p. 8


Pag BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN bure war the Minister of Agricultu Reviewed By Squadron Leader de hand started to enter the ber brief that he decides to blondal to the British inter another have to be of interesenti inimesed THE WAY TO THE STARS the grass between the run on Squadron RATIONAL WORLD 000, 00, to be repaid over de 24th instant, the eve of the The sreeting message of Der ours ERBERT MORRISON crossed the frontier for. ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 22nd Decmeber 1945 ment which the British. The attempt would re victory over the common gree to take over and sup while in our own int enemy and thereby the sate port. The caneers in world tra any case. But it is ty of the United States, and de are formidable and virhen in also operat friend is so depressed to the has been paid in the debt, if there was one, lent. But at least with this a sist Great Britain, BRITAIN FARM ARMY British greement we will turn what great power with wl sight of the young widow. It is as much to our would otherwise simply own fortunes are mo the sheep had started to crop break off a love affair with aest thus to remove it and ses the United Nations re was empowered to set up or William Simpson Of Bri once tion into a focus of health res with us the respon fictory over their enemies in sixty two County War tain Royal Air Force young part time nurse. and for all from the books and sanity which, also, mas for the future of deme he Second World War men gncultural Executive Com ways.
The loan and trade prov grow and spread.
Ion will be made of Britain miltees which had compulso The Way To The Stars one on this earth.
ll out effort to sions refer to the future, and inerease ry powers in determining the lof Britain best war films was BATTL EOF BRITAIN food production. At a time use of land. Priority was gi made inside the moderches may again stand on the vhon scbmarines were EAGLE ACES FRIENDLY CLUB DANCI ven to the production of of the Two Cities Company at FOR Suddenly, in a flash back, the own merits. The United Sta tes opens a credit of 3, 750. On the night of Monday the the guests: he rampan and shipping milk wheat, oats, potatoes Denham, near London. The title airfield springs to life. The Ba pace was a vital matter, Br and sugar beets. By 1944, in was inspired by the motto of tle of Britain is on a farmers accomplished a spite of vexing shortages of Britain Royal Air Force PER or Blenheim bombers take ott ty years with an interest ra glorious anniversary, the Ea members are summed up There have been misiakes.
te which works out over the gle Aces Friendly Club wili below: in miracle. In 1939, the manpower, fertilizers and me ARDUA AD ASTRA. The story and land all day long. Their du and egregious ones, both Entertain full period to about 63 per with a dance gh agriculture was Britain chinery, Britain was raising was written by Terence Rattity is to destroy the landing bar sides of the overprotracted. cent. This is rather less thar the local Hall of the Universal in To greet you with words o gladness reatest industry, the Unitel 70 per cent of its food. gan, a playwright, who had alre ges assembled in the Harboure Anglo. American financial the rate at which our gove Negro Improvement Associa This message comes to say ingdon raised only 33 Britain record for warti ady won a reputation for repro and creeks of France and the negotiations. But the resul: ent of the food it consumed me food production was May all of your hopes and ment can now borrow, while tion.
ar ducing faithfully the emotional Low Countries ready to carry as it is now finally laid befo an escape clause permits The invitees are well fami wishes that year the cultivated outstanding achievement and background of the young Brit the German invasion armies re Congress, Parliament and the total waiver of interest liar with the high standard come true on Christmas Day ea including crop land and gra plans for the future include ish airmen with whom he ser across to Britain Elsewhere, Hu the two peoples, represents a in the British balance of pay of the Eagle Aces functions: And may this special wish ing areas, was about 32 ml keeping most of the 18 ved as a Flight Lieutenant. It rricanes and Spitfires are knoc real effort at enlightened staments is found to be ins to always enjoyable and generally on acres of which sobe 13 million acres in production. was produced by Anatole de king the Luftwaffe out of the tesmanship. These agreed pro cient to sustain the charge. outstandingly attended. Be one to always bless you lon acres were tillage, In The war taught the lesson Crunewald and directed by An skies, to crash on southern En posals aim at three objetives. The difference in interest ra 7:4 the land in crops was that food is as essential as thony Asquith.
