
ATLANTIC VOICE caves ON En este Tecor Ano nos unimos con un solo WAS JI friends during trun and CAINING MORE LIGHTTHE BRITISH FILMS We are gaining and more The most recent release is submarine in an elliptic man FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR ligth about the many secret the destroying submarine ner, penetrate into the water Once again we shared the goodness of the weaponds which were emple weapon bearing the name of and effect no explosion until San Jose British Legation through the manageyed by the British during the Heriz. and is reported that they have established contact Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 days of the universal struggle with its operation approxima with the hull of the under wa ment of our highly esteemed Mr. Bruce, YEAR XI Limon, 26th. January, 1946 499 tely 300 nazi submarine were ter craft. The discovery of the Press Office in the presentation of British Osent down to the oozy ocean this weapon was effected by limpic New. War Film and other features in the ON THE VERGE OF DELICATE SHORTAGE OF WORKERS IN FRANCE British Experts and was used local Moderno Theatre at the four o clock afterThis weapon as we glean for the firts time in 1942 on CACAO TRADE WITH COLOMBIA foreign bulletin releases been taken up with the Ital is an apparatus which dis board the escort naval ves noon hour, dedicated to the children and at ninoy o clock at nigth to adults, on Monday of the week The Colombian Consul in nature and on whish the ce the information that there is ian Government to secure charges 24 cohetes at a time sels which accompanied the These cohetes fall over the convoys in the Atlantic in course. These were given freely.
this city has called then at cao beans are spread for the a shortage of agricultural several thousand Italian From the production on a whole we extract tention of Representative of drying puopose. We shall and mine workers in France workmen for France.
and that negotiations have It is said that 1, 500 labourthree principal phrases. the Grandeur. the Great the Agricultural Departa bave to comply.
ers from the French Morocco IN MEMORIAM ness and the Patriotism of a nation.
ment and placed in his know have already arrived in Fran ledge the contens of a com On the background of the Grandeur we wit NOTICIA ce for employment as colIn loving memory of our dearly beloved nication received from the liers.
Mother Aunt Grandmother and Relative nessed the many stately features which are emb Colombian Minister of Fore It is not surprising to learn ign Relations in reference to eded in the career of Their Majesties. the King JUANA MATA Decretado el divorcio de John Rogers of the great reduction of and Queen. Their two beautiful daughters. Their had the nmportation of Cacao in French workers when giving who left us three years ago, but she will Royal Higness the princesses Elizabeth and Mar spin that Republie.
Wright y Rowena da Costa Biene por consideration to the past always live in our hearts so long as it In substance we learn that garet. The demonstrated loyalty and love of the cu ruthless assasinations; murcontracts.
strong objetions has been nation to the Royal Family enshrined the heart 15 300 fallo del Juzgado Civil de Limón de las siete raised to the practiced sysders by Hitler and his hench EN CONMEMORACION ofthe observer. The ties of the Britishels to their DI men as well as the wholesale tem spreading cacao DE Sovereigns is obviously sacred, whether in peace the streets and sidewalks for horas del ocho le Enero corriente; juicio initransfer of millions of France farm workers to the 3rd JUANA MATA time or wartime.
je hte puruse of drying witt ciado por el primero; disuelta esa unión se nazi Reich; there, they were out sanitary protective meas Her Royal Higness, the Princess Elizabeth, hei ship assigned as slaves; ill treat ures, thus subjecting the pro ress to the throne was presented in all splendour wen PENSAMIENTO ordenó cancelar e nel Registro Civil la partiducts to germs and other ed, tortured, starved and reas well as in many preparative stages, fitting her duced lower than dumb drive Que Dios Todo Poderoso La Conserve en unhealthy microbes taken for the great responsibilities which lies ahead the bul en cattle. This gives rise to da respectiva; que ella no tiene derecho a from the ground su Seno should cruel destiny so decides.
the thought that the prosec Luisa de Coward. Ema Mata We have seen illustrative Josefina ution for France at the exist Then we turn to the Greatness of a nation cam agricultural literature show pensión por ser culpable; no hay condenatode Rodriguez y familias, etc.
ing Military Court against in the fierce struggle of 1939. 1945. It is unques His ing the laying of canvas or cia en costas.
