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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE. Saturday, 8th December 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN MALAY UNDERGROUND BRITAIN PROBLEMS WORLD FEDERATION OF YOUTH FREE PEOPLES TRACING 30, 000 MEN padisrup cate General Our particular difficulties and our fundamnental problems, as In 1939 the sense of fellowsee them have arisen out of the Between June, 1945 and the day way in which it has been to the Plans for an international or ship between the nations of the British ganisation of young people, to be Commonwealth was of the Japanese surrender, Au common Interest to conduct the Search in Germany ideals sust 15th, 300 officers and men common war. Our roie has been known as the World Federation strong, based on shared of Democratie Youth, were form and common interests. In that of Admiral Mountbatten South to mobilize a greater proportion ulated at the World Youth Con crisis, as in 1914, it proved itselt air crew in Germany, Peanu Search for 30. 000 missing East Asia Command were of our population for a longer ference in London. draft sons in action to be the only effective Belgium, Holland, Denmark rachuted into Malaya to prepare period than any other Allied titution was unanimously approv. League of Nations yet devised Norway is being stea lily me for the impending invasion. country for actual fighting, and ed at one of the closing sessions on every battlefront in western tained under the direction of During that time they set up to produce munitions. This has last week by more than 600 de Europe and Africa, on the high missing and research inquiri and operated 47 radio stations suite the common cause best.
legates from 53 nations.
seas and in the air war. men service set up by th. Air Mind and had organized 2, 500 people We have been enabled to do It is proposed that the new from Britain and the into resistance groups. Resistan this, mainly, because instead of inde try with headquartes in Para organisation will hold plenary pendent dominious have fought The search units include inan es groups, even in the more re having to expand our exports so session at least once every three and worked together as free citi former prisoners of war becaus mote districts, were supplied as to pay for our own consump years. The Federation Council zens of a single association of of their experience of what he with arms, explosives, clothes tion and to provide for the conand food dropped by Liberators, sumption of our Allies, we have will meet at least once a year, peoples. And not only that, but pened when an aircraft was vo over Germany.
and disrupted completely all rail been enabled and encouraged by and the Executive Committee they have been joined by once every three months. lunteer forces from the colories Five teams are working in traffic throughout Malaya.
Lend Lease from the United Principal aims of the Federa in Africa and elsewhere, whose Germany. They usurity and firs This is the final chapter of the States, by Mutual Aid from Cation, as outlined in the constitu peoples (white, brown and on the burgomaster. His record haroic story of guerrilla warfare nada, and the equivalent of loans in Malaya which began just be from the countries in the Sier tion, are the promotion of inter black) have freely contributed to sometimes reveal the date and and time of the crash and what he fore the fall of Singapore when ling Area, to sacrifice two thirds national co operation in the fields the utmost of their power a handful of British officers who of our normal exports so as to and social activities, and active British Imperialism had of politics, economice, cultural often from scanty resources. It came of the crew. Often, how been ever, the records were confiscat had been left behind after the employ the man power thus re assistance in all meosures to enrundamentally unsound and bented by the Wehrmacht or destroy formal evacuation of the city set leased in direct, instead of indisure peace and security. on exploitation and subjection ed. Where cases of brutal treatup a secret battle school in Sin rect, war activities. This arrange Kapore where they trained glement has had various Guy de Boyssen, of France, instead of fostering and stimulat ment have been traced, tull deconwas elected chairman of the ex ing political and economic pro tails are sent to the War Crimes rrillas in the use of modern wea sequences.
pons and sabotage In the first place, we are much ecutive committee of the new gress. this world war would ha Department of the Judy Advabody, which will have its head ve been the signal for With few exceptions, thes: worse off in tackling the task quarters in Paris. The four vire tion, officers have since been killed, of recovering our experts and chairmen are delegates from The local priest can often E perished in the jungle, paying our own way than we Russia, Britain and China, but vide clues. Once the identit come estimate of their achieve should have been if the roles had other countries represented on an aircraft is establish ments can be gauged from been reversed. The result is that the executive committee are in INDIAN UNITY work ofthe search team is so fact that one force ale under much more time inevitably must dia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Spain plified. Close liason with Britisa Colonel Chapman, elapse in our case than in yours Czechoslovakia, Mexico, Austrafamous During the war, Indian fight civilian censorship has helped, for for his exploits in the Arctic before we can restore the level lia and Denmark of our exports even to the preing men have in Europe, Africa passages in letters often give saand Himalayas and leader citre o pinal 1942 guerrilla, destruywar level; whilst in addition, the At an earlier session the dele and Asia played a splendid oat luable indications. It is estimated loss of a considerable part of our gates heartily endocsed a resolu in defeating the forces of tyrun that it will take more than 12 d, seven Japanese trains be tion urging full support ct the ny and aggression, India has months to complete the task up railways in more than a hun assets, which helped us to pey United Nations Organisation by shared to the full with the rest tracing the missing men in cred places, destroyed 37 lurries for our imports Sean the war, of the United Nations the task many.