The airy and spacious talents Cach and every day with a early 18 million acres.
gland. In the English Channel each of them vital to both te and this conditional right Hall and the Riverside Orches And greatest hapiness.
any other item in maintain The film opens with the ca the atmosphere is unreal. The nations. They are, first, to At the beginning of the ing national strength.
for of waiving all interest repre tra are enticing measures mera moving slowly about the countryside continues quietly roll up and write off the who sent what the United States an airfield, one of many hun who are in the thick of battle aid structure, cleanly, fairly agreement. What it gets in re during a tour of ERNEST CECIL LEWIS TO VS CANADA the United States. According dreds that transformed Britain in can fully appreciate how friti avoid a repetition of the dis nig to do all that can be de and promptly, and thus to turn is the British underk PROPRIETOR to present arran ements he to a gigantic aircraft carrier. As cai is the situation.
astrous war debt wrangles of will not address the Canadian the camera stopped here and the Peter (John Mills) a young twenty years ago, in whicn cial obligations and to ador!
to adjust other British Phan The British Embassy in Parliament, but will speais to accentuate little clues to British pilat officer icisht from all participants were the los policies that will promote HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA ashington has announced to various clubs and organithe past. such as an American training arrives in the middle of at Herbert Morrison, Lord zations and will meet minis pin up girl alongside a British an air raid. He meets his com to afford Great Britain, on ral trade and facilitate its ers in the long run: second, the development of multilat GREETS HIS NUMEROUS PATRONS AND FRIENDS THANKING THEM FOR THE YEAR GOODWILL AN resident of the Council in ters of the Canadian govern. dart board chalked on the wall manding officer (Michael SUPPORT e British Cabinet, will arri Red fair but businesslike basis, early resumption on a non ment.
of the deserted crew room grave, who has brought his new the financial assistance she discriminatory basis. a: bet Wishing all a in Canada on January for ly wed wife into the vist of one week and will Welter immediately requires if she ween ourselves and Britain MERRY CHRISTMAS Weadding dress.
en go on to the United Sta THE PAGAN SWORD IS BROKEN is to restore her economy as and, as far as possible throug 5, reaching Washington or Few in any country, and nations to whom Peace is not The story unfolds, som a healthy pillar of internatio hout the world economy.
PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR nuary 12. Political quarters none in many, can lighly remerely a word, but a Creed: unes with brings as the back to return the assurance that this fering to make a not vers on nal trade: third, to secure in We are, in other words, of London interpreted the vi vel this Yule. tide. Yet nev For, in its mad and futile und for emotion, but mostly in to Canada as an early of er in all its twenty centuries career, how much of buoyant and around the Red Lion assistance ill really be used erous investment, first, in Bri rt by the Labour govern has the year crowning fes youth and beauty has that of inn near the airfield. For it is as to promote the re establis by the British in such a way tish economic recovery, but GRANIE THE RELIABLE ent to establish closer con tival held the significance fensive sword sent to the gra there that Miss Todd (Rosa et with the Dominion. The of this Christmas of 1945. Or ve! And who can say how und John. who married the nably free world economy.
ment of a rational and reaso toration of a more or more particularly in the res less Granies Bun. Bread Cakes and all sit is not connected in any was the occasion for so heart many kingdoms of the mind light commander, divides her free world market, relieved ay with the Anglo Ameri felt a celebration.
other confectioneries are made for delicious But the white light of Victinie between her husband, la The lend. lease settlement of the exchange controls, tra an loan negotiations, with ness The forces of evil had un tory is shining on the broken by son, and management of the refers to the past and may de brrires, governmental mo omic energy discussions or ited. They were darkly deIn the city. the coastal and line towns the wholesomeness sword of the Pagan. and inn.
