
ATLANTIC VOICE SASTRERIE لما له لا ير م ملا ہے لنا با سط war one his yokes of nazi Germany and the fanatic Japanese 1854. Russia under pretense CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING DECLARED nations are freed once more to work out their des vinces on the Danube from NECESSARY TO HEMISPHERE SOLIDARITY: It is reported that new to Page Savado, Enero 14 de 140 IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK DEMONSTRATION OF THANKS Let us start anew this morning with a higher, fairer creed Let us cease to stand complaining of life Editor: JOS. THOMAS P. BOX 199 failures Limon, 12th January, 1946 NO 498 EXCELSIOR Let us cease repining while our duty call is YEAR XI clear TAILOR THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF COSTA RICA RED CROSS SOCIETY Let us waste no time murmuring, then our hearts shall know no fear.
The marches of the years shed the first college of nurse cuase. The German spies had L brougth the 60ht anniversary training in St. Thomas and kept vigilance day and night LE THE YEAR 1946 of the Costa Rica Red Cross King College in London. on Edith Cavell until she Societ yand in high tribute After her marvellous and cha was finally held at the muz.
Commerce Avenue, Next to the British FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITCR to the commemorative event, ritable life she crossed the le of the pistol, then she was Vice Consulate and Airplane Booking Office the President of the Repu Jordan in 1910.
accused for crimes, The fame of Edith Cavell court martialed condemned President of the National Le the province and people.
Our Congressman and Vice Today, we enter upon the twelfth day of the blic, Lic. Don Teodoro Picado 1914 1918 to death; she faced her cruel oratory course. As an exter month of January 1946; not only with the thought ha sautorized the emision originated in the war. She directed a hospital fate in October 1915. These Francisco Fonseca Chamier, local custom building in this the easily finding of a paragislature, the Honourable The mammath crawd ad the poreanous speaker we doubt of being a New Year, but with the joy that out of a postage stamp: two heroines of England side of the civil disturbances in some parts of the that is said to carry a Red in Brussels, Belgium and at Cross and the effigies of two tended to the needs of the have left humanity this Attorney at Law and his city was selfevident of the uel. Don Ricardo Villafran world, the greatest number of our human brethren prominent English women; wounded Allied troops. She great Institution, universall, esteemed family are guests profundity of the of this city.
esteem ca also climbed the dizzy ora are free from burden. cruelties. slavery and two nurses who demonstra gave her life in the Allied known as Red Cross Society.
and love in which Lic. don tory heights.
inted themselves as great herotorture.
Grateful Limonenses Francisco Fonseca and In response Lic. Don Fon and This period brings us to the second January ines in facing danger could not afford to let this family are held.
seca gave illustrations of the and death to take care of wound golden opportunity slip by in since the termination of the European war Seasoning effect was added ordeal in his toil, but with ed soldiers in war. namely, NOTICE order to show the disting with the presence of the Band the assurance that there is first since the capitulation of Japan.
Florence Nightengale and shed Statesman in a manney of Music.
no weariness. We paraphrase Is is a boom of relief to possess the realization Edith Cavell.
Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de more than mere words how Our highly regarded fellow from his speech that such is that this New Year finds a large quantity of huHistory is emblazoned with ing Requirements to eria dirijase a much we are in his debt for citizen and President of the his purpose; such is his zeal man creatures standing for the unification and the marvellous deeds acomthe many measures he has Educational Committee, Don and with unfaltering efort for solidarity of mankind; living in that realization plished bythese two English ROIG brought to the front; some Carlos Mora delivered tne the betterment of Limon, that before our Creator each man soul is of bo women of immortal memory.
have already given fruitfw opening address and by economically, educationally, The long peace which had Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos yeild and others are in pro which he maintained his mo socially, morally and undless value.
other reigned in Europe since the duction. all in behalf olunt as a gallant knight on an wise.