sed killed nearly a housand Ja means that we shall not break the youth of all and even until we have reconverted The resolution reads in part: of saving freedom and demopanese in ambushes our industry sc as to achieve a Democratic youth fully ap cracy. Victory came through unAfter the Japanese hul ccmproves the decision of the San ity, and through the readiness volume of exports inore than 50 pletely overrun Maliga, tharee per cent above the pre war level. Francisco Conference. Only of all to sink their differences separate groups headed by BriTo reach this is a colossal task. Potverful and authoritative inter in order to obtain the supreme ish officers made da ing national organisation, founded object. Victory, meditions into enemy held tesuray priupon the joint unanimous ac would ask all Indians to fol.
ortory to help organize tions of the Great Powers, is cap. low this great example and join THIRD OF WAR underground movement eng able of maintaining peace. The together in a united effort to the pro British inhabitants.
Conference calis upon the youth work out a constitution which the Mr. George Gibson, vice chats MANY INTERESTS of the United Nations to support majority and minority communman of the National Savings Here is the background of the all measures aimed at BEHIND THE the ities will accept as just and fair, Committee, speaking at a confer.
Labor Party membership in the strengthening of this organisa a constitution in which both ence of the North Wales Region House of Commons: tion.
States and Provinces can find of the Savings Movement at Trade Union Officials. 124 The national groups at the Cor their place, Landudno yesterday, said that he BEHIND THE SHORTAGES Publishers, Journalists and ference were for the most part The British Government will savings in his country had paid Why is Britain so short of Authors 48 fully representative ot youth do their utmost to give every for a third of the cost of the goods of various kinds? Herbert Municipal Politicians 45 movements and organisations in assistance in their power, and war. He predicted that there Blorrison, leading member of the Barristers and Solicitors. 41 their homelands. The Canadian India can be assured of the sym would be no serious unemploy.
British Cabinet, says that one Business Men 41 delegation of 21 (11 of them still pathy of the British people. ment for at least 10 years reason is world scarcity, another School Masters.
34 in uniform) represerted every Prime Minister Clement Attiee In a reference to the nation the desperate necessity of sup Cooperatives 12 youth organisation of any size alisation policy of the Guve plying war ravaged countries in Doctors and Dentists 12 in the Dominion. Russia had a ment, Mr. Gibson said Europe. Britain, too, is a war rar University Teachers 1strong delegation drawn from Government does not wants aged country but not so serious Farmers 15 almost every corner of the US Yugoeslavia, Canada. Italy, India, ings in order to take over in ty damaged as others, and prior Civil Servants S. China, the Scandinavian Latin America, Norway and Po dustry. Savings are necesary for Te is rightfully given to feeding Free Church Ministers. countries and the Balkans, toge land.
capital re equipment and for pro and housing it it can be done Regular Army Officers. 3ther with all the liberated lands The Conference was held un ducing goods for export, for the the people in danger of death Regular Royal Naval Ol of Europe, were well represent der the auspices of the World quicker we pay our debts anul from hunger or exposure in Eu ficers Ied.
Youth Council. Many of the de the quicker we build up kope next winter. Until that em Regular Royal Air Force During the plenary sessions legates are now on their way to credit the quicker we shil ergency is coped with Britain Officers reports were madet o the Con Prague, to attend the Interna achieve prosperity.
cannot expect to be an importer Peers ference by speakers representing tional Students Congress, which Small savings last week of food and raw materials at the Policeman the delegations from Britain, will be held from November 17 taled 15, 630, 267, compared wit peacetime level Miscellaneous China, France, A, R. to 23. 17, 314, 724 in the previous SAVINGS PAID FOR exan SHORTAGES Este documento es propiedad de la Balioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Sura y lwentud Costa Rica

    DemocracyFranceGermanyGuerrillaImperialismInvasionItalySpainWorkers PartyWorld War

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