be considered separately Tnopolies and discriminations, rith any other aspect of termined, and for a time all on his shattered chains. So.
of our baked things is well established The flight commander, whose after J Day, for installa which otherwise threaten to payment for goods received totalitarian regimentations Thanking you for your very appreciable support and take Igh British Empire or An most powerful enough, to though the material emblemsverse written between as is tions now turned over and overwhelm us all.
this medium to wish you lo American policy, these tear up the roots of Christia of the festive How well seasohe a recurrent background throu Other claims the British assu this gallant enterprise may ul Christmas laden with joy and pleasure uarters indicated.
nity and dam for centuries sent this year, there should ghout the film, is killed during a New Year ripened with happiness and Morrison will visit the very fountain of Peace. INGLISH LEGATION one of the many raids, me a debt of 650, 000. 000. timately turn out no one can (The prosperity wa, Montreal Toron They fell sword be joy everywhere, however poems quoted were actually writ slate; it was put to the by the All the rest is wiped off the say. There is at first glance, SARAH RICKETSS CHILDREN. GRAND AD GREAT. He has ben in Canada they had forged. But at what restrained. and thankful ten by an airman John Painoy) for which this country fu out our proposals for expan a very theoretical note abGRAND nly once before, when he a cost to civilization to the ness.
Peter, who has become his cost, nished it, which was to secu sion of world trade and employ Since the creation of this BIT OF INFORMATION wonderful United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Po e learn that many enquiries nical training and broad ad gramme, we gain the informati HOTEL CALIFORNIA LITTLE SOME OF THE JAPANESE CRUELTIES IN e being effected by persons ministrative experience in T6 IOL OG on that imense tonage of fnod, MANILA this community in regarl such specialized fields as clothing fuel medicines Avenida Central Facing Botica Primavera BRASS TAG SIG SOME OF THE JAP following mamer.
e United Nations Relief and agricultural rehabilitation. In been shipped to the literated escuring appointment with blic health public welfare and household supplies, etc. have 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station Each German soldier wears a On Christmas Day 1941 it To the, Phupues their habilitation Administration addition the positions set up countries of Greece San José brass identification tag, which is has been recorded that the church; their family and their Yugog th its work planned for the in the field of industrie vil lavia Poland. Czechoshwa Conveniently situated sent home if he is killed. Japanese burnt the Church, homes were sacret; but all require specialization to a cert kia Italy, San Marino cm East.
Confortable Rooms Hot and Cuid Water Baths. Eycellent Sanitary Service All ha tis left of her wonderful Santo Domingo, one of the were profaned by the ages the rob as been gathered that the presin degree.
na. tre Phillipines and other oldest of the Phillipines: the sors. The violence Homelike environment. New furniture and at recruiting emphasis is to It is gleaned also that the countries, and as of Septemequipment Varted and wholessome Food flames destroyed valuable re bery; the torture crime will fill the pages of at ist with the programme for Administration 1344 ligious files.
Con Is a little brass tag: ber 1st of the year in oni se Respectability and Courtesy.
On January the 2nd. 1991 the book which will conderan current needs: in terms necticut Avenue, Washington 25 All of her baby that shoulderoi Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests housands of specialists under technical personel to act has set a minimum age the Administration were in the Japanese entered Manily the actuation of the Japanese Reasonable Prices advisers to and trainers limit of twerty five years Germany and neightouring Is a little brass tag.
15 conquerors and in the in the Phillipines, SYDNEY COX sons to assist in the areas, assisting in the setting Manager the Chinese in rehabilita lage for He that to prounly marched of!
For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele in the line, work; persons with tech operations abroad.
together, caring for and the Lively delivered the ppening responding The People Tailor high eloquence CANTINA BATAAN nationals of whom more than very grateful honar repatriation of United Nations marks and in turn onferred the heard Messrs. Foreman, Clear eyed and smilling, and splen six millions were found in numble on the Johnson, Hylton, Adam Rotdid and fine ermany. SUCCESS as Master of tray, Stanley Blake, Brown. Is home once again on the banks (corner of 5th avenue and fifth street Ceremonies.
