p. 6


Sábado 14.
ATLANTIC VOICE Page BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN HUMBLE TRIBUTE TO OUR LATE SCHOLAR SCHOOL CHUM ON ELFRIEDA REID 4b GOEBBELS IDEA FREEDOM OF LONDON TRADE AND TARIFF TALKS TALKS can thougNITA of in 12 days which it takes eight he may be FUN a Few people who have watched two. Penicillin not, perhaps. form the basis of the first rae names, and can remember PHILOSOPHY feet medium for the growth of everybody was agog for de tently at the statue of Buddha THE DREAMS OF QUEEN ESTHER STAGED IN THE SCHOOL ROOM OF in Saturday, 15ty December 1945 sible power of life given her by her Maker and God. The Earthy temple He gave her remains with us. And most reverently shall we commit it to its earth whence it came.
HOW DID IT START THE WONDER DRUG GENERAL EISENHOWER was And though now we cannot By Jack Press OF MATHEMATICS given the freedom of the City (By Cyril Corniffe)
ook upon this coffin, which enTow people in this busy world The largest penicillin fac of London Just what does that pouse to give a thought to custtory in the world is at Liver If the spirit in which pen, no wonder. And there she has ad As her mortal remains with a pang of sorrow, we are Ottawa, Dec, Far reach these lines could imbue your en impress that neither time norout Lethe. less consoled by the British Education officers had mean?
oma that are observed by the ge pool, England. The buildings It means that the General has ing trade and taritt talk souls, you would know my an any other element neral public and that have been cover 12 acres of land Peni to start pretty well from scratch ever nevel to re opening been grad en two ancient and between Canada, the United gulsh in referring to this sad circfface.
that our darling little ome a vital part of our national cillin, the properties of which when it came safe in the arms lite, Almost all of our common have been of almost miracu schools in Germany. Even arith. honourable privileges, guaranteel Kingdom and United States cumstance. the death of our This is the record, bome out ElfrieON may begin at an early date, darling little Elfrieda.
Ind, therefore, we are not by this humble testimony, of a Jesus; He carinot be arrested for Finance Minister Ilsley indi courtesies have come down to lous value in saving the lives metie books had to be scrapped by ancient statute: hope of a meting on the from medfaeval days and their of wounded soldiers during for they contained such proh death thou lovest the bea little pilgrim that was permitted wtihout draunkenness within the city cated during resumed discus utitul. That was the agonizing by her Maker to reach only the other side where there is no more origin is quite easy to trace, the war, was discovered by tems as this: 10 more pain, no more If four Germans can do a job limits. Il convicted of murder, sion yesterday in the House cry once of a bereaved mother. twelfth mile stone on her jour sorrow The custom of raising one hat the British scientist Sir Alex hanged in special of the measure to increase it is true. Elfrieda was beatiful ney homeward.
here we shall never to a lady or in deference to a per. ander Fleming.
deathfrom 100. 000. 000 to 750. 000. beautiful because of Poles or 16 Jews to do in the robes!
son of superior rank is simply those Onward from there we see, in part again 1945.
repeating a gesture that was cus.
000 the lending authority un superb qualities that were in her vision, angels bearing that invi November 30, same time, how long would it der the Export Credit Insu make up. qualities that take four Germans and 12 Poles tomary in days gone by, wher are rance Act. Mr. Ilsley also de not a common heritage of the ooooooooo an armoured light raised the British physician, Dr. to do a job which takes 20 Jews When Colonel Patriam was clared he anticipated that it children of today.
visor of his helmet to show that Graves. Medical Superin. 10 days?
alive, an old beggar accosted Inight be necessary to have a tendent of the Robert Hall, he was a friend.
him, declaring that he was a special act introduced in the little Elfrieda, as always will ATTENTION ATTENTION always thought of our dear The removal of the glove before reported at a London meeting juffering from this illness, hc veteran Soldier You don next session to provide a lar think; as a symbol of the high Birmingham, mental hospital The City Leading Furniture Store and shaking hands testifies to the of the Mental Hospitals As responded almost immediate look it, said the Colonel ge credit to the United Kingest and rarest virtues ever House of Novelties absense of any Weapon which sociation on the successful apy, ultimately making a com bluntly, and barked, Atten dom and that in the meanti child could possess. with some might have been concealed in plication of penicillin in men plete recovery.