nazi war criminals should be other materials of a sanitary tionably the greatest and the most trying faith kille strong and resolute The build that which the German AN IMPORTANT NOTICE of any people judging from the things which died groans of ill fated France hordes have destroyed, but of We are voluntarily using ONWARD TO FINAL VICTORY were screened. These scenes were accompanied bis Fran should be loud and penetrat course, under full human this means to advise all foor preceded by the determined discourses of The above is the caption of gled fearlessly with all the commencement of the war.
edo ing. The picture should be treatment.
reigners who are under the Lord Winston Churchill the then British Prime Mi a recently circulated litera strength of his Majestiy and having then the command nf reversed and nazi workers alien Residential Cedula rethe fure ciling to memory the every place of military activ the British submarines, then be sent to France and requirements that the yearly nister at almost every stage of the life and death it, a great contest of 1939 1945 ities visited hospitals cheer follows the picture of AdmiRenovation is to be effected conflict, including the time Hitler Struck until of and expressing Great Brit ing the sick and woundedral Sir Bruce Fraser, Comwithin the months of Janua Germany hoisted the White Flag.
life bin thanks to all its good had their full and thriling ex mander in Chief of the Home ry and March. At the close NEW HARLEM CANTINA The ilustrated films presented the British an the He most periences in the days and Fleet and who was named in of this first quarter any per and American material contributions to the Sodarkest days of the fight.
nights of the nazi blitzkrieg. September 1944 as Comandson who has not complied he viet Union from the nazi aggression in June 1941.
On the inside of the book generally known as The Ba er in Chief of the Pacific AND RESTAURANT will be subject to a fine let the eye is first greeted ttle of Britain.
Fleet. Here we pause to pay according to the disposition We saw the people of Great Britain and the Bri with the photograph of His Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE of the Law tish Commonwealth of Nations, toiling and sa ing Following the portrati of special tribute to Sir Francis OFFERS: Majesty King George VI His Majesty is that of Lord Drake, the pioneer of English It is strictly necessary to turating in perspiration, day and nigth. on the in The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
whose crown and Empire Winston Churchill, the indo Admirals; a sailor who has present your Cedulas at the farms in ammunition factories and in every kind were threatened by the fas mitable ex Prime Ministre. left to the posterity of his NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN office of the Police head of war industry in order to keep not only their with cist nazi combined with the the gallant knight who not nation his valueable deeds.
quarters at pour locations land own armed forces but to keep Russia supplied: attack on Poland on Septem only championed the cause He was born at Devon, Eng.
respectively ber 1939.
more than the production of the goods, the BriSet of his great nation, but he land The son of Edmonil Here a new history began had an experience that was Drake. At Francis youthful NOTICIA NOTICIAtish delivered them by air. land sed; distance fresh the for the Sovereigns of Eng unknown to any of his pre age of fourteen he was ap which were strung with death and danger.
The scenes associated with the war in the land; a history that has decessors. He not only mait prenticed on a small coast ing to earlier parallel and we tained that the nazis woulting vessel plying round the Pacific and the Far East moistened the eyes and mone doubt if there will be a fu not invade the British Isles Kentish across shook the sympathetic heart when witnessing the ture equal. The world was but he in turn invaded Hit Northern France and the Low hardships. the sufferings. the pelvations. se ralis given to know the bulldog ler Europe and took Ger. Countries. His good humour eing Australians and others of the British Coman en tenaeity. the bravery, the many.
is said to have won the heart mon Wealth wading through jungles. pestilenc Spani courage. soldiery and the We observe next the pho of the captain of the vessel Me dar strength of His Majestiy and tograph of Admiral Sir Max who six years prior to his Avisa a todos sus miembros que el sábado 26 de Enero de 1946 marsh and swamps, waist deep: crossing rivers and his equally daring and adven Horton, who directed the death had trained the young tendrá la reunión la Directiva y que el domingo 27 de Enero de lagoons with water reaching above their waist Celeb urous Queen. They hay min battle of the Atlantic at the seaman and left the barque 1946 tendrá verificativo la Asamblea General en el Salón del Uniscaling high mountain cliffs, all for the univers the for him on his death.
of civilization and human liberties. Many of the the fire For the time Francis carON VISIT ABROAD versal Negro Improvement Associacion (BLACK STAR LINE) en soldiers are said to had been veterans of man cumina ried on the coasting trade, but the lure of the adventure esta ciudad battle fronts. No diadem or crown is sufficient hart en ers the made him join his Hawkins compensative for the soldiery and gallantry ships cousins in their attempt to these men. God bless them.