Amos Hall, McKnobb in song, of the Rhine.
Here for the best quality of Costa Rica and imported (Right hand corner 5th avenite and 6th seet)
The Misses Clara Rouse and Miss Mason, the guest of ho Just a little brass tas We are very thankful to our customers and friends for the liquors: our grocery offers the best products, correct MR. SAM WATSON Bruennette Blake effected the nour nicce, Master Lionel Rouse, He with the eyes that were kindly past favours and we live in hopes for the continuous conti.
weights and with all courtesies: cutting of the rich wrthday cake; Miss Daisy Goodwin melodies dence of both our old as well as now patrons; The propietors thank their customers and friends and desire for them is a little brass tag: FETED ON BIRTHDAY former won the in splendour, Mrs. Ruth SUCCESS Monday night the 17th. Ins the stomach of a congealed Mrs. Diana Gayle, pinned a rose Quite necessary it was to clear Thomas kept her standard, He wit the shoulders so square Is your Cold Drinks. Meals and Confectionery. Things to REAL MERRY CHRISTMAS 1945 tant. There was in evidence a element so the Master of Cere on the lapel of honouree, accom refreshen and to strengthen: Challenge between the little ra monies applied a good laughing panied with her rose song.
Is a little brass tag.
MERRY CHRISTMAS. HAPPY NEW YEAR PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ndrops and the rising moon and wash; the first cleanses was Mr.
He that stepped forward to after an hour fight the beauti Stanley Dalhouse who gave rous board, dancing took charge un To ride with a sabre or march close of the festive follow the flag OPEN AT ALL HOURS CORBETS ul moon took command.
ngly his birthday eulogies and til the small hours of Tuesday CHARLES AND AMY KENTON There was a leak in the dyke congratulations then in corres morning.
due to over whelming enthusiasm with a Krag in that which was planned as a Youl ll find now, with thousands surprise birthnight fete foor our MITCHEL BAR RESTAURANT shipped home in a bag THE PEOPLE MEAT STALL in gay spirits. Miss Daisy GodJust a little brass tag good towns man, Sr. Sam Watson Lower Virth avenue towards the Railroad track Oh, mother, the boy you re so SASTRERIA CLIFFORD STEELE REGGIE STEELE he splendid token of love and IN ORDER TO ADD TO THE COMFORT OF THE CUSTO.
hungry to see MERS THE ENTIRE LOWER FLOOR IS NOW AT YOUR ell fostly and not without reach DISPOSAL Is a little brass tagi Extends the season greeting to the many patrons and NEW CUSTOMERS COME DAILY high glassmark This fete had Our specialist Drinks and Eats can be secered at all hours friends thanking for their preference to wear: This is your stall fro clean cuts and correct weights the honour to had initialed the of the highl open at all hours The end of your dreams of the SASTRERIA EXCELSION GARMENTS: Wishing all Limonenses and other customers and friends Chris. mas festivities which are The Blu Light Dance Hall upstars is also an added man he would be New designe and better materials await your orders for the listed for the Hall of the St.
FEATURE Is a little brass tag: HAPPY CHRISMAS Mark Parish Your beautiful visions of splenHERE IS ISHING OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS: Messrs. Derby. guitarist, dors have fled AND MERRY CHRISTMAS Dobson, banjoist, Gibbs, ceRRY CHRISTMAS 1945 Your wondeful man of tomorrow loist, Perey Pinnock, violinist, lies dead: furnished seasoningly the music BRIGHT NEW YEAR PRAPERONS NEW YEAR 1946 He went as a soldier, but comes PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR for the occasion.
home instead Mr. Jos. Brothers Just a little brass tas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Muel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica abMr.
use son and the a gun were writer and blue the contest.
rang and so true At the new year offee

    FranceGermanyInvasionItalyViolenceWorld War

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