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WEDDING RECEPTION OF MR. AND MRS. HUBERT FRANCIS Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 5th January 1946 THE BETHEL LODGE RALLY AT SIQUIRRES The night of Tuesday the Anglican Chuteh playing the ke. the gretings for Sep 11th of December will lonc accampaniment, Miss Marytember by Miss Lewis JAP DEAD IN BURMA AM. BY S members of the Bethel Lot led Reapers Song linger in the memory of the Brown sung the solo split Engleton spoke for Oe tober Miss Brown for Churchill in 1914 stated From Salzuitter comes and ge of the Independent Order The main event of the twel November and Miss Amelia hat the Lighting in Burma engaging story of sixteen British of Good Samaritans and Disive months of the year brc Jarrétt for December.
The secret history of the war Although the wheat harves onstituted the biggest land clash prisoners of war. When the Am ughters of Samaria, beinis ught out Mr. Charles Mor The big clash came bel Canada and Britain have divid is being disclosed bit by bit. The is becoming quite general in both with the Japanese of the wholerican troops entered the town unat on which their rally o:gan heading the march, in re ween Mr. Mettie Wilson and ther ed north transatlantie ir pas story can be told now. it is Argentina and Australia, ar East war Statistics which they found these British soldiers the twelve months of the presentation of January; the Miss Mary Brown, but in the her tratte by streement, and believe, to be at least touched appears to be no significant chan would have given support to standing smartly at attention in year was staged a fune month of February by Mr. end the man of Grecian Fame were the town square. Although they tion which was prace with Isiah Harris. Mrs. Crane in the division have given pros o in a semi publle documento in the tal spilles available Mr. Churchill statement won the golden Meed. The Cambridge Union for export by the four principa then still secret, and a number had no arms they had several of the Siquirres township and Gordon for April. the remany prominent res dents spoke for March. Miss programme on a whole was a pediye ait travellers picture of how the of what is coming in the way was suddenly commandeered for exporting countries. The first of people raised their eyebrows hundred German s lin peak of success.
vicinity af overnight trips from Montreal week in the early part of last official estimate of the Argentine at this claim. They felt that the ed up ready for the prisoner presentation of May by Mrs. The Bethel Lodge adopts The chairman. MAMA Stephens; for June, Mrs.
week year, cleared of everyone con wheat crop places total produc Burma batue was something of pens.
this medium to London and perhaps express the end trips from Vancouver to Mel nected with it except the Chiet tion at about 185, 700, 000 bushels sideshow compared with One of the British Wilson very effectively ste Mary Davis de Bent. the thanks to soldier everyone who bourne and Wellington, the Mon Clerk, who was left in his office as compared with 150, 100, 000 whole pattern of the Far ered the programme. Among discourse for July by Mr. had in one forin or the other East stepped forward smartly and the entertainers were treal Carette sald on December but allowed no communication bushels a year ago and the ave war, and that the British Mrs. Wilson (of Em handed the whole town over to ury Dayis de Bant, the Fame) August by Miss Bur Grecian collaborated to bring about 20th with the rest of the building rage crop of 240, 000, 000 bushelsire effort was being dwarted the officer of the American troops Misses Ety Thompson the accomplishment.
md The greement provides for while van loads of models were or the 10 year period 1932 41 by the great island hopping ad Tahir was delivered in the movement of 400 passenger brought in under cover of dark There is no cfficial estimate Iris Irwing of 28 Miles. Mrs.
vances in the Pacific. But now perfect order Besides the Ger Bent presided at the can weekly until unlimited numbersness and set up in the debatin. Australian wheat production for we can see that what Mr man prisoners, the three thousand and in addition rendered accommodated whenhall which has rung with the this year, but latest enbled advi Churchill said was, indeed, ae civilians were quietly in their very humorus song. The in Donnerdal transport becomes accents of the great for a cen ces suggest a crop of approxima curate.
homes and some 25, 000 foreign dies rendered the National Vallable tury, with sentries with Brentely 125. 000. 000 bushels, which If the Tokyo figure of 310, 000 workers in their own camp outAnthem of this Republic os, Canadian officiale returning auns keeping Kuard at the outer while more than twice as large apsoldiers killed in the whole side the town well as songs and solos. The from Pamilton, Bermudn, where doors. Over the models pored as the 1944 crop of 51, 900. 000 war is correet, then the forces These sixteen British soldiersInn of my Heart was rende the Canadian British Atlantic air Eisenhower and Montgomery and bushels, is substantially below in SEAC (86 of them British all privates. had been running red by Miss Dorothy Broodie.
reement was signed outline other authorities only leks dis the 1932 41 average Empire) killed between a third the town for a week. One of Other recitations were give NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO some of the details on future linguished. Cambridge, therefore Domestic disappearance and a half of that total For them had been mayor and the by the Misses Delphenia PLEASE YOU transocean travel which has from the first been intimates for Argentina in 1948 the sake of people who like rest councillors. What had hap Melita James and Henrietta They said the agreement prothe forefront over the atomic range up to 125, 000. 000 bushet exact figures, it works out at pened was that, as the Americans Charles. With Mrs. Lindsay.
