
Tu me perdonarás porque me acas.
Porque tu alma ha guardado ciegamente este cariño, nacido solamente de la sinceridad.
Tu sabrás comprender mi pesimismo; el temor a decirte claramente toda la verdad He vivido perdido en un abismo de angustias y de males!
Tu sabrás comprenderme bien amada: y me querrás aún más y más, hasta la muerte aunque el Cielo se oponga.
Eternamente. yo, he de amarte, mujer, porque eres buena; porque eres santa y mereces que te queira.
Pongo a tus pies mi vida entera y abro mi corazón para que sepas todas mis penas.
Mis angustias y males.
Para que vengas a calmar este dolor que me ahoga.
Tu me habrás de perdonar porque me amas y yo te he de querer porque eres buena; porque has compartido mi profunda pena y te he ararstrado conmigo hasta el abismo que se abre en mi alma.
Tu me perdonarás, porque me amas.
Enero de 1946.
DOLORES en las COYUNTURAS entonan y fortalecen los riñones SEÑOR GANADERO. No se deje engañar said romáticas rudo socio dolores en las coormati e por FRESCOSAL was Píldoras DeWitt mans did not have the air GERMANS FOOLED AT TIME OF INVASION power to whip both the Bri Pildoras De Witt Limón, Enero de 1946.
The Germans guessed the high command guessed the tish Air Force and Royal place. strength and approxi general area and aproximate Navy.
alivian rápidamente mate time of the Allied in strength of the day inva Jodl also said it had been vasion of Normandy, but we sion, the Germans had expec, hoped that Britain would not los re fooled in their expectated it several weeks earlier. continue fighting after Frantion that a second, stronger ce fell.
hrust would come farther The Nazis were certain, Jodl As for Russia, Jodl said an north, a supreme headquar said that the Allies yould nobody had considered ter intelligence officer dis make a second, even stron attack on the Soviet as closed Thursday after ques ger assault farther north in either desirable or probable, city of American tactics.
THE FISTIC GRILL tioning Col. Gen.
If, Jodl said, the Germans Gustav the Pas de Calais area, and but that late in 1940 and ear Los dolores en las coyunJodl of the Nazi high com for this reason hesitated to ly in 1941 he reported to had given up the Avranches Report has reached us that the year in course.
turas y en la cintura le inmand.
shift 14 divisions of the Ger Hitler that the Russians were attack and fought a rear advance notice states that The most prominently me dican que sus riñones no man 15th army concentrated building up their forces ag guard action on the Seine, Costa Rica boxing arena is tioned fighter is Vincent funcionan normalmente.
Estos órganos están inactiThis officer said question there to Normandy to rein inst Germany. Hitler, Jodl the Allies never would have to be invaded with many rez, the Welter weight chas vos y permiten que las ing of Jodl and Field Mar force the German seventh continued, felt that if he did broken through the Siegfri worthwhile pugilists during pion of Venezuela.
impurezas y venenos, al no not attack, he soon would be ed line because the Germans ser eliminados de la sangre, shals Wilhelm Keitel and army.
No solamente eliminar las impuse alojen en los músculos rezas y vecesos SIDO que también faced with Russia entry in would have had time to man Albert Kesselring also disy coyunturas.
Dentro de las 24 horas de haber closed that: Determined to hold the to weaker states of Europe. it properly.
Estos venenos (especialmente el tomado la primera dores de Pildora: Orders for German inva Pas de Calais area and its Thus Hitler and the high Questioned about the Arexceso de ácido únicol, si no son De Wittla ona se tornar azulada.
rápidamente eliminados del or Esto demuestra que el excelente sion of Britain were issued weapon sites, the Germans command agred to attack Ru dennes offensive Jodi ganismo, poeden producat dolorosas antiseptico que conoce las Pil.
the inflamaciones Para doras De Wit cerce a acción en la July 2, 1940, but were cance did not transfer troop: from sia, jodl Şaid. He declared the the Germans realized PARA MANTENER SUS ANIMALES SANOS combate al precio Degar de propus de mallordones lled Oct. 6, three months there until they had determi invading germans fully pre war was lost when that blow inmediato.
ancona Carndo no hayse recupe December, later, because of the hazards ned that the Allied divisions pared for war. Jodl sais the failed last but miento de todos nues.
