
re de Page ATLANTIC VOICE Salurudy. anu LA PROVEE wholesome merchandise; RICA de su recibo que dice: COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON MERRY CHRISTICUAS NEW YEAR OF PR LA FAMA LA FAMA JACK ORANES FOR SALE! Nibelune decoloped intoas crafty man invasion of the Netherlands SASTRE EXCELSIOR JGUETES TAILOR MERRY CHRISTMAS Sport shape of the Department of Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro Wo beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back great many; ma cu Overseas Trade with agents ens. and whole branches of in every country. Moreover, de los primeros 10 dias de cada mes of receipt which reads: industry. have sunk a great the Government has accumu.
This bill must be paid at our office before Offers you up to date se deal of specialiser equipment lated a great deal of experier Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula envitarno ta pena the 10th of the month and much effort and Hoodwill ce in selling in wat time the view of the de tener que cortar su servicio in an export is when for instance through the Un Be so good as to comply with this request and do not should be able of peedy ited Kingdom Commercial Nos permitiores amar su atención a la nota al dorse LOWEST PRUTIS oblige us to suspend our service, a step which reyival. But it cannot be de Corporation wo would much regret to take We wish our esteemed pat lientela nied that there was a teden The main difficulty, howe.
cy before the war for mantiver, is likely to arise as a refacturers to change over gra sult of inability to sell dually from catering to reingn countries may not be and a reign markets to product willing to buy from us to reduce the risk of this hap these countries was derivert UEVO for the home market, and much as they would like to pening. For our great and in from British demand. Girou this tendency, would doubt sell to us. This is kely to creasing demand for import a high and stable British de less be reinforced by post happen if foreign countrie will help maintain activity in mand, there would therefore war full employment, too, pursue a policy of full the export industries of other very likely be a high and sa un saler One way of over coming employment at home. In that countries. There are some co ble level of employment in En LA FAMA encuentra usted un surtido this difficulty would be for case they, like us, will be untries, such as Australia, these countries as a direct re The Best at the Lowestreito a completo de alpacas y tafetales floreados.
entra un the state to subsidise exports keen to buy, and we could Denmark, Finland, and New sult of full employmant in dor, esto or to underwrite the credit all fully reaise the advanta Zealand, whose exports to Britain, Hlas: bog risks of exporters, IL Howc ges of international exchan Britain accounted for any It is true that our largest Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria PAY VISIT TO pitillo, ver, moderate help of this ge. IL, on the other hand, fo thing between and 30 per suppliers are not, at the same pora acar kind should not suffice, the reign countries should per cent of their national inco time, our most important cas trozo e State might itself enter the mit their economic system to mes. Moreover, since a large tomers of our customers and do al centi market as a wholesale buyer suffer from severe fluctua proportion of their domestic by buying much from them ROGELIO TASIES and place the goods abroad tions in empolyment their production was in fact cons we could hope hat a good for PRESENTS, To de entra ovisto de though export machinery of demand for our exports will med by the people engaged proportion of their purchaits own. This should not be also fluctuate and we shall in exporting goods to Britain, ses from third countries wXMAS NEW YEAR de la botel THE LITTLE NIBELUNG enclla demo unduly difficult since the Go periodically find it difficult very much more than 15 tr uld come back to us in the estar que el vernment had at its disposal to acquire the means of pay 30 per cent of employmert in end.
Anton Mussert stopped gro party.
ea represent even before the war a comment for our imports.
wing when he was feet 10 inmereial intelligence service. In fact, our own policy of Mussert built up a sabotage net la Agricul ches tall. Thereafter this Dutch work in preparation for the Ger rable que de however embryonic, in the full employment will go far FOR SALE!
and power hungry a little man The Nazis named him Dutch Ramirez Monge.
as the dwarfs in tre German le Fiihrer in 1942. For four years Siembre 13 de 1945 THE PEOPLE HOUSE PROPERTY OWNED BY TITLE gend who stole the Rhine gold he led a campaign or oppression His one professional success as and terror against his fellow e. Jack Orane Sucs)
an engineer was the construction countrymen. Last week, in a Wishes One and All Línea Vieja, Costa Rica of the Amsterdam Rhine Canal courtroom that was once the His outstanding prewar escapade ball room of Princess Juliana E was marrying at 28, after divor palace in The Hague, he made Here is the three apartment Dwelling cing his first wife, the wealthy 46 the usual quisling plea: All he House and two lots of land which you have LOS PRECIOS year old aunt who had put him had done was for his country PROSPERITY IN THE NEW YEAR long desired: GOING AT BARGAIN. OFRECE though college. In 1931, he foun sentenced Anton Mussert to death Situate: Just a few chains from the ded the Dutch National Socialist for high treason.
We thank you for your patronage in the past Commerce Avenue, Next to hope to see you even more offen in the future.
Cieneguita Bridge. LIMON Vice Consulate and Airplane BALL ZOMBIE IN THE DOCK APPLY: CHARLES PORTER. Cairo, Prince Batorula or Prince of Zombies, as the foot Negro ca WE THANK YOU led himself, cut a broad swath THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT through Paris before the war.
For your very appreciable patronage during 1945 and with THE BROTHELS OF PARIS the further assurance that the cool spot in front of the He owrked as a fakid at the 1937 (IN FRONT OF PE NA SHOE STORE)
Theatre Arrasty is always your: International Eposition, and spen Tre Municipal Council of Pa ce. The council listened gravely Creely in the smarter night clubs HAPPY LANDING ris took up the question of bro. Ito the request, thein discussed Rumor later identified him as th The charm of any home is the beauty and qua ity of the furniture.