tion! Eyes right, eyes front, me there was an abundance historical leanings too: little Nell, the mailed gauntlet of warriors, tal diseases. By means of pe Now what comes next? Pre of financial and other resout in Try Again. little Mary, in SHOP WITH US DURING THIS sent alms was the instant re ces in Canada to furnish Beit The Basket of Flowers. and The carrying of a walking nicillin injections, prepared YULETIDE SEASON cane which is a common practice by him at the hospital labora joinder. It won a hand out. ish with any urgent supplies that little Hebrew maid in Naa with English gentlemen, can trace Lory, he has been able to cure United Kingdom scientists that might be needed before man home.
its origin from the days when all live out of We have the most beautiful assortment of: the credit was established.
seven patients have discovered two methods My memory is excellent titled people, civie officials and completely, and to obtain Always a serious, thoughtful Christmas Cards. Gifts for Christmas a of producing penicillin on a said the dowager. There are child army officers carried swords for definite improvement in the tremendous scale. Potatoes. only three things can rescholarly, ambitious, CHINESE and Pictures with beautiful scenes.
protection well behaved, dutiful, condition of the remaining or even potato peelings. member. can remember sincere, trusty, homest; yea, everything else that was bound to win for All Designs of Furniture Agreeable to the launching of a great ship and a complete cure for all men thod, which was developed by faces, and forget what the her affection and esteem from Madame Chiang tells a Chinethe breaking of a bottle of wine tal diseases. said Dr. Graves, research workers of the Fig third thing is.
Every Human Taste.
or champagne on the bow, know but its use in the future will hgate Hospital, London A1se fable that illustrates the im. parents and teachers, and all else Front of Pena Shoe Store with whom she had come in con restore the health of thous ter treatment with water and the origin of this ceremony. corporal was entertained with deeds and of translating portance of fortifying our word tact The custom in as old as Ro ands of people whose mental hydrochloric acid potatoes ha by a Duchess at one of the our ideals into actions: and was also equilibrium has been distur ve been found to yield an ex stately homes of England If she was progressive in her man civilization City of Limon Beresford Duncan practised by the Vikings in later bed owing to infectious disea tract which, after further sim youngg acolyte would sist all school, as indeed she was, it was. ooood Upon his return to barracks, days. In those far away times, ses.
ple treatment day. ships putting out to sea were tails. Well, equipped with an altar upon penicillin mould the water had been as cold temple would emerge, take up Each day, too, the father of the ing princess Zuecca; personified THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH which the sailors made sacrifices Elena Willis; she was exquisitely as the saup, and if the sout te such pagan gods as Neptune, The Manchester Guardiani, a brick and paciently rub it On the night of November the ever found fayour in the sightly gowned; attended by her resti Odin, and Thor, and prayers were England, reports another rehad been as warm as the against a stone hour alter hour 26th the impressive narrative on of the King and ever grace the nue; bedecked with costly jewine, and if the wine had had The young acolyte one day askert the dream of queen Esther was Persian throne. However, there wels and her royal crown; but all oftered for fair winds and a safe markable success in the use of journey. It was also customary penicillin, this time as a cure The second method which been as old as the chicken, the old monk what he was doing staged in the Hall of the days was a spark set in her heart and these found no place in the stung to pour oil and wine upon the for influenzal meningitis. Un war discovered by a young and if the chicken had been the father repleid that he was chool of the Roman Catholic Pa she began to have strange heart of Lloyd Sharpe who mar.
altar as the ship sailed out to sea ited Kingdom doctors have al Glasgow doctor, is based on as young as the maid, and trying to make a mirror.
rish. large and appreciative au dreams. The cunning Ahassuerus vellously personified King Aha Today the breaking of a bottle of ready successfully used the if the maid had been as wi colchicine cheniieal But it is impossible to make dience witnessed the play. Mr. issued a proclamation that all suerus, but when Esther appear champagne over a ship bow British Wonder Drug to cu which is used to increase Hing as the Duchess Iro a mirror out of a brick, said the Sylvester Cunningham with his the loveliest maidens of his realmed on the scene in her dress of bably never would hace co upon launching is a survival of re a large number of disea growth of tobacc plants questioner.
remarkable efficiency presided at should pass before him. fthe twentieth century, the king this ancient prechristian custom ses ranging from anthrax and For si months Dr. Gordon and me home at all.