Las Pido De welaboran and lack of training. whitch they believed were North African invasion gave that Germany continued to especialment pas acti cas y primento de attua vidad en desaparecer Add being held for a landing at the Nazi high com its firts tight on in hopes of a politi qué 400 buco para Codemasid AFRICA SURPRISE elimumada de col Pas de Calais were fighting complete surprise, that the cal miracle and a stand be dolores brochures, reactismo y algo mas que no tempor. no Germans had no idea sura hind the Rhine, Seizure dolores de entra in Normandy.
of Hitler alone did not make wblow contemplated the Remagen bridge over the the decision to invade Russia, REALIZED TOO LATE until Allied convoys were Rhine upset that schedule he but the German high com seen moving through Gibral added.
de pers Rematisma Lambuco Dolor en la mand shared in that decision, Jodl account as given by tar. Even then the Germans The German general said and Jodl claimed the Rus the intelligence officer conti didn know where landings Hitler and the high comwould come.
sians had been strengthen inued: mand alike felt that some of sub The German command, he fensive han to be undertaken ing their forces facing Ger Ten days after the Nor continued many.
mandy landings, the Gerdisapproved of Acounterattack in the won east The Allied invasion of mans realized they couldn Hitler friendship with Mus was first considered, but disNorth Africa scored a com shove the Allies back solini, and didn want Italy carded because the Russians into LA FAMA plete surprise.
sea without more mobile reto join in the war. Jodl. Kehad more than 400 divisions 50 varas al Oeste de la Panadería de los The Germans were amazSo the Germans chose the serves, and it was then that sselring and Keitel all said señoris Musmanni.
ed by the failure of their at they rushed the Second SS Italy was considered a liabils weak spot in the centre in En LA FAMA encuentra usted un surtid tempt to smash the Ameri corps consisting of the ty rather than an asset, the the Ardennes area.
completo de alpacas y tafetales floreados.
LE OFRECE TODO LO QUE USTED cans corridor out of Norman Ninth and Tenth SS Panzer intelligence officer reported. This attack was originally at NECESITE PARA SU VIVIENDA. dy, at Ayranches. last Au divisions, to the west despite Jodl said the German failu scheduled to open between Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria TODO NUY BARATO.
the sore need for them still re to break through at Av. Nov. 20 and Nov. 22, Jodil he Jodl was quoted as saying on the eastern front.
ranches. the corridor thro declared, but had to be dela that although the German ugh which American armour yed until Dec. 16 because of LA FAMA. All members of the German raced to Brittany and then Allied air attacks on high high command had thought fanned out to form the Fa. ways and railroads.
ROGELIO TASIES hd LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SER AN LOS COLONES DEL over Jodi the invasion could be repuls laise trap and sweep declared 900 trains ind ed, butJodl personally was France put the Germans were needed to concentrate MAN NA, SI USTED SABE AHORRAR not satisfied with the numin such a position that when Nazi forces for the attack, ber of reserve German divi the American breakthrough and that the entire Sixth COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el sion in France.
came, the Nazis could not Panzer army was moved over AVISO! AVISO!
form their lines again. He the Rhine in the greatest FEARED AIR POWER also declared the Germans secrecy.
Jodl said the British inva were astonished at the auda Por no poderse atender personalmente se vende la sion orders finally were can celled because the weather and lack of training ard GRAN CAFETERIA CASINO (Sucursa en Limón)
equipment made it too hazardous. The German army was Si usted necesita los servicios competentea, Frente Almacén de los Peña Realiza Toa Clase de Operacic Bancaria not trained in amphibious Confianza distinguida y con larga experiencia como operations, Jodl insisted he administrador de propiedades en la Provincia de Limón CIUDAD DE LIMON LA personally opposed an inva: FOR UNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO sion because it would have DIPIJASE: Entenderse con la dueña en el mismo negocio.
meant landing 10 divisions in GEORGE LAZARUS 16 days, and because the Ger PARA SUS GANADOS, SALUD Гned LA CASA DE LOS MUEBLES to cer BANCO DE COSTA RICA OPORTUNIDAD TOME KOLA GARROS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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