Our Cakes. Ice Cream. Frecos. Aereated and other iels last weel with Gallie aplomb without mentioning venereal di fiance of a wealthy white Ame THIS IS OUR PURPOSE NEW DESIGNS AND WITH EXQUISITE APPEARAN Drinks. Pie. more niceties than we can put in print Marthe Richard proposed an or sease of promiscuity. Critics of While you are on your ay to shop with us today, we advance our greetings for a TAS rican, as a big operator in Con are at your orders dinance closing all aPris houses aris adams and their girls o railroads, and as a leader ir of prostitution as well as the bars wanted them put out of business relief work for Senegalese prise BRIGHT AND ENJOYABLE CHRISTMAS where tats: drum up business for only one reason: Collaboraners. Only one thing was cerand a She demanded a squad of polication with the Germans.
ain: During the occupation, the women to enforce the ordinan Prince opened a German propaAre the sincerest wishes of the proprietors.
NEW YEAR FULL OF LIFE PROSPERITY ganda shop in the Grand Hotel STANLEY and BIRDIE BUTLER Beresford Duncan renamed himself Alioune Mamadou Kane, and took the title of NOTICE Grand Barabout. This, he explai was as cacophonous us a Herlem For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele ned, meant he was Black King Jam session Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de REFRESQUERIA SATAAH The People Tailor ing Requirements to or Pope of the Moslems.
neria dirijase a When the judge roarred Whe Last week, the Bara bout cecure did you get your money? the Watson Quick Lunch and Soft Drinics Stand Sied the prisoner dock in the defendant replied tolerantly: In Everything of High Quality and Sweet ROIG Paris: Court of JustleeHe wore the same way as the Pope had Flavour a gray coat over a beige trench many faithful followers Thanking our esteemed supporters during the past years a EXCURSION TRAIN TO SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos coat, a rust colored suit, a white galese witnesses declared that he await with willing service for your pleasure in the sweater, and BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 orange head was not a Prince, not a Marabou year to come, while wishing you Leaving Limon on Sunday the 30th of devandanna be felt bis rank enti not event a Moslem but a Catho Merry Christmas Happy New Yea tled him to retain in court. Fort, lic. 9 415 19:46 cember at 00 a. Returning from San witnesses, mostly excitable Ne But out of the confusion, on ALBERT and Mrs. WATSON José at 00 pm Tuesday, January 1st. JURY OF PEERS groes, testified in unison em hi charge stuck. The Marabout had behalf. The judge and prosecu worked for the Germans. He had black market. Sentenced to live and the world he made one last It looked as ir Lord Haw Haw House, in which the lords havi istom, roared indiseriminately organized a service to help SeVALUE OF TICKET 12. 50 ROUND TRIP years at forced labor, the Mar observation Truth is like the might yet have the last laugh sat since they gave up their own at the prisoner and witnesses negalese prisoners and had sold bout marched majestically to the sun. One cannot put it in one The German sponsored broadcas chamber to the bombed out Hoa The Barabout babbled, laghed provisions thus obtained in the Black Maria. For his followers pocket. It will always come ouer Take advantage of this, the only opportunity to apend the terwho plagued Britons with fose of Commons in 1941, was crow mind sobbed, made incoherent re New Year in the Capital. Tickets are on sale in Limon at: MACHO MORALES STORE, ENTRANCE TO THE CRYSrebodings during the war dar ded to capacity Some dignified ferences to Congo railroads, tried TAL PASSARE AND BY MR. RAFAEL RUIZ kest months beat two counts of Inwyers were reduced to sitting to explain how he came to speak FOR PASSENGERS AT 25. MILES AND SIQUIRRES THE treason at his trial last Septem in the fireplace Pink faced and French with a Brittany accent, ROUND TRIP FARE WILL BE ber. He proved that he been unemotional, William Joyce sa tenounced the Minister of Coloborn in Brookyn, NY, and in the prisoner dock nies, and quoted André Gide. It was not a subject of the King For thee days bewigged attorBut he was found guilty on a neys argued.
Lord Chancellor 9000. third count that as holder of a Sir William Jówitt, in full lenght nim. dressed in mufti and trying ELIECER SOLANO British passport he owed allegian wig and black gown, sat with to keep warm in the unheated co to the King anywal. He was his pack to the symbolic mace room. But the five lords couldn sentenced to hang.
and woolsack and listened. Su agree and postponed decision DANILO SOLANO Last week his appleal reaches did the four lords who flanked until this week.
Britain highest court the Hou se of Lords The King Robing Room, a miniature replica of the EGBERT CRAWFORD THE MEAT STALL OF QUALITY AND TASTE: THE CITY MARKET Never a dis satisfied customer, because EGELS carries a smile always; he is never angry; never frowns; The Musicians with the modern dance with him the customer is always right: ERNESTO BARLEY THANKS TO ALL PATRONS AND FRIENDS BROWN BIRCH BROWN Wishing them: Saxophone Trot Guitar BLARE GUNN HERBERT SINCLAIR Banjo Drums MERRY CHRISTMAS Maracaro Guitar CALEB STERLING Trambone Here is wishing all our patrons and friende: EGBERT CRAWFORD hi MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Senean Limón Trading Company C10. 50 PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra THE RIVERSIDE ORCHESTRA 2nd trumpet GUMBS RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR blioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de Minas


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