
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN income serious as to BAGE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 12th January 1946 unduly difficult since the Go on our customers, and by bu period and at stable prices.
vernment hall at its dispospalying mucn trom them we At firts sight, these cours even before the war a con. could hope that a good pro tries seemed to benefit from mercial intelligence service, portion OL their purenases such arrangements; but they WHY BRITAIN MUST EXPORT that MORE foodstuffs and however embryonic, in the rom third THE WAY TO THE STARS countries woula found in the firts place, tha raw materials will be wantea shape of the Department of come back to us in the ena. Germany was only willing to Slumps in Britain have changing some of these for to nourish our full employ Overseas Trade with agents 11, however, we feel that let them have such goods in REVIEWED BY SQUADRON LEADER often starte with slumps in other products provided by foment economy. For high le. in every country. Moreover, too much of this demand gest excnange as the could casilly WILLIAM SIMPSON OF BRITAIN its export trade. Adecline in reign countries. Grapes could vel of employment cans for the Government has accum lost on the way we could spare goods which were in ROYAL AIR FORCE the foreign demand for Lan be produced in hot houses, a high level of imports. lated a great deal of experierenter into direct long term most cases quite different cashire cotton goods, or for or could be extracted from When the wheels of industry ce in selling in war time buying and selling arrange from those wanted, and, in. Conclusion)
coal from Sout Wales or coal, ulasttics could be substi turn at full speed large quan for instance through the Unments with those countries the second place, having gea The atmosphere of those strannien ne considers, barbarte, and for steel from the Midlans tuted for aluminum, and so tities of raw materials are ited Kingdom Commercial which woull make our mu red their production to the Re, exciting days, when the quiet heartily enpoys himself in the led to a fall in activity and on. There would then be no used up. And when every Corporation.
tual purchases more or less export o fthe goods demaned countryside of England was gra process. Breezy Americans crowd employment in the cotton, major uncontrolled factors body has a job, incomes are The main difficulty, howe balance over a long periodas, for instance, soya beans vely threatened by its first in out the bar of the Red Lion coal or steel industry, and to uspet a plan for full em sume moore foodstuffs. We ver, is likely to arise as a re This might be held to involve. they lost all chances of sevasion after nearly a thousand and shock tife staid old resi thence to a fall in income ployment.
haigh and people want to consult of inability to sell. Fo a distortion of the natural Wing in other markets, and years of liberty, is faithfully pre dents by complaining loudly and employment everq where But the cost, in terms of should therefore budgest for renign countries may not be channes of trade, forcing were forced to jive Germany sented. One of the most dra about the slow service in the din else. For as Lancashire cot living standards, would cle a level of imports at least as willing to buy from us as Australians, for instance, to credits which were never re matic shorts of all is that of ing groom.
ton operatives, or South Wa arly be immense. Foreign tra high as it was before the war much as they would like to buy British cars instead of paid at all. formation of Blenheims back Among the Americans there les miners, or Birmingham de has the great and solid ad and seeing that we shall no sell to us. This is unlikely to American cars. But in the But explotation o fthis from a raid flying over the sun is one, Johnny (Douglas Mont steel forgers lost their jobs vantage that it provides for longer pay for any substan happen in foreign countries circumstances envisaged the kind is not inherent in bila lit, sleepy town. Children stop comery) who succeds very quis and had less to spend, local a division of labour between: tial part of those imports too, pursue a policy of full alternative to such an arran teral arrangements. They are playing and watch the aircraft gly in adaptating himself to retailers, publicans, builders, different countries and all out of interest and dividend employment at home. In that gement would not be a simi an instrument of planning pass, blissfully unaware of the the strange conditions. He has transport workers earned ows one and all to enjoy a kecepts from abroad for a case they, like us, will be dar volume of trade different. they can be abused or they fact that only a few young all left his wife and two small chil less and, in turn, spent less. larger real than level of exports above that keen to buy, and we could ly distributed but much less can be used for expansion men stand between them and dren in the United States, is very so the vicious spiral of defla would have been possible wi of pre war years.
all fully realise the advanta trade all round.