Yes, repleid the father, just the piano; he often times temp. All the spinsters their yearning was satisfied and EsThe altar on board ship is now pneumonia to gas, gangrene Mr. McKechnie, lis labora as impossible as it is for you to ted the feet to trip a measure. most gorgeous There was a drunk who sta acquire grace by doing nothing The prelude brought forward, a designed anciently ther; so ably and charmingly reremembered by the Navy, for and diptheria. The germtory techinician, have been gowns accom presented by Delrita Hunter and when an officer sets foot upon influenzal meningitis, howe trying to fnd an agent which red at a homely passenger but sitting there and calling on mong other items a piano selec. pamed with the charms which she became the crowned queen.
the quarter deck, his hand is rais vel, was hitherto regarded as would double the growth of the lift. He finally blurta Buddha all day long tion by Miss Delfina Booth; she sould be added to their natural Another very charming characed in salute. Actually he is salu insensitive to penicillin. Ne penicillin mould. They jave out: My goodness, you re ug the ter in the cast was Victoria Grec was not at her best due to the looks promenaded before ting the spot where the altar vertheless, after Manchesier now discovered that cienic ly! The homely one, in ən fact it was visible that the chair King throne; he even deceived ne in the personification of the and an image of the Virgin use doctors had used it on a child ne produces six times as much effort to control himself, rethem at times by having the Witch of Endor; if ever anyone to be found during the Middle used as a stool was very low and as before. Moreover, penici plied: can help the way Ages. This custom is worthy ol those that go down to the sea throne occupied by the Keeper wants to know to raise the spicot denied her the commanding posi VISIT CANADA llin produced by this new look. This answer did preservation as it not only pro in ships. but serves as a link means is stated to be hardier seem to satisfy the drunk for tion over the key. board. Here of the Women. Bernard Issac rit of the unreprehensive dead, Field As they entered the palace they take a tip from us and see this Marshal Montgomery, vides a token of reverence by between the past and the present he fairly sereamed: Well, than any type previously is the drama. commander of the British occuspoke of the flower of their an modern Witch of Fifth Avenue; Centered on Esther, the Jewish you could stay at home!
pation zone of Germany, will vi maid considered by the Persians. Upper Ten Thousand. but all The other personifiers were; Mor cestry; each trying to be the she was sensationally amusing: publisher had his secesit Canada next spring, he announ as a despised race; careeing her ced during a two day visit to the for the pride of the decai the jew acted by Gm tary on his lap one afternoon innocent life of girlhood she wan King heart was Esther, lowly bert Bernard. Hagal, the Ket when his wife made an un Canadian occupation force in dered far from home, even ap of birth but charmingly rich in per of the Women by Bernard herales appearance. The u Germany. Field Marshal Montthe sight of His Majesty. The Isaac. Heroines of Jewish. HA had occupational com proaching the danger of being de bliciped but with mag gomery nigcem alice of mind, mand of the Ist Canadian Army Youred by a ferocious lion. Aha wardrobes of the ancients were tory. Deborah, Adelina ca aud, take this wires during the fighting in Normandy, suerus the Persian King adventu. on display by the representation, bell. Rebecca, Pearl Gayle cingis was along the path whe First to enter was Elena Dunn Miriam, Elena Dunn Atlas finiture Company. across Northern France and the re the beautiful Esther had stro.