vide Trans Canada Air Lines bomb, and though much less is or more. Assuming a home con 42. But actually it is probably approached this town where the the organist of the St. Mary LIMON and British Overseas Airways Inown of that. over the vitally sumption of 110, 000, 000 bushels, higher that that because, as Ge Tommies were prisoners of war, wuch with a weekly seating en important dehydration process, supplies available for export neral Slim said in London not the Nazi leaders had fled and pulty of 350 euch day. The may claim to have played a part and carry over will be a little long ago, the Fourteenth Army the guards had released the gure was set by the necessity of of some signiticance in the pre over 100, 000, 000 bushels. Up to did not reckon a Jap as dead British privates. They then pro uipment shortage and is design parations for day.
the end of November, 1945, ap until they had actually gained ceeded to tell the German Mr. and Mrs.
ciThe invitees to the Wed first Tonsure conferred for, Farid Walet ed to keep an even balance of proximately 90, 000. 000 had been possession of his body, and there vilians and soldiers in the towr ding Reception given by our the Order of Priesthood pro Clarence Sankey and sonsDaffle between the two governexported from Argentina with almust have been many thousands that they had better surrender good citizens, Mr. Carlos and nounced the grace before a representative number ni ment operated service most 40. 000. 000 bushels destined for Japanese killed by the Gander Lake, Nild, when RAF and do as they were told, Other Mrs. Imogene Evans in hor the good things were parta Mr. Francis comrades from the now using converted Heathrow for the United Kingdom and the or who died of wounds whose wise the Yanks will blow our of their esteemed daugh ken.
the Eagle Aces Friendly Clu airport is completed yop Lancasters which carry about 35 at London, alternate services are continent. In the event that the bodies were never recovered by and your town to bits. They ter Inez Elena and Mr. Hu The cutting of the richly ma. Mr. and Mrs. Potasse presumably would 1946 wheat requirements of the the British Iceland on told the civilians to stay provided via bert Francis on the night of de cake, the handi work of Louis. Mrs. Simon. Mrs.
the inbike 10 round trips a week to north and Bermuda and the Azo other South American countries These 130, 000 Japs killed in doors and persuaded the foreign Friday, eight days if those mrs. Clarence Sankey was ef Ruth Escoe. the Misses ure up the 360 capacity while res on the south remain at their 1945 level, it is Burma were the cream of three workers to keep to their camp, who attended are adherants fected by Mr. and Mrs vers. Elena Willis. Cla the C. using Libera will provide, free of charge, now estimated that some Japanese armies, the Fifteenth, away from roads where of the timeaged adage to Francis with the former wiris Simes. Frank. Marga they tors which carry fewer than 35 shuttle service connecting 50, 000, 000 will be available for the Twenty Eighth and the Thirty might get in the way of the Ame render funto Ceasar the ning the contest. In arding ret Dawkins. Nurse Brown Prest would have to make more round wick to London until Heathrow Surope during the coming year. Third, three armies which were rican advance.
things which are his and the a treat to the occasion seve. Mrs. Simmons. Miss trips to use up the allowable smashed by three British Indian! The American officer things celestial unto is ready God ral of the spinsters competri Lniett Brown. Messrs. asked capacity At the moment it costs about corps with the help of some them to stay on and continue to then they will tune in and in the catching of the bridal go, Secretary to the ComFlying time between the two 375 ench way was won by mander of Police. Clifford Chinese divisions and a brigade run things. The British privates join the chorus that it was bouquet: this across the terminals at present is about 12 Atlantic and these fares in futuBOOKS BURNED of Americans.
celebrated on the backgro Miss Pearl Gayle.
have everything organized in the Taylor. Major and Mrs.
hours but this would be cut There is little reason to doubt highest degree of law and order. ind of exquisite admiration re will be set by mutual agreeThe guests included the Re Thos. Lynch Miss Delfidown and passenger capacity The books the Nazis ment between the two operalburned the Tokyo figures of casualties reported the officer to General and surrounded with a gay verend Father Rojas of the na Booth and many others.
Increased when new commercial ing cathedral. Doña Adela Ab The table service was of services were not only in German bonatmosphere.
and subject as being substantially correct. Simpson transport equipment becomes Pires. More than a million books It was no accident in havdelnour. Doña Antonia high standard; rich and plen agreement by the two govem The available ing such a distinguished set cuña and her sister. Donty dainties, wedding were destroyed by fire in Germents Meanwhile the whole While the services will fly questions of transatlantic air rates man bombing raids on England ting for the family concern Amako Castillo, his gifts were of a costly variestraight line route over lied are worthy human land wife and daughters. Don ty and of numerial order.
Goose is being studied at a conferene most of them in municipal Bay. Labrador to marks of Limon.