and weliare. If Britain is set Hitler. The battle is won. Britain homesick and glad to find syntion spread from the export thout it. The Gold Coast chi What are the difficulties ges of international exchan For if we cannot sell enough not on getting something for prepares herself as a base fol pathy with Miss Todd. He plays industries to the home indus mate is suitable for the grow we are liable to run into? ge. If, on the other han, fo to obtain the foreign exchan nothing, or on getting a great the invasion of Europe. with her baby, reads the verses tries and from one region to Britain is (and has for some One is that if some nanu reign countries should per ge with which to buy what deal more than she gives, Arrival oasiaSobu of the dead father, and shows another. These effects were wing of cocoa; the labour of facturers are assured of a mit their economic system to we would have liked to buy, bilateralism can be used to ARRIVAL OF AMERICANS photographs of his own children. particulary so time been) suitable for the large and expanding hone, suffer from severe fluctua we shall simply have to cut stabilise international trade Then the Americans arrive When the tour of operations much of Britain economic manufacture of concrete mi market as they would be tions in employment, their down our purchases, In that and employment at a high They take over the airfield for is over, Johnny turns down the activity has always centred xing machinery; the chances in a system of bull employ demand for our exports will case the result will be unem level.
their Flying Fortresses An elder offer of a safer job in America on exports: more, in fact are that in these circumstan ment they might be unw also fluctuate and we shall ployment in Australia, sprea Eeven so, it must be recog ly British officer gallantly ta training younger men and is than is the case in auy other ces both countries wild be betilling to engage on the properiodically find it difficult ding from their export to their nised that bilateralism is very kes lessons in baseball, a game eventually killed because he re major country of the word. ter of by exchanging cocoa duction of goods destined for to acquire the means of pay domestic trades. They might much of a second best. It is fused to bale out of his aircraft Here, then, is a source of for concrete mixers than they an uncertain foreign market ment for our imports. be able, after a lot of frictio a devise that should be hela when it was flying over the vi instabily which is not in would be if each tried to pr. That was to some extent the In fact, our own policy of nal unemployment, to LAWRENCE OF set in reserve and used only if llage with a high explosive bomb the power of any Governm duce both cocoa and concrete experience of Germany after full employment will go far their sheepfarmers to work the system of multilateralism BURMA lodged in the bomb hatch. The ent to control directly. Eve mixers, 1935.
to reduce the risk of this hp on road building, but they breaks down for multilateral crew escaped by parachute, but ry Government can directly There is no doubt that Bri The risk of this happening pening. For our great and in would remain short of for a system in which everyWhen the British Army Johnny insisted in bringing the influence the level of dotain standard of living in this country is not very Icreasing demand for imports eign exchange and be forced body can spend the proceeds was staggering out of Burma plane down on to the airfield mestic demand; but none can could never have risen to great; many manufactur will help maintain activity to cut down their own pur of their exports wherever in 1941, pursued by the vie and is killed by the explosion insurence the level of do the extent is has if Britain ers. and whole branches of in the export industries of chases from third countries they like. is clearly prefe torious Japs, Major Hugh on landing.
control the foreign demand had not fostered a large ex industry. have sunk a great other countries. There are Bilateral agrements of this rable if the full advantages of Paul Seagrim buckled on a HUSBAND LAST POEM for is country goods and ser port trade. Nor is there any deal of specialised equipment some countries, such as Aus sort have come to be discre international division of la parachute and dropped be The climax and end of the film is vices.
doubt that the same holds and much effort and goodwill, tralia, Denmark, Finlnad, and dited because, in the past, bour are to be secured Given hind the enemy lines. the effect on Miss Todd of the In theory, this difficulty good for the future. It is true in an export business whits New Zealand, yhose exports they were normally associa full employment in all the He organised guerrillas of news of Johnny death, while could be overcome by red. that a larger proportion of should be capable of secay to Britain accounted for any ted with the exploitation of leading countries, particulary the Karenni tribe. They kill a background voice recites the cing international trade. our foodstuffs can be efficien revival But it cannot be de thing between 15 and 30 per agricultural suppliers. Germa Britain and the there ed 10, 000 Japs.
moving lines of her husband s, exports and imports The major became a legen last poem.
tly grown at home than had nied that there was a tendencent of their national incomes. ny, for instance, undertook to can be no doubt that bilate the point of self sufficiensy been thought possible before ey before the yar for manu. Moreover, since a large pro take the whole of the agricui world trade into uneconomie dary warrior. The furious Ja It is panese brided and threaten to her; both young, airmen and every thing at home instead the war time development ordually now the epitaph of This would mean producing the war It is also true that facturers to change over yra portion of their domestic pro tural surplus of certain Bal channels and seriously impe from catering for duction was in fact consumed kan countries over a long Ide progress.