Germany don want to hear any more Low Countries as Koosh, the Black Princess, shc Nalda Blackman. Mars ved; fortune brought him at the having failed to win the love of nie Greene. Ruth, Auna about a shortages. If He said the invitation to visit Nurse of the Queen. Aden cannot continue to maintain Canada had been extended to opportune moment to rescue the the King, characteristically truc to her sympathetic race pleacej na Campbell Persian sing my otice with only one can him by Prime Minister King du manden from the jaws of the ring Mr. King recent visit in boast, and as he had done so the for and defended Eseher against Kazma. Auria Reid accomp ir London. accepted the invita charming countenance of the Je the soneers of her rivals. As nied by the Rosé Maids, Ele The Scotsman said the tration and am greatly looking for wess gripped the very soul of the Jakosha Maria Reid proved her Dunn. Pearl Gayle Nada in further demonstration of its interest in the general agriculins in his country were so ward to my visit. the Field Mar Persian King and he dwelth upon self a fit artist for the wordi Reid. Daphne Blackman having her as his queen. While famous picture house. She played rine Charles. Clarisa Scott tural activities of the Republic particularly those of the fast that the fields were all shal said.
he set his love barque at sea, the her role in the spiris and in the Delfina Booth and Linette Atlantic Zone, has on its own initiative secured from the Gomisced like a plate of brothmaiden, although in her true self leller; in fact she was marye ne. The Jewish Children vernment the The Irishman boasted that tra HEROE CUATRO doubted that she; a Jewess, could lous. Nalda Blackman was of Maria Bernard. Yolanda er ins in Ireland travell di at entrancing beauty; she spoke ling. Marva Nugent. Ona such a speed that the tele Claudet AÑOS cbert Concession to administer the Perishurst Horo Creek Tramway ra por unos instantes cuando with every assurance that the Foulkes Ottawa (IC. Un niño de de repente oyó los gritos de king could not side step her; she and Sylvia Gayle. The crtain System, which will henceforth be known as the was a slim brown skined girl that ment was given under tusp.
The Englishmar remarked cuatro años, Johnnie (Juani su hijito: ces of the St. Cecilia cr and that once he was in a train atto) Mancuso, de Toronto, aca Mama. Fuego. Fuego would let him even lay his baton down. Auria Reid was Kashia.
with Mrs. Bernard the PENSHURST CAHUITA AND EASTERN RAILWAY Euston bound for the north, ba de salvar la vida a su her Toma al bebé!
Athens moving spirit; she deserves few con admirable calma y No princess of ancient angry manita quien no tiene más de credit for her initial effort, Immediate improvements have been commenced, and the trawords with a porter drew 19 meses, al ser devastada su presencia de espíritu, el jo could have exceled the fascinat tack his fist. and struck casa por el fuego, hace poco. vencito empujó a su hermani velling public, moreso the agriculturists of those regions, are The stationmaster at Rugby! Su mamá habia salido afueta a través de la ventana de.
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA assured an up to date and efficient medium of transportation jándola caer en los brazos de su mamá, empezando en se Completely renovated. spick and span.
CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK guida a abrir las puertas de IS NOW OPEN ERNEST CECIL LEWIS la casa para dejar escapar al REDUCED TARIFF RATES The Medical Consulting Office of humo y al fuego.
has resumed the management. Había fuego en todas par We offer the most comfortable rooms with tub and showe DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA Every one can look forward to equitable dealings and all that tes, afirmó el joven héroe.
baths and an unceasing. y me quemé el ojo. La cass is necessary for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
MEDICO AND SURGEON se hallaba llena de humo y se DAY AND NIGHT WATER SUPPLY quemaron todas las camas y The refreshing sea breeze enhances our stay.
situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel HispaLa ciudad de Toronto se Dur Dining Room and Bar Services are witout competit CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager no America, next door to the Dental Parlour cuida de la desgraciada famiREMEMBER. THIS IS YOUR HOTEL THEN IN LI of Dr. Jose Pacheco.
lia, y los vecinos, ningunos de los cuales son muy ricos, han ERNEST CECIL LEW Este documento es propiedad de la Biblote Nafonal Might Brexoni comunistama Nacional de Bilbase ofrecido su ayuda para repa.
Consultation: 5 PROPRIETOR rar gratis los daños ocasionaro dos upos yeufune: Costa Rica.
graph poles resembled a fine tooth comb.
and having a mis juguetes


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