1946 finds the smaller European nations BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25. ellington victory of Water China and those of the Pacific slands basking in loo in 1815 was at length bro the sunshine of freedom and human liberties. The ken in the Crimean War of DISTURBANCE EMPEROR HIROHITO NEW YEAR MESSAGE The New Year Message, acceptance and the Japanese IN MILAN Government of of Emperor Hirohito to the is not destined to govern the grave Japanese public is classifed world.
Turkish misrule, made war disturbances are taking an to be democratizing the tho This declaration is stated tinies; aided by the United Nations of the occuon Turkey, to whom they (Culled from America Unida)
ascending character in Milan, ughts of the Japanese as well to have been very pleasing pied countries. Those persons who have survived belonged, with the hope that one of the important cities as for the liberation of his to General Douglas Mac Ar the most cruelly of all human treatment under a she might herself be able to Boston, Massachusetts. To these conditions have of Italy. It necessitated the government.
thur, the North American wartime systematic murder and were deliberately marked seize Constantinople and The ideal of Inter Ameri been added interrention of armed forces High Command.
down for brutal extermination, can in this year make herself mistress of can solidarity will be able to hardships in the form of in to surpress the uprising The pronouncement of the It has been mentioned also Behind the motive is given Emperor is said to be with that about three hundred breathe in an atmosphere of civilization, free to the Black Sea. Britain and weather a good many gales in flation, shortages and lack of France formed themselves in the postwar world, despite transportation. The speeches the information that disfrar jout parallel in the annals of members of the Japanese Par observed and appreciate the beauties of nature to an allianse to prevents this efforts by forces hostile to of delegates of the other chisement in certain indas Japan history and is given liament will be dismissed and with light hearts they can praise the Giver. and came to the assistance the United Nations to suggest merican Republics at recent tries as well as in Public as follows: from office. Among these are On our continent it is quite evident that we of Turkey. They landed an that the United States will world conferences show thai Works giving preferences to The Japanese traditional to be those influential in the will be forced for some time to bear much of the army into the Crimea, a pe relax its efforts after the they are vitally concerned burden produced as an aftermath of the eight ninsula in the south of Ru war in behalf of the Good about economic guarantecs exsoldier led by inserpulous conception that the Emperor association of help to the Im political agitators.
is adivine person was a false perial Government and the Societies of Political Cha year war of the Far East the live years of Europe ssia, won the great battles of Neighbor program, William and the sovereignty of sma and the nearly four years of the Pacific conflict.
racter to the State and to the Alma (September 1854. Berrien, professor of Spanler states.
Balaklava (October 1854) and ish and Portuguese at Har Mr. Berrien said a perma AN IMPORTANT NOTICE which the greatest number of seems imposible for us to expect o sudden Inkermann (November 1854) vard University in Cambridnent program for the develop We are voluntarily using It is strictly necessary to the Parliamentarians belong.
rich state of living, but there is almost every assu and besieged the Russians in ge, Massachusetts, declared ment of Inter American com this means to advise all fo present your Cedulas at the This is destined to blunt the ranse that with national unity the hungry wolves their strong fortress of Se recently.
mercial relations is wen reigners who are under the office of the Police head operation of the so called Pro will have no opportunity to prey upon us.
Writing on The Importan assured, but that people of alien Residential Cedula re quarters at your locationsgressive Party. The seats in It is our fond hope that throughout the year ce of Inter American Cultu the other Americas, impress quirements that the yearly respectively.
the Parliament are said During this struggle Flowe shall grow nearer and nearer to one another; ral Relations in the magazied by our ability to wage Renovation is to be effected number 466.
remembering at all times that the weakest rence Nightengale was the ne, EDUCATION, published total war without altering within the months of Janva at times, can give some hep to the strongest and voluntarily organized a group dly political relations first English woman to have here, Mr. Berrien said frien our democratic pattern, want ry and March. At the close This latter should not always use its force to crush of her country women must understand the moral and of this first quarter any per WANTED AT BRITISH VICE CONSULATE a depend upon helpful econo intellectual values which son who has not complied the humble and meek.
nurses to care for wounded mic collaboration and genui have led to our participation wil be subjet to a fine The following persons are Joseph Ramsay British soldiers who had suf ne cultural interchange.
in the struggle.
according to the disposition quested to call at the British Levi Newton Inter American solidarity fered horribly during the They also want to know Charles Pink ce Consulate in this city: Matters of the Law.
