p. 6


Notice Caribbean Packing Co.
a OITO an ATLANTic. vulLE Page Saturday, 12th January 1940 SALVATION ARMY NOTES FRO: ENGLAND Quite an alarm was souna proach was effected and the FOUND DEAD IN HIS HOUSE NEW HARLEM CANTINA Tasmania gave GeneraiLord Mayor presiding. Twen ed last Saturday morning in discovery was and Mrs. Carpenter a cordialty five Sweedish Officers on the neighbourhood of Piuta, the proper authorities.
AND RESTAURANT welcome after a flight from relief work in Northern Nor one of the villages of Limon The very untortunate A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE Melbourne. At Launceston way serving thousands of red when Geo. Smith was man is said to have migrated OFFERS: To Members of Cacao Cooperation civic reception by Major Al ple daily it Fifteen degrees found dead in his room. We from the parish of St. Eli Tie Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons. Mixta)
derman Clark and dinner below zero and Officer nu ather that he lives a lones zabeth in the island of Ja with Five Thousand League ses attending four thousandome life and it was observed maica. He was a citizen of NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN Our Prices for the following Products ar. Members preceeded by patients at one centre where that doors of the house had long years and had gained a AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones march, part of Salvationists Church in turn beame meet mained closed for a later very high percentage of es welcome to Citidal where ing place, dispensary, dinir period than customary: this teem and respect from all COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones Drink Slave was one of the hall and dormitory, Thous lifted suspicion: then an ap walks of life.
NEGRO GOVERNOR APPOINTED FOR THE COCOANUTS, per hundred. 28. 00 Colories many seekers of Salvation ands of Finnie refugees are Rotary Club and civic authcong cared for in Sweden. VIRGIN ISLANDS HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones rities with Lord Mayo Moving messages by Far THERE WILL BE NO SHORTAGE OF SUGAR President Truman has re. We must not forget that Soundy, united with Churel East repatriated reinforced give All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense Leadei to welcome the In the Chief of Staff appeal We learn that the Agricu: fear that we will be confron cently appointed Judge wi all the people must of the Cacao Co operation ternational Leader to Hobart when he and Mrs. Baugh con tural Defence Committee, ted with ary shortage of this lliam Henry Hastie, Negro equitable treatment to the The General called for new ducted Victory Through according to the study on the needful article during 1946 Dean of Howard University Negro. We must give equal RAUL VELAZQUEZ approach in new world pro Christ Crusade weekend national consumption of su but the system of rationing for the high office of Gov justice; equal opportunities blems stressing that the at Luton.
car and the increase in pro as a safe guard will continue ernor of the Virgin Islands for various reasons, the most that to succeed Governor Charles elemental of these are only sure way is by New duction there is no need to in effect.
he is human and a citizen o ro Heart.
This is in line with the the United States by birth.
MOTHER AND CHILD HACKED WITH broadcast and review of Constitutional requirement We should not forget that forees followed by final cam to secure the ratification of if we sink the negro in his MACHETE paign in Town Hall with the the Senate.
hope and do not provide the From one of the districts Señora Morales de Romero This appointment recalls to means for his welfare, as well of the province of Alajuela and her four year old child memory, Mr. Harry Tru as to live decent and other comes the report that a bati The terrible case is said man discourse on racial pro necessities of life, the law of THE LUBIN BARAHO CACAO blems when as Senator in compensation will enter in ve woman bearing the name to have originated from of Julia Monge has with a quarrel between the two Chicago on July 14, 1940. vigour and the whites will NA ORCHESTRA sink also with the negro.
machete seriously wounded neighbours when Julia Mon The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao ge is stated to have become If the whites want to better Information has reached us their own condition, they enraged and cruelly naked SODA WATER RAICILLA. IPECACUANA Mrs. Romero. Then, accord that our very good friends attention HAPPY BIRTHDAY should lend more FACTORY to the facilities of education ing to the information the of the Lubin Barahona child effected to cry, ir January the 9th of each for the negro.
