
irday, 22nd Decmeber 1945 ATLAN II vuiLE Page MR. EGBERT POLSON AND MRS. POLSON Caribbean Packing Co.
The General Travelling Public CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao IE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, LTD.
RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENTCORP. OF THE GOVT YEAR FILLED WITH PROSPERITY REDUCED TARIFF RATES IR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA THE LONG WAITED OPPORTUNITY further demonstration of its interest in the general agriculral activities of the Republic particularly those of the We are Agents for tlantic Zone, has on its own initiative secured from the Goernment the OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE TE oncession to administer the Penshurst Hone Creek Tramway SS.
al part of those imports in a system of full employ.
System, which will henceforth be known as the Takes this medium to wish their many friends In theory, this difficulty out of interest and dividena ment they might be unw coua be overcome by redureceipts from abroad, for a illing to engage on the proPENSHURST CAHUITA AND EASTERN RAILWAY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS aings international trade level of exports above that duction of goods destined for exports and imports. to of pte war years.
an uncertain foreign market, and a the point of self sufficiency What are the difficulties That was to some extent the nediate improvements have been commenced, and the traThis would mean producing we are liable to run into? experience of Germany after ling public, moreso the agriculturists of those regions, are every thing at home instead One is that if some manu 1935.
sured an up to date and efficient medium of transportation of concentrating on a limite facturers are assured of a The risk of this harpening range of products and ex large and expanding home in this country is not ry it.
changing some of these foz market as they would be other produts procided by fo reign countries. Grapes could be produced in hot houses. OOCOOooo. GOO. 65 MEDICO CIRUJANO Every one can look forward to equitable dealings and all that oil could be extracted from ATTENTION. ATTENTION is necessary for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
abrió su con coal, plastirs could be substi Itorio médico en los bajos del tuted for aluminum, and The City Leading Furniture Store and on. There would then be no THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, Ltd. Park Hotel Hispano Americano, contiguo maior uncontrolled factors House of Novelties CHANDLERWEHRMAN, Manager oficina dental del Dr. Pachaco.
to upset a plan for full em ployment SHOP WITH US DURING THIS But the cost in terms YULETIDE SEASON WHY BRITAIN iving standards, would cleCANTINA BATAAN uriy be immense, Foreign tra MUST EXPORT e nas the great and sond ad We have the most beautiful assortment of: Time cures allills is truth Christmas Cards. Gifts for Christmas odations for at least one tho unuage that it provides for The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with fully said and so it turns out usand citizens. In the mean Slumps in Britain havi division of labour between and Pictures with beautiful scenes.
ssnösp of a oq pue kiau jo sanjeros a a 20 ans in conjuntion to the longing Time is weli to reine er often sterd with shumps in iterent countries and all the purest of foreign and native Drink. our citizens to get an Excur he ald a dage The early ts export trade. decline in ows one and all to enjoy All Designs of Furniture Agreeable to EONARD CORBET AND WIFE (sion Train to take them to sirds get the woms. Stous the foreign demand for Lan warger real income that OUR CHOCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF the capital to enjoy the year end be affected ad Bataan and ashire cotion goods, or fry would have been possible wi Every Human Taste.
festivities coal from South Wales, or tout it. The Gold Coast ch je irndortant topies of the Day.
Our very goori frienus, Ms Siquirres.
Front of Pena Shoe Store auVANVIS IS HOIH BIL srs. Danilo and Elieces Colar:0 or steel from we imidianos. Mate is suitable for the gro Remember you are cordially invited 00600ce.
o00000000 ed to a fall in activity anding of cocoa; the labour have jointly provided stena employment in the cotton Britain is (and has for some City of Limon Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abacatrict are conveyance to tawe all.
Beresford Duncan AND STREET LA nense to San do as adverti IBERIA 000 6600 coal or steej industry, ani time been) suitable for the 00000000000OOOOOO thence to a fall in income manufacture of concrete me sed elsewhere the columns as well as by and bills er Estrada. ind employment everywherung machinery; the chances culated else. For as Lancashire. co: are that in these circustan We believe the difficulty, ten operatives, or South Waces both countries will be be: CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK CASABLANCA SALOMÚN CHIN will be to find enoud accom les miners, or Birmingham ter off by exchanging cocoa IS NOW OPEN (Corner of 4th avenue and 7th street)
steel forgers lost their jobs or concrete suxers than they The Medical Consulting Office of CITY OF LIMON and had less to spend, local would be if each tried to pro True to the name we bear all the people come to the place etailers, publicans, builders, duce both cocoa and concreto of fante transport workers earned mixers.
less and in turn, spent less.
MEDICO AND SURGEON So the vicious spiral of defla There is no doubt that Br DOCTOR of the reason of our high grade liquors both native foreign situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel Hispatain standard of livin as well as our well prepared Shdrt Orders.
tion spread from the export Our service extends over mid night industries to the home indus could never have risen no America, next door to the Dental Parlour WISHING OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS tries and from one region to the extent it has if Britain of Dr. Jose Pacheco another. Thereflects wetc had not fostered a large ex particularly serious as sa port trade. Nor is there any Hours of Consultation: to p.
much of Britain economio doubt that the same holds Maternity. Physcian and Surgeon activity has always centred good for the future. It is true on exports: more, in fact that a larger proportion of our foodstuffs can be efficer than is the case in any other UNIVERSITY OF BRUSELS major country of the worlatly grown at home than hac been thought possible before MATINA ART AND UNIQUE TAILOR Office of Consultation, Residence of Here, then, is a source of the war. It is also true that instability which it is not in the war time development of Albert Minto: Doña Juanita de Esna the power of aty Governm substitute products may allow THE HOUSE OF UP TO THE MINUTE STYLES IN BEST ent to control directly. Eve us in future to go with CITY OF LIMON FIT GARMENTS AND EXACTITUDE OF NEATNESS: Completely renovated. spick and span.
ry Government can directly some of the raw materials HOURS. Daily, 7to A. and 2to. P.
influence the level of dowhich we used to import the past and anticipating foture support, this humble token mestic demand; but none can before the war is to wish control the foreign demand has resumed the management.
for its country goods and On the other hand, SO We offer the most comfortable rooms with tub and shower loss of much of our overseas MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BRIGHT baths and an unceasing.
assets means that we shal!
DAY AND NIGHT WATER SUPPLY have to export more CIder to obtain the means u.
The refreshing sea breeze enhances your stuy.
Our Dining Room and Bar Services are without competition payment for any given yolu me of imports. Moreover, as REMEMBER. THIS IS YOUR HOTEL WHEN IN LIMON against any cuts in our imERNEST CECIL LEWIS ports due to expanded home The People Tailor PROPRIETOR Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS production and raw materiFor Best Fit What? Go to Clifford. Ster als, we have toset the fact that MORE foodstuffs and raw materials will be wanted to nourish our full empingo GROCERY AND CANTINA BATAAN ment economy. For hige THE CARIBBEAN PAKING vel of employment calls for a high level of imports. Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street Limón It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks Whn the wheels of industry Desires for its friends the cacao farmers why our friends of BATAAN. THIS CITY turn at full speed large quan COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen tities of raw materials de and Rubber producers our establishment as their meeting center: used up. And when every body has a job, incomes are THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR high and people want to con MERRY CHRISTMAS GROCERY COUNTER: sume more foodstuffs. We Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are should therefore budget for THE BEST. a level of imports at least as Corbetta: NO OLVIDE high as it was before the war.
PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR and seeing that we shall ru longer pay for any substar.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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