Joseph Henry CERVEZA PABST seige, but these soldiers truc will endure partly because more of our cultural instituto the characteristic noble of the ground work of broad tions and of our contribution POR CAJA courage of the British so regional cooperation which to the creative arts he said.
diers, it is recorded that they the Pan American Union has They expect us to be equally DE DONDE?
had borne their hardships laid during the past 55 interested in the values for equally as their gallantry on years, he declared.
which they stand.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS the battle. fields.
Havoc which the war has Mr. Berrien said the work The then Czar Nicholas or brought to European coun of the Division of Cultura TAMBIEN Russia had great human gen: Relations of the State De.
tries has made the other VENTA DE MERCADERIAS erals, but Generals January Americas partment and the Office ot aware of their and February (Winter) had own problems, among them Inter American Affairs had EN GENERAL served him better. Florence undernourishment illiteracy, ing the impression in the done much toward eradicatFRENTE UNIDAD SANITARIA Nightengale had braved the inequitable land ownership. Jother Americas that United CIUDAD DE LIMON danger and peril and two semi feudal working condi States culture is predominan years later when she retur tions, and low consuming ned to England she establi power, the professor wrote.
tly materialistic and utilita rian.
EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE There are valuable lesson HITLER DEAD BODY to be learned from scholars The ATLANTIC VOICE gas of the bank in this city.
of the other Americas, one learns that the high functio but also to assist in new cul Originating from a Paris, ned body.
nisries of the National Bank tivations and once these stu news organ it is reported that Personally we do not belie has to do with the interpre have destined effective finan dies are terminated the Bank the dead body of Hitler had ve that Adolfo Hitler is dead; tation of facts, not with the cial assistance for this zoue will determine the sum been found by a high Rus recalling the statement mere accumulation and re to be in effect ere the terme money which is to be assign sian officer on the 19th of whirh was released by a nazi cording of these facts. he nation of the present month. ed to the Rural Committee December 1945. It was disco Naval Officer that as long as said.
HAS RECENTLY ADDED TO IS FLEET There will be placed in prac which will be functioning in ered buried in a hidden re the German underwater The civilizations North and tice the plan to study out this city. In addition finan vge at a very short distan crafts were in operation, the South of the Rio Grande are OF BANANA CARRIERS NEW FAST Cacao production in order cial assistance is also promi ce from the Third Germar Navy had vowed to protect essentially different but to proceed to finance, not sed to those persons who will Reich.
the Fuehrer. While the in each can supplement and en VESSEL OF 500 TONS BURDEN only by advancing money interest themselves in cattle The identification is said vasion of Berlin was in pro rich the other. What is need to the cultivators for the pro rearing.
to have been effected by Hit cess the nazi submarines ed is a program of cultural duets to be taken to the bode ler dentist who ezaminaded were yet in activity.
relations which is vital, dis PASSENGERS WILL BE ACCEPTED the dental work of the bur interested and continuous.
BETWEEN Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back de los primeros 10 días de cada Ines or receipt which reads: IN EXPECTATION PORT LIMON AND TAMA FLORIDA We are in expectation of This bill must be paid at our office before having the visits of three to Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnou la pena the 10th of the month four ships with cargoes de tener que cortar su servicio ceeding directly from the Un THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING ORPORATION, Ltd.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not ited States and Europe It Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso oblige us to suspend our service, a step which is estimated that the vessels de su recibo que dice: wo would much regret to take will discharge at this port ap CHANDLER WEHRMAN, anager proximately five thousand tons of merchandise and other needful articles.
to vital interest: To The General Travelling Public of COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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