RUBBER se chestra left San Jose on the Fábrica de Hielo year ise held dearly by our eing the state of her motheur 9th to fulfil a contract of very dear friend Mrs. Hilda HTTLE y Refrescos when the Monge wonian tld two months in conjunction Lewis of the Jamaica Town the infaat to Shut up and with the approaching carna We are Agents lor Settlement; being that date Agencia Cerveceria VERY GOOD NEWS without further ado the vals in the big and beautiful THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT on which she first saw the Traube child was made a victim. The city, Barranquilla.
light of day, and true to her cries of mother and daugh The musicians are listed to OFFICES: LEMON. SAN JOSE With all the deserving joy characteristic cordial and LIMON ter soon brought merciful play in such places as the winsome character the che breast o fone who breathes that should be poured out the COSTA RICA persons who rushed wounded Country Club the Club Rio ers and presence of her lov freely from a clean and con to the San Juan de Dios Hos Mar. Club Unión the ed ones as well as well wish pital in the Capital. Making Hotel El Prado and the Ra FLORIDA ICE AND her escape by MR. CLAUDE HENRY INSTALLED IN HIGH FRATERNAL OFFICE trite heart, we are passing ers are always assured means of a dio Atlantica.
along the very good news have other officers representing grace the family residence that Field Cadet. Miss DoThe very impressive cere. which he is said to cariion, we learn th the at The ATLANTIC VOICE mony of Installation was evi carried out with market ef the Grand Council.
to pay tribute to her on the tacker was appreher. de: anl wishes the players every su rothy Ricketts who has been FARM CO.
denced in the Hall of theficiency and commendation.
hela in custody Lo Keeping with established commemorative event.
undertaking answer ccess in their irr rer dastardly 10 Seemingly this year anais recently sent to Jamaica by What and a safe return to New Hope Lodge of the An Mr. Claude Henry was the requirements the new deputy their Major Thos. and Mrs cient Order of Shepherds, recipient of the high honour appointed Miss Martha Niversary celebration was navi Lynch and Comrades of the Fábrica de Hielo crueary?
native land.
Ashton Unity on the night as the Supreme Deputy of cholson as Supreme Council gated over much hither Salvation Army. aided by of Wednesday, December 12. the Order for the domain of Associate; office in waves than many of the pre her father, Mr. Ricketts.
Costa Rica which she was inducted. vious ones, this no doubt AL COMERC10 PUBLICO EN GENERAL Showering eulogies and was due to the congenial atlet Brown (nurse) as well as her foster mother, Miss Vio The special occasion bro In the performance of the congratulations were given mospheric condition which ught together the members ceremony, Mr. Moore a warm hearted public; ac was under the prescribed item on enthused the city guests to cording to a right. at Por este medio aviso al comercio y público en general que no me of the five Lodges associa ably supported by Mrs. Jane the agenda as well as at the attend and helped to make hand report, Miss Rickotts in responsabilizo de ninguna clase de deudas o cualquiera otra cuen ted with the British Indepen Poyser who possesses the banqueting table.
four dent Order of Good Samari rank of Past Supreme Coun common with twenty ta que mi esposa señora Beatrice Farquherson de esta ciudad que The ATLANTIC VOICE rather enjoyable even other students sat for exella contraiga.
tans and Daughters of Sama cil Associate and on the re welcomes the new Supreme ing. one embedded with amination at the Kingston ria. These are: The Light Orquest of the Installing Master Deputy and wishes him a the social agree Training School of the SalLimon, number reventeen. she performed the duties very bright career and a sucable to Mis Lewis distinctivation Army and from the This wlil serve to notify the commercial business houses and the Britannia, number eighteen as Grand Escort and with cessful Administration, ve standard of living inter findings of the Examiners public in general that due to reverse marriage life am not re. King Solomon, number esting discourses were given; she is said to have earned nineteen. Mount Purity, sponsible for any debt or any other accounts that may be contracthese were punctuated with second honours; the set sub number forty nine and Rose ted by my wife, Mrs. Beatrice Far quharson of this city: ALLER MECANICO very rich of Paradise, number fifty veberages andjects being Seven; she won toothsome delicacies. the maximum marks in four; MACHINE SHOP JOSIAH FARQUHARSON failures being ten points in Mr. Moore was spe Augumenting the fertilizaFIFTH AVENUE BUILDING N9 89 tion for the social garden ap eral Knowledge and twenty Grammar: ten points in Gencially deputed by the Supre Conducts general Repairs, First class workmanshop guaran Limón January 1, 1945.
me Council of Jamaica to teed. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springs and other propriate music was supplied five in Scripture.