Prestwick, of world air operators in New braries. Some 54, 000 children Scotland, temporarily and over York this week.
books went up in flames, and 50 varas al Oeste de la Panadería de los thousands of special collections ed a picture of charm in her housed in the libraries are gone señores Musmanni.
trousseau; rarely fashioned DE 1946 forever.
duchess gown with trailing of the 1, 145, 500 books deLE OFRECE TODO LO QUE USTED circular fall; needled from La emisión consta de 22. 000 billetes divididos en vigésimos.
Avenida Central. Facing 3otica Primavera numerados del 1001 al 23000, a 20. 00 cada billete stroyed in the ruins of the bomb NECESITE PARA SU VIVIENDA.
Nylon and interwoven with ed libraries, 982, 000 were in city bows at well gauged spaces y 1. 00 cada vigésimo.
100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station TODO MUY BARATO.
libraries: 155. 813 belonged tc and rested on Satin duchesVALOR EN PREMIOS: 277. 300. 00 COLONES San José university libraries and the rest se. Her coiffeur was adorm.
Conveniently situated. Confortable Rooms Hot Premio Mavor de to the country libraries ed with a coronet of 100. 000. 00 Less 508 in the 336 in Ca 308. This is a drop of 16 per orna Segundo Premio de 20. 000. 00 and Cold Water Baths. Eycellent Sanitary Service than a quarter have been repine nada. By 1944 the average per cent in Britain, and a rise of mental queenly design. Her 10 Premios de 1. 000. 00 cada uno 10. 000. 00 white bridal slippers and glo Homebke environment. New furniture and ed, most of them in the big capita expenditure in Britain was 16 per cent in both the US 20 Premios de 300. 00 cada uno 10. 000. 00 equipment. Varied and wholessome Food libraries hardest hit in the blitz 73. 9; 559; Canada. Tand Canada.
ves were rather harmonizing.
80 Premios de 200. 00 co da 16. 000. 00 These were all secured in the 141 Premios de 100. 00 cada 14. 100. 00 Respectability and Courtesy.
Washing and ironing equipment for service cf guests great Metropolis of North 10 Aproximaciones al Premio Mayor (5 anteriores SCARCITY THANKS OF WILLIAM AND MRS.
y posteriores) de 500. 00 cada una. 000. 00 Reasonable Prices merica. Her bouquet of ova: brush form was made of San 10 Aproximaciones al Segundo Premio (5 anterio SYDNEY COX. Manager IN BRITAN ADASSA DAYSLEY: 500. 00 Jose chois cest roses.
res y posteriores de 150. 00 cada una 21 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Pri.
Per capita purchases of civilian The festive board was of mer, de 200. 00 cada una 200. 00 goods and services in Britain Mere words are without the equivalent depth of grafi an imposing nature and pre 198 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del Prifell between 15 and 20 per cent tude which we owe to the Medical Staff and liften sidend over by Mr. Jos. mer Premio de 100 cada una 19. 800. 00 from the 1938 level, while in dants of the Social Securety Hospital of San Jose for 1980 Terminaciones a la última cifra del Primer, de Thomas. The bride brother 40. 00 cada una 79. 200 both the United States and Co the great paternal and humanitarian care given to Mr. Robert Henry Evans who AND RESTAURANT nada they increased 10 to Wiliam Daysley during the period of his very delicate has already obtained his 2472 PREMIOS VALOR 277 300 percent during the war years illness. Our thanks are equally due to the many friends NI Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE according to a report by the and sympathizers who have expressed their good will OFFERS: Combined Production and Re by means of Cards. Letters. Visits. Inquiries The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
sources Board and other tokens.
LIMON JANUARY 19 1945 per capita expenditures on ci vilian goods were 87. in Britain a to LA CASA DE LOS MUEBLES The young bride present PLAN PARA EL SORTEO DEL DE ENERO HOTEL CALIFORNIA uno uno NEW HARLEM CANTINA 15 Limón Trading Company EAGLE ACES FRIENDLY CLUB HITS HOME PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO Dried ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra Searcely enough breathing favoured by our good friends of space was the scene in the St. the Eagle Aces to share their Mark Parish Hall on Chistmas pleasure. we attended, but Eve on the occasion of the Fu safety first commanded our fee gle Aces Friendly Club Dance. ling as it was evident that our Seamingly every bud from old beanstalk could not with youth garden had left the cor stand the surge.
The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao stock and were there enjoying the fragance of the festive season They had safe conduct to Won derland, because the Riverside Orchestra paved the way: though it was a journey thro with extensive stretches of Sun COMERCIANTE We are Agents for ding paved the way. though DETALLISTA It was a journey through ex Licores Abarrotes Cristensive stretches of Sanding taleria Materiales de OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Jiving. Jitterbugging and Ferreteria ly Eléstricos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Todo se encuentra en este We have been alwnys greatly Establecimiento RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER JOSE ACHIONG NG.


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