snatch from the Spaniards Behind these sacrifices the fundamenta thousan the trade with the West, Inrests with genuine Patriotism. The sentiment The dies. Spain, at that time NOTICEPatriotism one of the most beautiful of all the was the wealthy and powerful with feelings which dignifies one common sense an Wave vast dominions in this hems phere, English seamen, there The Board of Directors and Members of the Cacao Co operativa nature. It is obtainable in some degree in ever queen and she fore, were up and doing to land; forevery land is Motherlad and Fatherlar rival and cripple the might are hereby summoned to attend the Board of Directors Meeting to those who first saw the light of day in svd Franels of Spain on Saturday night the 26th instant and also to attend the yearly land and the people of Britain ever render the ralo Gral Meeting on Sunday morning the 27th instant in the Hall of country a sacred spot.
On September 22, 1568, But love of country is naturally strongest wH John Hawlins while shelter the Universal Negro Improvement Association in this city, re freedom. justice and honour most prevail an ing from the Caribbean when to these are added the brilliancy of a gred April stormed in the harbour of San Juan de Ulua, lost hali history carved out by heroes and heroines, of his men in what was held ennobling sanctities of religious, and the elemes Vincent It is great honour. The trip will extend to Ha as the basest Spanish treaof rare natural beauty, we are not surprised the forts are beautify these columns with vana, Cuba.
chery. Drake managed to the photographs of these two Patriotism becomes not merely a sentiment by se kur RAUL VELASQUEZ The Atlantic Voice desires escape in the JUDITH and distinguished personages, Mr. for them the greatest com took the news to England, a passion and that Englishmen and their bret apturing and Mrs. Warren Mory of fort and happiness througly telling in person (he story GENERAL MANAGER; ren from over the seas are ready to suffer, an the San Jose headquarters lout the itinerary and a safe to the Council. That was the if need be to die for King and country. The ed of the International Corres, return to this Republic. turning point in his career.
sual observer cannot fathom the pathos and th pondence Schools From that time he resolved LIMON ENERO 14, 1946: privilege of English birth, with a honour, prid They took serial flight from LATE DESPATCH on independent action He the San José airport a week and love that it includes.
Cont on page ago to effect a tour of ins Note: late despatch advi In closing this tribute we quote the lines of Miro pection their domain ses that the First Judge of text, that althapgh the rebroken the contract het beau, a Frenchman: REOPENING OF THE AUTHORIZED which includes the othe the Supreme Labour Court claration of the Strike is ille ween the workers and the England ie lost Great God what terribi central American Latin Rep has handed down his jug gal, he has annuled the pro Northern Railway Company ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOLS: news: ublics also British Honduros, ment in the interpretation nouncement that same has In what latitude is she lost? What earthqueak It has been announced that slated to commence the 1946 the officially recognized En school year on Monday the what convulsions.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back glish language Schools which 28th instant of nature has swallowed up that famous isle de los primeros 10 dias de cada unes or receipt which reads: are functioning in this city: Former scholars as well as that inexhaustible home namely; Alpha Cottage Excel new ones are assured hearts This bill must be paid at our office before Of splendid models, that classic land of the the 10th of the month sior, operating in the Hall of greetings by the Directors stenota ona friends of liberty the Universal Negro Impr and Directresses, respectively De so good as to comply with the request and do tot vement Association the sa Due to unavoidable cican cred Heart of the Fomen Catances, Mrs. Jessie Tight of ON AGRICULTURAL STUDY Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la cota al dorso chlige es to suspend our service, step which de su recibo que dice: wo would much regret to take tholic Farish. The Progrethe Methodist School who is This Weekly learns that sugar cane and tobacco pind THE ssive, in the Kingdom Hall also on the autorized list will a member of the national possibly the modern manuSalvation Army the St. not reopen until the following Agricultural Department facturing method of cigar Este documento es propiedad de la Bibliotoka Hadion Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura. se Huventud, Costa Rizni be sent to Cuba to effectiettes of the St. Mary Parish are studies on the cultivation of the coast and LA COOPERATIVA DEL CACAO MIXTA; Ic LAS DIEZ DE LA MAÑANAil bro mander seek to invasion ing the sank an COMMENCING AT 10 OCLOCK Spanish with it COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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