Household things.
by Messrs. Vincent preside over the Installation Hall (Blue) Gerald Watson. Mar In addition to the pursuarice Session; commission PRICES MODERATE cus Cuza and Stanfodr Doo of her studies we learn that TWENTY EIGHT MILES STRIVE AHEAD son. The sense of hearing Miss Dorothy is assigned to DO YOUR SHOPPING AT THOMPSON, Proprietor.
was gladdened, but the feet other duties to which she The residents of this very remained at stand still.
Though the is qualified and with very good pictures que and progressive medium of one of our ustecm We, too, very appreciate plified satisfaction.
should make every possible ably shared the hospitality of The ATLANTIC VOICE district of 28 Miles are laden ed residents the combmaWITH effort to take in this portra Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.
desires for her continued ad with pride for the new mu ta string and wind band yal: much to gain and neth sical band which is a sted to had its initial public apieari THE METHODISTS This Weekly wishes the vancement educationaly and DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIEs, Etc.
ing to regret our communal life.
st. ee on the nign of Decem honouree many more uppy spiritually under the banner NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO The cast of characters birthdays ber the 25th and the pla of the Salvation Army.
the sensational drams. St.
yers earned disciactive praiPLEASE YOU Elizabeth of Thoringia se. They are Messrs. ZedeJACK ORANE, SUCS. which was twice shown in kiah McKloud. Teaphilos JOSE ACHIONG NG.
the city Church and has left Sherriff. Alfy Nicholson LIMON yearning for its presentation Rupert Reid and Joseph Por again have now concludes COMERCIANTE ter.
plans to take the joys to the DETALLISTA They have placed themselves ENGLISH WIVES FOR AMERICA people of the Siquieres in line to furnish their melo township and vicinty. The Licores. Abarrotes. Cris.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR dies upon proper arrange programme will be ohuerved.
talería Materiales de ments in any part of the Re The presence of the North by the ship Argentina of on Tuesday night the 29th Ferretería JY Eléctricos. public. Three cheers for our American troops in England the Ward Steamship Lines. instant.
Todo se encuentra en este band.
during the preparatory days larger group is slated to Methodists and friends as.
Establecimiento CORRESPONDENT for the invasion of Hitler leave at a later date. well as the general public Europe had seemingly paved the way for many marriages HOTEL CALIFORNIA among the American soldiers the patient is in a drowsy state, known medically as a and English women.
Wounded and battle shock suggestibility state.
Avenida Central. Facing Botica Primavera And The termination of the wared soldiers are being hypnothen a psychiatrist talks to 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station automatically re establishes tized back to health in Bri him, suggests that soon he a greatnumber of the Ameri tain military and emergen will be able to see again, hear San Jose can troops in their country cy hospitals.
of Conveniently situated Confortable Rooms Hot again, or have the use while their wives remained Men who were blind can and Cold Water Baths. Eycellent Sanitary Service in England.
see again, men who were bis Mmbs. Homelike environment. New furniture and We now learn that the dumb have speech restored, An eminent psychiatrist.
equipment. Varied and wholessome Food. first exodus of 720 wives men whose longs were para who has treated hundrdes of Respectability and Courtesy.
will sail from England on the lyzed by acute nervous dis soldiers by hypno analysis Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests 20th of the present month order are fighting fit. says results have been exce.
Reasonable Prices to join their husbands in: drug of the barbiturate llent.
SYDNEY COX Manager the United States of Ameri type is injected into the bloca. They are to be conveyed odstream. In a few seconds London Daily Mail Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
past time one.
exem The People House Limón Trading Company HYPNOTIC CURE Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices


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