ed the tribesmen to betray fathers. one English and the of concentrai him.
a limited substitute products may allow reign markets to producmg by the people engaged in exother American range of products and limited us in future to go without for the home market, and porting goos to Britain, very But they never told. It was Fetch out no shroud range of products and ex some of the would deabt much more than 15 to 30 per IN FOND REMEMBRANCE when the Japs in fury began For Johnny in the cloud; raw materials this tendency which we used to to burn villages, kill women And keep your tears to enjoy at the Lion, and gave before the war.
import less be reinforced by post cent of employment in these war full employment. countries was derived from In fond and loving Remembrance of my loving Daughter and children, that Major For him in after years. a splendid Christmas party to One way of over coining British demand. Given a high Hugh gave himself up. He Better by far MRS. AMY WALKER the local children. The English, On the other did so to save the hill pen For Johnny the bright star, demand, hand, the this difficulty would be for and stable British who departed this life in the Republic of Panama on the ple from massacre.
puzzled at first by the free and loss of much of our overseas the state to subsidiese exports there would therefore very To keep your head, easy ways of the fourteenth day of January 1944.
Americans, He was taken to one assets means that we shall or to underwrite the credit likery be a high and stable You are gone Amy, but not forgotten of And see his children fed.
their most notorious concenlearned to appreciate the genuin, have to export more in risks of exporters. If, howe level of employment in the May your soul ever rest in peace with God It is in the unstrained emotio good heartedness of the tration camps and beheade! nal effects of The Way to the ders.
o this se countries as a direct result der to obtain the means of ver, moderate help GOOD NIGHT He had spent 12 years am Stars that it has claims to great Underlying the main emotio payment for any given volu kind should not suffice, the of full employment in Britain.
It is true that our largest You have left to mourn your deep loss ong the Burmese. He would ness. And this is heighened by nal theme of The Way to theme of imports. Morevoer, as State might it self enter the Mother Grand mother. Son. Brothers. Aunts spend his leaves and Other Relatives traveling the verses of Johnny Pudney and Stars there is the certainty that against any cust in our in market as a wholesale buyer suppliers are not, at the same ports due to expanded home and place the goods abroad time, our most important cus across Burma in an old car. the incidental music of Bradsky. time, the exchange of views production and raw materi though export machinery or tomers: But they, in turn, are ALBERTINA SMITH living with the tribes. He The Americans, at first rather and most of all a common purpoals, we have to set the fact its own. This should not be to large excent the customers (Mother)
learned their language. scornful and hurt by the formal and the shared experience of. London Sunday Express. frigidity of the English, forgot war, can finally break down the tailless type of aircraft of the MANX type over the FOREIGN BRIEFS peared as a consequence.
their homesickness in the beer barriers of language, customs The experimental aggre are lower structure weight conventional aeroplane perAMONG THE that the Englishmen taught them and nationality.
Dealing with the prosecu ssion. Before the preparation because there are no cumplimits greater loads to be car tion of the nazi war crimi for the war the nazis violat Great Britain first post cated tail surfaces to be ca ried and with the absence of BAPTISTS PLAN PARA EL SORTEO DEL 20 DE ENERO nals it is said that some of ed all the treaties and em war tailless aircraft, design rried the unrestricted field of a tailplane an dthe consequent Hitler fundamental desi plied other means more sued and built by Handley. fire aft in the case of a mili lowered air resistance much rebirth of the congregations of yore was evidenced DE 1946 reto dominate the world are table to the success of their Page, is now flying. This un tary aeroplane, and in the higher speeds can be attaintgiven as follows: conventional type, embodying case of a civil type, easy ac ed. Such a type offers great objective.
in the city Baptist Church on La emisión consta de 22. 000 billetes divididos en vigésimos, numerados del 1001 al 23000, o 20. 00 cada billete The fight against the Sunday the sixth of the pre The war of aggression: he principle of the fling wing cess for loading both freight possibilities for the installasent month on the occasion y 00 cada vigésimo.
working clas. To strip. The nazi armies invaded han been constructed to prove and passengers through the tion of jet Propulsive units them of power by virtue to Poland when the German this principle for the air rear end of the fuselage. within the wings.
of the annual Harvest FestiVALOR EN PREMIOS: 277. 300. 00 COLONES abolish all Labour Unions.
val celebrations.
