmen a de pque nte de EU 200 STLISTE de to man e de desus dante frons inio ten THE PRESENT AND FUTURE TRIUMPH OF THE LABOURING CLASS OF THE UNITED ATLANTIC ZONE nos cor FO que ués su con Saturday, 8th. December 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page ALPHA COTTAGE SCHOOL TO PRESENT CONFIE SIEMPRE EN LAS ENTERTAINMENT MEJORES HARINAS. On Tuesday night the ele keenly canvassing their votes, HARINA DE TRICODURO HARINA MARCA COMANDANTE venth instant the Alpha Co giving evidence that a lively tage Schol under the direct time is in store for the auorship of Mr. Davidson dience.
is to stage an entertainment Other items of amusement HARINA in the nature of a rally of is listed to precede the rally.
COMANDANTE Seven Popular Colours. It will All are invited to add to the MARCA DON COMMANDER MILUINO CO take place in the Hall of the chcers of the youngsters.
MESNAPOLIS MINNESOTA sentatives we are told are Concesionarios Exclusivos with their White Labouring Com Social Legislation? Must we sit rades, and with the Emblem of and think ourselves an inferior BRESCIANI HNOS.
the Vanguardia Popular, the only Race or shall we how that the DON Ap. 723 Frente a Paquetes Postales Tel. 3417 Party that is fighting for us; for blood in our viens is the same SAN JOSE Racial equahty; cooperate to ca Human blood as that of our LA VENTA EN LOS PRINCIPALES ALMACENES DE rry out the Program that was white oppressors? Let not foPUERTO LIMON initeated by our Leader and de llow the stupid saying of What fender of the Labouring Class to do as our forefathers, let us Revolts and Clashes which en Comrade Manuel Mora Valver show that we will not tolerate ded in a slaughter of the hum de and colaborates, which was more treats and descrimination, ble undefended Labourers, who recognized, Incorporated and Ex but don forget that we are not was then asking for what was ecuted by the first Progressive to be selfish, no selfish Negro Or just, and at last they had to im and Democratic Chief of our Na ganization will ever overcome plant a Struggle for our own benefit. boost thier Products, and to ta their hard oppressed Country in tration 1940 44; His regime, transforming tion in his Remarkable Adminis these problems that we are con Excellency fronting: we have got to link in to attain a better Cultural, Indus cilitate a better condition of Ato the one that is today, Moth the Ex President Dr. Calderon the struggle with our allies the trial, Social, and Economical Con gricultural penetration, advanced er of true Democracy.
Guardia: think we would be white conscious Labourer, and dition, etc. etc. very few or us crédits on their crops, etc. etc. are responding. It has been fre Criticism claims that Commun our young coloured people would try froma State of Mediocre to a Costa Rica, for the tranquility How Glorious it would be if cooperating to change our Coun drive ahead for a Progressive quetly heard by many Coloured ist killed, and siezed capitals du check up on their Morals; and Costa Rica of greater develop of our Parents in their older People whom are now enjoying ring Civil war in Russia, but instead of swearing and making ment and progress. Shall we sit days, and the future welfare of a narrow independent life, Slan criticizers do not have the least use of obscene languages in pu and allow ourselves to be mar der, and criticize the Labour Co idea of the years of misery. opp blic, and many other abomina ked by our White Labouring com our Children, de (Código de Trabajo. sayingression hunger, Persecution and ble actions, that only descredit rades as Traitots. Shall we sit Alfred Alberto Nesbeth that same is only a menace to torture the Russian Labourers and disgraces our Race, they link and watch the downfall of our Limón, November 1945.
the Capitalist and it only de bore for centuries, they have no tend the Labourers, etc. would idea of the amount of Strikes, like to ask many of these gentlemen, if they have forgotten when they were in our conditions just labourers, and more, they were illtreated, kicked about, under. paid, thrown off their jobs without cause and had So says one. So say alt: no one to stand and defend their that St. Mark Hall at the cause as there was no recogni nine o clock evening hour totions towards the Labouring night, Saturday the 8th, will Class, and Labourers were hand be the center of attraction led to the wicked wishes and de with the dames and maidens in the latest fashions and gay sires of the employers. have caballeros in smart attire they forecasted the future of their Children? If these gentle. Everyone will endeavour to men would like to get the full be on time in order to be included in the one hundred in further demonstration of its interest in the general agriculunderstanding they would come count at entering to be in line to the conclusion that the Códi for the 20. 00 mark which is tural activities of the Republic particularly those of the go is Disciplinary Law for both the principal novelty associaAtlantic Zone, has on its own initiative secured from the GoLabourers and Employers with ted with the dance vernment the Guarantees for booth, providing Mr. Phillip Clarke, the prothe Código is well interpreted. moter has advanced the asConcession to administer the Penshurst Hone Creek Tramway It would be of a very great insurance that every detail for terst to the Coloured Agricultu the comfort and enjoyment System, which will henceforth be known as the rist, the knowledge of the Strug of his invitees has been atgle that this party is undergoing tended to and all ready for to see that support and help is the start under the musical given to them to protect and strains of the Riversiders.
Immediate improvements have been commenced, and the travelling public, moreso the agriculturists of those regions, are assured an up to date and efficient medium of transportation at.
The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with ssnop op aar aq pue Ano ay jo saineog a gaat o ams the purest of foreign and native Drink.
LEONARD RBET AND WIFE OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF Every one can look forward to equitable dealings and all that is necessary for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
the important topics of the Day.
Remember you are cordially invited Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager CORNER 5TH. AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET ndo con ude pade TONIGHT IS THE GALA AFFAIR To The General Travelling Public u el ellwa ual, mide THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, LTD.
ng al Jo ero de los fuir BI lo POT lien del Ау PENSHURST CAHUITA AND EASTERN RAILWAY elni.
den CANTINA BATAAN tro Hue on 11 REDUCED TARIFF RATES shte deres ión ade1. 5)
Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

    Civil WarCódigo de TrabajoDemocracyManuel MoraPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

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