High Command is understood transports of the future. The lower structure weight Premio Mayor de. 100. 000. 00 The gratifying scenes The fight against the to have been ready to open The MANX (an apt name Segundo Premio de 20. 000. 00 churches:for a tailless aircraft) accoTo eliminate an energetic action.
downed to the christian fe 10 Premios de 1. 000. 00 cada uno.
10. 000. 00 llowship of the adherents 10. 000. co the influence of the church CONSULTA PRENATAL The conspiracy with modates a pilot and one pass 200. 00 cada uno.
16. 000. 00 the nazis effected a systema Japan. The nazis collabc enger. The aircraft cruises and good friends of the 141 Premios die Church 14. 100. 00 tic campaign against all sec rated with Japan because at 150 and its ceiling Se avisa al público que se ha abierto una CONSULTA 10 Aproximaciones, al Premio Mayor (5 anteriores tions of Christianity.
they saw in them of similar is about 15. 000 ft.
PRENATAL en la The weather condition was y posteriores) de 500. 00 cada una. 000. 00 The main advantages The crimes against the mentality ana purpose.
of ideal; a blessing which dame 10 Aproximaciones al Segundo Premio (5 anterionature had so graciously bes res y posteriores de 150. 00 cada una. 500. 00 Jews. The nazis having UNIDAD SANITARIA DE LIMON For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele made fanatic judgment to towed apparently as her con 21 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Pri.
mer, de 200. 00 cada una.
ribution to the sacred occa 200. 00 annihilate the Jewish people, The People Tailor QUE SERA ATENDIDA GRATUITAMENTE POR EL 198 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del Pri. The terrorism and pre sion mer Premio, de 100 cada una.
19. 800. 00 The Harvest sermons Doctor Telémaco Espinach peration for the war. Those by 1980 Terminaciones a la última cifra del Primer, de the Reverend Wm. Ford, the 40. 00 cada una 79. 200 in opposition to the y por la Obstétrica Srta. Hilda Allen Pastor of the denomination regime suffered torture 2472 PREMIOS at the eleven o clock VALOR 277. 300 the concentration camps and fore DOCTOR LOS LUNES, MIERCOLES VIERNES moon and evening services of the youngsters enhanced ad by this torture many famiDe a de la mañana were mellowed with the fun miration and impressiveness.
WEDDING lies suffered the loss of some demental principles of Har The Pastor presided ver the of their miembers who disap ANNIVERSARIES OOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000000 sest Thanksgiving. The spi programmer seasoning it with ritual food derivable there his remarks of thankulness wedding anniversaries, GROCERY AND CANTINA BATAAN The first anniversary from was serviceable as man to the congregation, the par our good friends Mr.
anil In the spirit of the highest Maternity. Physcian and Surgeon (Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON na to the hungry soul.
Increasing grandeur of the eral tasteful comments ticipants as well as his gen. Mrs. Joseph Owens appear congratulations and heartiest It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks on ed on the calendar of time good wishes we mention the friends why our UNIVERSITY OF BRUSELS of BATAAN. THIS CITY celebration was seen at the several of the entertaining on December the 24th.
first marriage anniversary COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen three o clock afternoon Har items.
rently passed; being the com of our esteemed citizens. Mr.
Vest Programme. an enter Office of Consultation, Residence of our establishment as their meeting center: memorative date on which Trino Rojas and Mrs. Josefina Lainment given by the choi The offerings on a whole they were united in holy Steele de Rojas whose briristors and the Young People were rather noteworthy and wedlock life in the city Bap liant marriage reception was Doña Juanita de Esna THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR CROCERY COUNTER: associated with the Church. represented the good will oftist Church and climaxed observed in our city CITY OF LIMON Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are The presenting of the gifts in the givers. These comprised with a presentable reception January the 3rd 1945. Mar THE BEST rather fashionable and well the talents of the fancy arts ste donumenges repredad de la Bibliojera. Nacional Miguel Obreánudzang ipistema KQUOR de Padlęca3 leidisko adrechta Eveltud, Costa Rta.
Corbetta: re 500. 00 cada uno.
20 Premios de 80 Premios de 100. 00 cada uno.
nazi in TELEMACO ESPINACH of re on Daily


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